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Computer Vocabulary Words to know and remember for the semester.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Vocabulary Words to know and remember for the semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Vocabulary Words to know and remember for the semester

2 Title bar The colored bar at the top of any windows based program

3 Menu bar List of words across the top of a window

4 Tool bar The list of buttons under the menu bar

5 Outline area/view shows the presentation as an written outline

6 Slide area/view The work area where you build individual slides

7 Slide sorter view The area where you can see all of the slides at the same time….also you are able to add transitions, effects and timing

8 Slide show The actual presentation filling up the entire screen using animations, effects and timings

9 OtherTool bars VIEW and TOOLBARS allows you to choose other toolbars for display on the screen.

10 Status line The area at the bottom which shows which slide you are working on and your total slides

11 taskbar At the very bottom it shows what files are open or in use.

12 Slide transition effects The animation which occurs between slides in the slide show

13 Text preset animation The movement which occurs to get the text on the slide in the slide show.

14 Rehearse timings Set up timings for use in the slide show

15 Format menu Use this to change the background and the slide color scheme

16 Click on the BACK button above to exit the powerpoint slide show

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