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Word processing vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Word processing vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word processing vocabulary

2 Anything saved or used when using a word processor
File/document Anything saved or used when using a word processor

3 A software program used for writing
Word processing A software program used for writing

4 Make changes to the way a document looks
Formatting Make changes to the way a document looks

5 To make an exact duplicate(twin)
Copy To make an exact duplicate(twin)

6 Italics Slanted writing

7 The blinking line on the screen that shows where to type
Cursor The blinking line on the screen that shows where to type

8 Automatically types on the next line
Word wrap Automatically types on the next line

9 To take something and put it in a new place
move To take something and put it in a new place

10 Erases as you type. Turn on and off with the INSERT key
overtype Erases as you type. Turn on and off with the INSERT key

11 Moving up and down and side to side using the scroll bars
Scrolling Moving up and down and side to side using the scroll bars

12 backspace Erases to the left

13 The blinking line on the screen that shows where to type
Cursor The blinking line on the screen that shows where to type

14 To place something inside a document
insert To place something inside a document

15 Sections at the top and at the bottom used for page numbering
Headers/footers Sections at the top and at the bottom used for page numbering

16 Bold/boldface Makes the words darker

17 A tool to let you see what your printout will look like
Print preview A tool to let you see what your printout will look like

18 Tool used to see if words are put together correctly
Spell check Tool used to see if words are put together correctly

19 Erases to the right and erases selected files
delete Erases to the right and erases selected files

20 A way to format words on the right, left or in the center
Align A way to format words on the right, left or in the center

21 Click on the BACK button above to exit the powerpoint slide show

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