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Creating Interest - Pirates Treasure chest, map, message in a bottle left outside – Generate a question around. (Easispeak microphones, digital cameras)

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Interest - Pirates Treasure chest, map, message in a bottle left outside – Generate a question around. (Easispeak microphones, digital cameras)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Interest - Pirates Treasure chest, map, message in a bottle left outside – Generate a question around. (Easispeak microphones, digital cameras) Message in a bottle to be sent to school Letter and treasure map to be sent to the children Treasure Hunt around outdoor environment. (Walkie Talkie) Watch an exert from film Peter Pan Listen to music – Sea Shanty

2 Role Play – The Pirate Ship Getting Started – Initial discussion – Class visit to Liverpool Maritime Museum – Environmental print – Thank you letter for the visit Getting Permission to Build a Pirate Ship – Letters to Blackbeard – Application for planning permission – Plans

3 - Lists of things for Pirate ship - Labels, notices, signs - Posters for Grand Opening - Advertisements for jobs - Newspaper reports - Job advertisements - Job applications - Accident book - Rules ( Pirate Code) Running the Pirate Ship – Lists of jobs – Stock lists – Rules – Instructions Making the Pirate Ship

4 Phase 1 – Reading / analysing Non – Fiction Find treasure Chest - model how to pose questions, using the Question Hand Encourage children to ask their own questions. Discuss what we think will be in the chest. Watch power point presentation ‘Pirates’ Discuss what we know about Pirates based on what we have seen so far. Create a ‘Know, Want, Learn’ grid about Pirates. Shared reading, use information books, ICT sources and/or video to find the answers and record on the KWL grid. Analyse how information texts work, using a non-chronological report about Pirates focusing on page layout (heading, information, captions) and language features (general, impersonal, technical vocabulary).

5 Phase 2 – Gathering Content Look at the pictures of pirates and annotate with descriptive words and phrases. (TFW) Identify some of the general characteristics of pirates - Invent your own pirate using drawing, painting or model making. Give your pirate a name that describes its main characteristic, Role play being the pirate. Describe your invented pirate to a partner. Telephone conversations Roving reporter Hotseating Speaking objects – hat, boots, jacket, eye patch

6 Phase 3 – Planning and Writing Demonstrate how to write a caption for a picture, or a simple non chronological report to describe the invented pirate. Use the shared text to create a writing frame. Children write their own caption, or page for the information book about pirates.

7 Phase 4 - Presentation Children use Digital blue cameras (or alternative) to film presentation – The Pirate

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