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Notes for “What is Language” Chapter One of Fromkin Rodman & Hymas.

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1 Notes for “What is Language” Chapter One of Fromkin Rodman & Hymas

2 Main Points n Knowledge of a language –largely unconscious (sounds, morphemes, syntax, meanings) n Arbitrary relationship between form and meaning n Onomatopoeic –Sounds of the word that supposedly imitate the sounds of nature n Creative aspect of language (especially syntax) n Grammar –In linguistics this refers not to the rules learned in school. It refers to the unconscious rules that speakers of a language “know” n Descriptive grammar (rules) –this is the grammar linguistics deals with…it describes our linguistic competence n Prescriptive grammar (rules) –a model of grammar that tells how we “should” speak n Language as dynamic and constantly changing n Standard language and Prestige Dialect

3 Other Points n Linguistic competence vs. performance n Language universals and Universal Grammar n ASL –supports notion that language is inherent (p. 19) –ASL comes from Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet –not signed English –signing to sleep and dreaming in ASL n Animal language –What can animals not do with language? n Language and Thought –quote on page 25 from Orwell –determines our perception?? –politics and the PC movement (p. 28)


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