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Mount Massive Fourteener # 40 June 20, 1959 5 hours up, 3.5 hours return.

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1 Mount Massive Fourteener # 40 June 20, 1959 5 hours up, 3.5 hours return

2 Liz Gittings on Massive Ridge

3 Summit of Massive – Taylor, Schott, Bubernak, Gittings

4 Elbert from Massive Summit



7 Dean Taylor Glissade from Massive Summit

8 PYRAMID Fourteener # 41 June 29, 1959 8 hours up, 4 hours return

9 Pyramid from South Maroon Ridge

10 Pyramid from North Maroon Summit

11 Pyramid from Amphitheater

12 Saddle on Ridge to Pyramid Peak

13 Dean Taylor



16 Pyramid Face

17 Maroon Bells from Summit

18 Pyramid Summit

19 Castle from Pyramid Summit

20 Snowmass from Pyramid Summit


22 Gary Schott repelling off Face


24 Pyramid from Saddle into Amphitheater

25 Looking up at Maroon Bells from Pyramid Saddle

26 Grizzly Fourteener # 42 July 12, 1959 3 hours up, 1.5 hours return Later taken off Fourteener list which was too bad because it has one of the best and longest Scree Slopes of any Colorado mountain to descend.

27 Route up Grizzly


29 Grizzly Summit Looking toward Independence Pass

30 Looking toward Aspen from Grizzly Summit

31 La Plata from Grizzly Summit

32 Gary Schott and Dean Taylor

33 ELBERT Fourteener # 43 July 19, 1959 5.5 hours up, 3 hours return September 21, 1992 5 hours up, 3 hours return

34 Elbert

35 Chuck Crawford, Don Bunker, Joe Bubernak

36 La Plata from Elbert Summit

37 Mount Massive from Elbert Summit

38 Twin Lakes

39 Don Bunker, Joe Bubernak, Chuck Crawford On Summit out of Wind

40 Charles Mader and Ed Williamson – 9/21/1992 on Elbert Summit

41 Bob Cowan and Ed Williamson on Elbert Summit 9/21/1992

42 COLUMBIA Fourteener # 44 July 20, 1959 6 hours up, 3 hours return

43 Columbia – Harvard Ridge

44 Columbia

45 Lake Near Harvard from Columbia Summit

46 Dean Taylor on Columbia Summit

47 The Apostles from Columbia Summit

48 Harvard from Columbia Summit

49 Buena Vista from Columbia Summit

50 Don Bunker and Joe Bubernak

51 Columbia Summit

52 El Diente and Mt. Wilson Fourteeners # 45 and 46 July 27, 1959 5 mile backpack to Navajo Lake 3.5 hr to El Diente, 2 hr to Mt Wilson via El Diente-Mt Wilson Ridge Led by George Bell Los Alamos Mountaineers Trip with only Charles Mader and George Bell climbing.

53 Mount Wilson from El Diente gully

54 Lone Cone from El Diente Summit

55 Navajo Lake from El Diente Summit

56 El Diente from Ridge

57 El Diente from Ridge to Mount Wilson

58 View of Ridge to El Diente from Mt Wilson Summit

59 George Bell on Mount Wilson Summit

60 George Bell considered climbing the Colorado 14 foot peaks to be very much something only for Wimps. Only Himalayan climbs and high risk rock climbs without belays were mountaineering. On the El Diente to Mount Wilson ridge climb the only conversation was Bell asking Do you STILL want to stay roped and Mader saying Yes. When we got off the mountain to a stream he took off his boots and proudly showed his missing toes from being frozen on KT22.

61 Wilson Peak from Mount Wilson Summit

62 Mount Garfield from Mount Wilson Summit

63 Navajo Lake from Mount Wilson Summit

64 Descent Route off Mount Wilson

65 Navajo Lake

66 Wilson Peak Fourteener # 47 August 2, 1959 2.5 hr up, 1.5 hr return from old mine road

67 Wilson Peak from summit of El Diente

68 Wilson Peak from Silver Pick Mine Campsite

69 Lizard Head from Wilson Peak Summit

70 Joe Bubernak and Don Bunker on Summit of Mount Wilson

71 Mount Wilson and El Diente from Wilson Peak Summit

72 Wilson Peak Gladstone which took 3 attempts to summit in 1980s

73 Silver Pick Mine from Wilson Peak Summit

74 Lone Cone from Wilson Peak Summit

75 Humbolt Fourteener # 48 August 16, 1959 August 10, 2000 3 hrs up, 2 hr down on 70 th Birthday

76 Humboldt from Crestone Needle

77 Crestone Needle - Crestone Peak from Humboldt

78 View North from Humboldt

79 Crestone Needles from top of Humboldt taken on 70 th birthday of Charles Mader

80 Crestone Needle and Peak Fourteeners # 49 and 50 August 16, 1959 3 hrs to Needle, 3.5 hr to Peak via Needle to Peak Ridge Climbed Crestone Needle again the next day to rescue climbers stuck on Arrete

81 Crestone Needle

82 Crestone Needle Crestone Peak

83 Trail and Saddle from Top Crestone Needle

84 View South toward Sand Dunes and Blanca

85 Crestone Peak from Needle Summit Kit Carson

86 Needle – Repelled down


88 Looking back to Peak from Red Gully

89 Red Gully – Descent route off Creston Peak Dean Taylor and Don Bunker at bottom

90 Views from saddle at bottom of Red Gulley

91 Picture taken of Charles Mader on top of Crestone Needle the next afternoon after the Needle to Peak climb by climber rescued after having lost their rope on climb of Ellingwood Arete and stranded overnight 500 ft below summit

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