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Prime Pop Quiz: Know Your Primes? Take this quiz at: Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. TheMathMom: Life is a puzzle.

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Presentation on theme: "Prime Pop Quiz: Know Your Primes? Take this quiz at: Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. TheMathMom: Life is a puzzle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prime Pop Quiz: Know Your Primes? Take this quiz at: Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. Boston Globe. 2011 is a Sexy Prime. TheMathMom: Life is a puzzle. Solve it with numbersLife is a puzzle. Solve it with numbers. Copyright TheMathMom.com1

2 Puzzle 1: Prime Olympics? True or False: Number of rings in the Olympic emblem is prime. Pick one: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com2

3 Puzzle 2: Leap Prime? True or False: A leap year cannot be a prime number year. Pick one: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com3

4 Puzzle 3: Infiltrator. Which of the following four numbers is not a prime? Pick one: 1.1 2.37 3.911 4.991 Copyright TheMathMom.com4

5 Puzzle 4: What are primes? Which one of the following is a correct definition of a prime number: 1.Odd number ending with 1, 3, 5, or 7. 2.Any number present in the multiplication table. Multiplication table is a base of all the numbers. 3.Number that can be divided by only two distinct whole- number divisors. 4.Number that looks the same left-to-right and right-to-left. Copyright TheMathMom.com5

6 Puzzle 5: Prime flowers? True or False: Number of petals in any flower is always prime. 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com6

7 Puzzle 6: Even primes? No even number is prime because all even numbers are divisible by 2. Pick one: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com7

8 Puzzle 7: Math Magic. True or False: This trick can only be done in the prime year such as 2011: Take the age you are turning this year, add the last two digits of the year you were born and get a number that ends with 11 or 111. Is it: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com8

9 Puzzle 8: Prime Senate? Number of Democrats in the US Senate is a prime number as well as the number of Republicans in the US Senate. Is this statement: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com9

10 Puzzle 9: Prime 108. True or false: Famous Prime 108 restaurant in Nashville, TN located in the Union Station is named after prime number 108 that is the number of entries on their menu. Pick one: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com10

11 Puzzle 10: True or false: True or false: Current year is very special. It is prime in Gregorian calendar – year 2011; prime in Islamic calendar – year 1432. And prime in the Hebrew calendar – 5771. Is it: 1.True 2.False Copyright TheMathMom.com11

12 Puzzle answers: 1.True or false: Number of rings in the Olympic emblem is prime. Answer: True, there are 5 rings and 5 is a rime number. 2.True or false: Leap year cannot be a prime number year. Answer: true, leap year numbers are divisible by 4. 3.Which of the following four numbers is not a prime: 1, 37, 911, 991. Answer: 1 is not prime because prime should have two different divisors: 1 and itself. However, long time ago 1 was considered to be a prime. 4.Which one of the following is a correct definition of a prime number: – Odd number ending with 1, 3, 5, or 7. – Any number present in the multiplication table. Multiplication table is a base of all the numbers. – Number that can be divided by only two distinct divisors. – Number that looks the same left-to-right and right-to-left. Answer: #3. 5.True or false: Number of petals in any flower is always prime. Answer: false. There are 4 petal flowers. 6.True or false: No even number is prime because all even numbers are divisible by 2 in addition to divisors of 1 and itself. Answer: this is false because 2 is a prime number. The only even prime. It is divisible by 1 and 2. 7.True or False: This trick can only be done in the prime year such as 2011: Take the age you are turning this year, add the last two digits of the year you were born and get a number that ends with 11 or 111. Answer: false. If you add your age to the year you are born you will always get current year. This trick will work for any year that ends with 11 such as 1911. 1911 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 13 Copyright TheMathMom.com12

13 Puzzle answers: 8.Number of Democrats in the US Senate is a prime number as well as the number of Republicans in the US Senate. Answer: This is true. There are 47 Democrats and 53 Republicans currently in US Senate. 9.True or false: Famous Prime 108 restaurant in Nashville, TN located in the Union Station is named after prime number 108 that is the number of entries on their menu. Answer: false. 108 is not a prime number (108=54x2). The restaurant is named for a Bully 108, the first steam engine to chug through Union Station, and "prime" alludes to the high-quality ingredients used to compose the dishes. 10.True or false: Current year is very special. It is prime in Gregorian calendar – year 2011; prime in Islamic calendar – year 1432. And prime in the Hebrew calendar – 5771. Answer: false. 5771 and 1432 are not prime numbers. Copyright TheMathMom.com13

14 Find more fun quizzes, over 250 puzzles and 90 stories about cool math of cooking, shopping, parenting, dating, travel, sport and more on: Copyright TheMathMom.com14

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