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Information System for Air Quality Management: End-to-End System Architecture November 2001.

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1 Information System for Air Quality Management: End-to-End System Architecture November 2001


3 Minimal (Voyager) Star Schema

4 Snowflake and Star Schema Fact Table: A fact table is a table that contains the measures of interest. For example, sales amount would be such a measure. This measure is stored in the fact table with the appropriate granularity. For example, it can be sales amount by store by day. In this case, the fact table would contain three columns: A date column, a store column, and a sales amount column.Fact Table Snowflake Schema is a set of tables comprised of a single, central fact table surrounded by normalized dimension hierarchies. Each dimension level is represented in a table. Snowflake schema implement dimensional data structures with fully normalized dimensions. Star schema are an alternative to snowflake schema. Snowflake Schema: The snowflake schema is an extension of the star schema where each point of the star explodes into more points. The main advantage of the snowflake schema is the improvement in query performance due to minimized disk storage requirements and joining smaller lookup tables. The main disadvantage of the snowflake schema is the additional maintenance efforts needed due to the increase number of lookup tables.Snowflake Schema: Star Schema is a set of tables comprised of a single, central fact table surrounded by de-normalized dimensions. Each dimension is represented in a single table. Star schema implement dimensional data structures with de- normalized dimensions. Snowflake schema are an alternative to star schema. A relational database schema for representing multidimensional data. The data is stored in a central fact table, with one or more tables holding information on each dimension. Dimensions have levels, and all levels are usually shown as columns in each dimension table. Star Schema: In the star schema design, a single object (the fact table) sits in the middle and is radially connected to other surrounding objects (dimension lookup tables) like a star. A star schema can be simple or complex. A simple star consists of one fact table; a complex star can have more than one fact tableStar Schema Federated Star Schema: In federated star schema, instead of having the fact table in the middle, a chosen dimension sits in the middle. Then all the fact tables related to this particular dimension radiate from it. Finally, all the other dimensions that are related to each of the fact tables complete the loop. This type of schema is best used when one wants to focus the analysis on that one particular schema. Because all the fact tables are connected to one central dimension, this is an excellent way of performing cross-fact analysis. The construct also allows much better segmentation and profiling of the one dimension of interest. An example of the product that uses this type of schema is MetaEdge's C-Insight.Federated Star SchemaMetaEdge's C-Insight Part of the data modeling exercise is often the identification of data sources. Sometimes this step is deferred until the ETL step. However, my feeling is that it is better to find out where the data exists, or, better yet, whether they even exist anywhere in the enterprise at all. Should the data not be available, this is a good time to raise the alarm. If this was delayed until the ETL phase, rectifying it will becoming a much tougher and more complex process. Star Schema Database A database schema used in some RDBMS based OLAP servers in which all values of measures are stored in a "fact table" along with simple numeric keys representing the dimension members with which the values are associated. The descriptive member names that are associated with each numeric key in the fact table are stored in denormalized dimension tables, one per dimension of the hypercube. The dimension tables also describe the hierarchical relationships in each dimension. See: RDBMS Based OLAP Server, Snowflake Schema DatabaseStar Schema Snowflake Schema Database A variation of the star schema database in which the dimension tables are normalized. This will improve performance in cases where a star schema dimension table would so large that unreasonable amounts of disk storage would be required and query performance would be degraded See: RDBMS Based OLAP Server, Star Schema DatabaseSnowflake Schema

5 PORTALS A portal provides users with personalized, one-stop shopping for structured and unstructured data, as well as various types of applications, all of which may exist either inside or outside the corporation. However, data warehousing teams need to be especially careful when selecting portal software. Portal products that warrant attention will be based on open standards of data communication like XML and provide an extensible platform that can accommodate a range of technologies. Portal vendors that also market ETL tools designed to maintain the data warehouse will be especially well positioned to provide enterprise data integration. Ascential Software is such a vendor.

6 Database-DataWarehouse Differences Data Acquisition Databases Acronyms: OLTP - On Line Transaction Processing Examples: - Order entry system; - Look up your checking account when you go to an ATM to request a withdraw Features: - Designed for very rapid selects and inserts of simple transactions - Simple transaction that needs to be executed with speed. - DBMS designed for OLTP (Oracle) do not do the best job at data querying. - Several databases are designed to query and manage data - Stores transactional data of an enterprise - A database is nothing more, or less, than a technology for managing data files. - OLTP Transactional data focusing particular operations or department - Current data only, no historical data - For OLTP systems that means small tables (row size), probably some specific indexes related to transactional processing, and a high degree of normalization - A Database is normalized and contain several constraints to minimize input errors. - Contains only fine-grain data, no coarse grain aggregations - The database is the underlying infrastructure of a data warehouse (DW) Data Analysis Databases Features: designed for massive ad- hoc queries of large data volumes not to process transactions. Stores historical data of an enterprise Datawarehouse is a centralized storage facility Used for reporting purposes; helps management making critical decisions For analysis of patterns, derived after analyzing data aggregations datawarehouse does not contain all records/info, only summarized info data gathered from a variety of sources and retained for extend periods Integrated data formatted for easy access for queries and reports- trend analysis May contain all relevant detail transaction info for tracebility and drill down of summaries. There is need for good, clean, transactional data in the warehouse The summaries and aggregations are also in Larger tables, more indexes to facilitate queries, and many tables are denormalized to varying degrees Implemented using a database engine, RDBMS or OLAP tools The schema is not normalized as in operational database. The data are arranged in dimensions like Time, Geographic Region, Product, Customer class, promotion etc. The user doesn't need to know SQL or other language to access the database. A data warehouse does not normally accept user inputs and is read only. Contains fine-grain as well as coarse grain aggregate data Summaries inside the relational warehouse could be a simple star schema If you use a microstrategy to provide information, you will need a snow flake schema. If you use a hyperion solution, you must have this summarized area in star schema.

7 Data Warehousing Trends During the 1990s, distributed computing became the predominant architecture; most hardware and software companies focused their research and development efforts on developing new and enhanced products that were compatible with this new technology. Specific to data warehousing, we saw tremendous progress relative to both the functionality and scalability associated with products in extract/transform/load (ETL), data repositories/databases, OLAP, data mining and other associated decision- support technologies. In the past few years, we have seen the rise of the Internet. The Internet's impact on data warehousing will be tremendous in terms of enabling more individuals to access and gain value from existing warehouses ­ beginning with intranets and, more recently, making the information available to trading partners via extranets. At the same time, the Internet provides valuable information about customers, suppliers and competitors that was not readily available from traditional sources.

8 A Retrospective look at Data Warehousing In the late 1980s and early 1990s, something had to be done to address the growing level of discomfort with legacy applications. Thus, the concept of the data warehouse was born. The data warehouse was a database that stored detailed, integrated, current and historical data. The data warehouse was built from the detailed transaction data that was generated by and aggregated in the legacy applications. One of the major tasks of the data warehouse developer was going back into the legacy systems environment to find, convert and reformat legacy data. The task of integrating legacy data that was never designed for integration was daunting and dirty. Yet, this task was one of the cornerstones of the success of data warehousing. In the early days of data warehousing, there were no tools for integrating and converting data. The work had to be done by hand; and it was thankless, toilsome work. Soon, a subindustry evolved called the integration/transformation (i/t) or the extract, transform and load (ETL) industry. Software products were created that allowed the legacy environments to be integrated in an automated manner. There were two types of ETL tools ­ code generators that could handle any conversion scenario and run-time generators that were easy to use but allowed for only limited complexity in integration.

9 OpenGIS Web Services Mission: Definition and specification of geospatial web services. A Web service is an application that can be published, located, and dynamically invoked across the Web. Applications and other Web services can discover and invoke the service. The sponsors of the Web services initiative include –Federal Geographic Data Committee –Natural Resources Canada –Lockheed Martin –National Aeronautics and Space Administration –U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center –U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EMPACT Program –U.S. Geological Survey –US National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Phase I - February 2002 –Common Architecture: OGC Services Model, OGC Registry Services, and Sensor Model Language. –Web Mapping: Map Server- raster, Feature Server-vector, Coverage Server-image, Coverage Portrayal Services. –Sensor Web: OpenGIS Sensor Collection Service for accessing data from a variety of land, water, air and other sensors.

10 Driving Forces of Data Flow Need a ‘force’ to move data from one-shot to reusable form External force – contracts Internal – humanitarian, benefits

11 Resistances (it takes extra effort to recycle information) Mechanical Personal Institutional

12 Monitoring

13 The Data Flow Process: From Raw Data to Refined Knowledge Primary data are gathered from providers of sensory data Data are integrated, filtered, aggregated and fused into secondary data, figures, tables Report describes pollutant pattern and possibly causality

14 The Researcher/Analyst’s Challenge “The researcher cannot get access to the data; if he can, he cannot read them; if he can read them, he does not know how good they are; and if he finds them good he cannot merge them with other data.” Information Technology and the Conduct of Research: The Users View National Academy Press, 1989

15 Data Flow Resistances These resistances can be overcome through a distributed system that catalogs and standardizes the data allowing easy access for data manipulation and analysis. The user does not know what data are available The available data are poorly described (metadata) There is a lack of QA/QC information Incompatible data can not be combined and fused The data flow process is hampered by a number of resistances.

16 NARSTO-Supersite Data System: Data Flow Data gathering, QA/QC and standard formatting is done by individual projects The data exchange standards, data ingest and archives are by ORNL and NASA The data catalog, relational transformers, SQL server and I/O is by this project EPA Supersite Data Coordinated Supersite Relational Tables EOSDIS Data Archive NARSTO ORNL DES, Data Ingest Supersite SQL Server DES-SQL Transformer Manual-SQL Transformer Auxiliary Batch Data Data Query Table Output Direct Web Data Input

17 STAR Schema for Relational Tables: IMPROVE

18 STAR Schema for Relational Tables: CCAQS

19 Supersite Relational Data System: Schedule Year 1 - 2002Year 2 - 2003Year 2 - 2004 RDMS Design Feed back Impl. & Test SQL Supersite Data Entry Auxiliary Data Entry Other Coordinated Data Entry Supersite, Coordinated and Auxiliary Data Updates

20 Multi-Teared Architecture TCPIP - fff


22 Distributed Data Analysis & Dissemination System: D-DADS Specifications:  Uses standardized forms of data, metadata and access protocols  Supports distributed data archives, each run by its own provider  Provides tools for data exploration, analysis and presentation Features:  Data are structured as relational tables and multidim. data cubes  Dimensional data cubes are distributed but shared  Analysis is supported by built-in and user functions  Supports other data types, such as images, GIS data layers, etc.

23 D-DADS Architecture

24 The D-DADS Components Data Providers supply primary data to system, through SQL or other data servers. Standardized Description & Format populate and describe the data cubes and other data types using a standard metadata describing data Data Access and Manipulation tools for providing a unified interface to data cubes, GIS data layers, etc. for accessing and processing (filtering, aggregating, fusing) data and integrating data into virtual data cubes Users are the analysts who access the D-DADS and produce knowledge from the data The multidimensional data access and manipulation component of D-DADS will be implemented using OLAP.

25 Interoperability “the ability to freely exchange all kinds of spatial information about the Earth and about objects and phenomena on, above, and below the Earth’s surface; and to cooperatively, over networks, run software capable of manipulating such information.” (Buehler & McKee, 1996) Such a system has two key elements: Exchange of meaningful information Cooperative and distributed data management One requirement for an effective distributed environmental data system is interoperability, defined as,

26 On-line Analytical Processing: OLAP A multidimensional data model making it easy to select, navigate, integrate and explore the data. An analytical query language providing power to filter, aggregate and merge data as well as explore complex data relationships. Ability to create calculated variables from expressions based on other variables in the database. Pre-calculation of frequently queried aggregated values, i.e. monthly averages, enables fast response time to ad hoc queries.

27 User Interaction with D-DADS Query Data View (Table, Map, etc.) Distributed Database XML data

28 Metadata Standardization The Supersite Data Management Workgroup NARSTO FGDC Metadata standards for describing air quality data are currently being actively pursued by several organizations, including:

29 Potential D-DADS Nodes The following organizations are potential nodes in a distributed data analysis and dissemination system: CAPITA NPS-CIRA EPA Supersites - California - Texas - St. Louis

30 Summary In the past, data analysis has been hampered by data flow resistances. However, the tools and framework to overcome each of these resistances now exist, including: World Wide Web XML OLAP OpenGIS Metadata standards Incorporating these tools will initiate a distributed data analysis and dissemination system.

31 Overview Environmental data are collected by multiple, disparate data providers, such as individual EMPACT projects Each data provider presents their data in their own format making it difficult to find, access, read, and integrate the data Standardized formats and data dissemination systems are required for data accessibility and integration of distributed data sets This proposal presents a distributed data analysis and delivery system that provides users with data access to multiple sources

32 Fast Analysis of Shared Multidimensional Information (FASMI) (Nigel, P. “The OLAP Report”) being Fast – The system is designed to deliver relevant data to users quickly and efficiently; suitable for ‘real-time’ analysis facilitating Analysis – The capability to have users extract not only “raw” data but data that they “calculate” on the fly. being Shared – The data and its access are distributed. being Multidimensional – The key feature. The system provides a multidimensional view of the data. exchanging Information – The ability to disseminate large quantities of various forms of data and information. An OLAP system is characterized as:

33 Multi-Dimensional Data Cubes Multi-dimensional data models use inherent relationships in data to populate multidimensional matrices called data cubes. A cube's data can be queried using any combination of dimensions Hierarchical data structures are created by aggregating the data along successively larger ranges of a given dimension, e.g time dimension can contain the aggregates year, season, month and day.

34 Example Application: Visibility D-DADS Visibility observations (extinction coefficient) are an indicator of air quality and serve as an important data set in the public’s understanding of air quality. A visibility D-DADS will consist of multiple forms of visibility data, such as visual range observations and digital images from web cameras. Potential visibility data providers include: - EMPACT projects and their hourly visual range data - The IMPROVE database - CAPITA, a warehouse for global surface observation data available every six hours

35 Possible Node in Geography Network National Geographic and ESRI are establishing a geography network consisting of distributed spatial databases. Some EMPACT projects are participating as nodes in the initial start-up phase The visibility distributed data and analysis system could link to and become another node in the geography network, making use of the geography network’s spatial viewers. Other views, such as a time view could be linked with the spatial viewer to take advantage of the multidimensional visibility data cubes.

36 Example Viewer Map View Variable View Time View WebCam View The views are linked so that making a change in one view, such as selecting a different location in the map view, updates the other views.

37 Title Georeference Satellite Vector Metadata GIS Data - OpenGIS Services MultiDim Data - Database Services OLAP Cube SQL-OLAP SQL DB-OLAP dBase Table Textual Data – Weblink Services OLAP Cube SQL-OLAP SQL DB-OLAP dBase Table General Approach: Ride the Internet wave to the max: XML, Web Services, OpenGis,

38 Summary In the past, data analysis has been hampered by data flow resistances. Fortunately, the tools and framework to overcome these resistances now exist, including: World Wide Web XML OLAP ArcIMS Metadata standards It appears timely to consider a distributed environmental data analysis and dissemination system.

39 Distributed Data Browser Architecture XML Web Services Satellite Vector GIS Data XDim Data OLAP Cube SQL Table HTTP Services Text Data Web Page Text Data Time Chart Scatter Chart Text, Table Data Views Layered Map Cursor Session Manager (Broker) Data View Manager Connection Manager Data Access Manager Cursor-Query Manager OpenGIS Services Data are rendered by linked Data Views (map, time, text) Distributed data of multiple types (spatial, temporal text ) The Broker handles the views, connections, data access, cursor

40 NARSTO-Supersite Data System: Data Flow Data gathering, QA/QC and standard formatting is done by individual projects The data exchange standards, data ingest and archives are by ORNL and NASA The data catalog, relational transformers, SQL server and I/O is by this project EPA Supersite Data Coordinated Supersite Auxiliary Batch Data EOSDIS Data Archive NARSTO ORNL DES, Data Ingest Supersite SQL Server DES-SQL Transformer Raw-SQL Transformer Auxiliary SQL Data Data Catalog and SQL I/O SQL Web Service Data Query Table Output

41 ‘Global’ and ‘Local’ AQ Analysis AQ data analysis needs to be performed at both global and local levels The ‘global’ refers to regional national, and global analysis. It establishes the larger- scale context. ‘Local’ analysis focuses on the specific and detailed local features Both global and local analyses are needed for for full understanding. Global-local interaction (information flow) needs to be established for effective management. National and Local AQ Analysis

42 Data Re-Use and Synergy Data producers maintain their own workspace and resources (data, reports, comments). Part of the resources are shared by creating a common virtual resources. Web-based integration of the resources can be across several dimensions: Spatial scale:Local – global data sharing Data content:Combination of data generated internally and externally The main benefits of sharing are data re-use, data complementing and synergy. The goal of the system is to have the benefits of sharing outweigh the costs. Content User Local Global Virtual Shared Resources Data, Knowledge Tools, Methods User Shared part of resources

43 Integration for Global-Local Activities Global Activity Local Benefit Global data, toolsImproved local productivity Global data analysisSpatial context; initial analysis Analysis guidance Standardized analysis, reporting Local Activity Global Benefit Local data, tools Improved global productivity Local data analysisElucidate, expand initial analysis Identify relevant issuesResponsive, relevant global analysis Global and local activities are both needed – e.g. ‘think global, act local’ ‘Global’ and ‘Local’ here refers to relative, not absolute spatial scale

44 Content Integration for Multiple Uses (Reports) Data from multiple measurements are shared by their providers or custodians Data are integrated, filtered, aggregated and fused in the process of analysis Reports use the analysis for Status and Trends; Exposure Assessment; Compliance … The creation of the needed reports requires data sharing and integration from multiple sources.

45 Potential Applications of Global-Local Interaction OAQPS-State Analyst Supersite Program National and Local AQ Analysis

46 Web Services as Program Components A Web Service is a URL addressable resource that returns requested data. The ‘service provider’ resides on the Internet. Web Services allow computer to computer communication, regardless of their language or platform. Web Services are reusable components, as ‘LEGO blocks’, that can be integrated to create larger, richer applications. Example web services are: current weather server, currency converter, map server. Web Services use standard web protocols: SOAP, XML, HTTP. (Need a picture here: service provider-clients architecture) WS vision is to transform the web from a medium for viewing and downloading to a genuine computing platform, a ‘programmable medium’ in which more data can be manipulated and transported across the internet to do useful things.

47 Web Services Current distributed application methodologies, DCOM, CORBA, RMI, are for homogeneous environments, not for integration across the heterogeneous Internet. Web Services provide simple, flexible standard-based model for integrating applications from reusable, interoperable components distributed over the the Internet. This allows agile application development by making it simple to integrate resources within and outside the organization.

48 Web Services: Connect, Communicate, Describe, Discover Enabling Protocols of the Web Services architecture: Connect: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the universal data format that makes connection and data sharing possible. Communicate. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is the new W3C protocol for data communication, e.g. making requests. Describe. Web Service Description Language (WSDL) describes the functions, parameters and the returned results from a service Discover. Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is a broad W3C effort for locating and understanding web services.

49 Web Services Enabled by Standards Web Services operate ‘on top’ of many layers of Internet standards, TCP/IP, HTTP Web services also the use an array of its own standards - some still in development. Discovery UDDI Disco Description WSDLWSDL, XSchemaXSchema XSD, XSI Invocation SOAP XML On top of these Internet and Web Service Standards, we will need to develop our own: Naming conventions Metadata standards Uniform database schemata, etc

50 Protocols for Web Services The industry standard protocols for Web Services are defined by the W3C Consortium. –Data are described by the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) –Data are expressed using Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) –Transmitted using Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP). SOAP is an XML-based protocol for distributed data exchange consisting of : –Envelope describing what is in a message and how to process it –A set of encoding rules for expressing data types –A convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses –A binding convention for exchanging messages XML is a language for describing hierarchical data consisting of: –A –B –C HTTP is a protocol for encoding and transmitting data though the Internet

51 Central California AQ Study - Schema rerer

52 IMPROVE Relational Database Schema (Tentative)

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