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2012 Governors Safety Conference Residential Fall Protection Seminar 2012 Governor's Safety Conference.

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1 2012 Governors Safety Conference Residential Fall Protection Seminar 2012 Governor's Safety Conference


3 History & Background of OSHAs Residential Fall Protection Requirements Key terminology Related to Residential Fall Protection Current OSHA policy on Residential Fall Protection Information on USEFUL Fall Protection Equipment/Techniques For Residential Construction Operations.

4 To provide you with a better understanding of the fall protection requirements for residential construction. To familiarize you with the fall protection requirements for residential construction. To provide information on useful fall protection methods that can be used for residential construction activities.

5 29 CFR 1910.501(b)(13) was promulgated as part of Subpart M of the 1926 Standards in 1994. 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13), as promulgated, allows use of an alternative fall protection measure (a fall protection plan) only if an employer can demonstrate that all conventional fall protection is infeasible or its usage creates a greater hazard. In 1995 OSHA issued OSHA Directive STD 3.1, which allowed employers engaged in residential construction to implement a fall protection plan without being required to demonstrate that use of conventional fall protection was infeasible or that its usage created a greater hazard On June 18, 1999 OSHA issued OSHA Directive STD 03-00-001, which was a plain language re-write of OSHA Instruction STD 3.1, the Agency's interim enforcement policy on fall protection for certain residential construction activities

6 On December 16, 2010, OSHA published STD 03-11-002, which had an effective date of June 16, 2011. This directive: canceled OSHA Instruction STD 03-00-001, and set forth a revised policy for fall protection for residential construction.

7 Current STD 03-11-002: requires employers engaged in any residential construction activities after June 16, 2011, to comply with 1926.501(b)(13) as promulgated, Clarifies what activities are considered to be residential construction: Per STD 03-11-002 to be considered to be "residential construction: the end-use of the building in question must be as a home or dwelling, and the building in question must be constructed using traditional wood frame construction materials and methods.

8 Rescinded OSHA Directive STD 03-00-001: allowed employers, engaged in 4 different specified residential construction activities listed in the directive, to use a number of alternative measures (depending on the construction activity) in lieu of fully complying with 29 CFR 1910.501(b)(13), Indicated that employers did not have to demonstrate that all conventional fall protection is infeasible or its usage creates a greater hazard to use a fall protection plan, and Defined residential construction to possibly include discrete parts of a large commercial building!

9 RESCINDED Definition of "residential construction." For purposes of this instruction, an employer is engaged in residential construction where the working environment, materials, methods and procedures are essentially the same as those used in building a typical single-family home or townhouse. Residential construction is characterized by: Materials: Wood framing (not steel or concrete); wooden floor joists and roof structures. Methods: Traditional wood frame construction techniques. In addition, the construction of a discrete part of a large commercial building (not the entire building), such as a wood frame, shingled entranceway to a mall, may fit within the definition of residential construction. Such discrete parts of a commercial building would qualify as residential construction where the characteristics listed above are present.

10 There continued to be high numbers of fall-related fatalities in residential construction. Advancements in Fall Protection Equipment---conventional fall protection products have been developed can be used for almost all residential construction operations The responses to the 1999 ANPR (on residential fall Protection) did not provide "persuasive evidence that demonstrated that for most residential construction complying with the rule is infeasible or presents significant safety hazards." (64 FR at 38078.) (ANPR=Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.) Recommendations from ACCSH, the NAHB, and OSHSPA, as well as the evidence presented to the ACCSH Residential Fall Protection Work Group showing that conventional fall protection is available and can be used for almost all residential construction operations

11 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 data are preliminary, final census numbers are expected to increase

12 OSHAs definition of "residential construction" for purposes of 1926..501(b)(13) combines two elements, both of which must be satisfied for a project to fall under that provision: (1)the end-use of the structure being built must be as a home, i.e., a dwelling; and (2) the structure being built must be constructed using traditional wood frame construction materials and methods. (although the limited use of structural steel in a predominantly wood-framed home, such as a steel I-beam to help support wood framing, does not disqualify a structure from being considered residential construction).

13 As indicated, to fall within the definition of "residential construction," the end-use of the building in question must be as a home or dwelling. This comports with the plain meaning of the term "residential" in the text of 1926.501(b)(13) and is consistent with OSHA's original intent in promulgating that provision. Nursing homes, hotels, and similar facilities : Construction of nursing homes, hotels, and similar facilities typically involves the use of the following materials in the framework of the structure: precast concrete, steel I-beams (beyond the limited use of steel I-beams in conjunction with wood framing, described above), rebar, and/or poured concrete. These materials are not used in traditional wood frame construction. However, in the event a project such as a hotel, motel, or nursing home is being constructed using traditional wood frame construction materials and methods, OSHAs National Office will determine if 1926.501(b)(13) is applicable.

14 Traditional wood frame construction materials and methods" will be characterized by: Framing materials: Wood (or equivalent cold-formed sheet metal stud) framing, not steel or concrete; wooden floor joists and roof structures. Exterior wall structure: Wood (or equivalent cold-formed sheet metal stud) framing or masonry brick or block. Methods: Traditional wood frame construction techniques include wood framing, wooden floor joists and roof structures.

15 OSHA: will consider it within the bounds of "traditional wood frame construction materials and methods" to use cold-formed sheet metal studs in framing. treats residences with masonry brick or block in the exterior walls as residential construction. Therefore, homes and townhouses, built using traditional wood frame construction throughout the structure except for the exterior walls, which are often built with masonry brick or block, are considered residential construction.

16 Fall Protection for residential construction is regulated by 1926.501(b)(13). Per 1926.501(b)(13): conventional fall protection must be provided and used unless it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to do so. Therefore: Only if providing conventional fall protection is ACTUALLY infeasible or ACTUALLY creates a greater hazard an employer can implement a Fall Protection Program

17 FROM THE PREAMBLE TO SUBPART M (1994) OSHA believes, based on the rulemaking record, that employers can protect their employees from fall hazards with conventional fall protection systems in virtually all situations involving residential construction work. OSHA is being responsive to the concerns raised by home builders, in particular, with support from some fall protection equipment manufacturers, that there may be some limited situations where the use of conventional fall protection systems is infeasible or would create a greater hazard than would exist if such systems were not used. It is for this reason that OSHA has established a regulatory mechanism (fall protection plan) through which an employer who satisfies the pertinent criteria must implement a fall protection plan instead of providing conventional fall protection.

18 " Infeasible" means that it is impossible to perform the construction work while using a conventional fall protection system, or that it is technologically impossible to use a conventional system. (Conventional systems are guardrail systems, safety net systems, and personal fall arrest systems.) OSHA considers a fall protection measure to be infeasible when the employer establishes that application of that measure is either functionally unworkable or would prevent the performance of required work. Continued on next slide>

19 In the course of promulgating Subpart M (1926.500-503), only two specific tasks were identified by OSHA as potentially creating an infeasible or greater hazard situation. They are: bracing roof trusses, and the other is: erecting panelized walls. However, TODAYbecause of fall protection advancements, and knowledge obtained over the years, OSHA believes that, in general, it is feasible to set trusses from ladders, scaffolds, or other elevated work platforms provided there is sufficient space to set up ladders, scaffolds or elevated platforms. Additionally, new fall protection equipment has been developed for bracing roof trusses.

20 A "greater hazard" exists when compliance with a standard would result in greater hazards to employees than non-compliance, AND : (1) There are no alternative means of employee protection; and (2) An application [for] a variance would be inappropriate.

21 When it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to provide fall protection: the employer will have to develop and implement a fall protection plan which meets the criteria of paragraph (k) of Sec. 1926.502. Among other things a fall protection plan: shall include a written discussion of other measures that will be taken to reduce or eliminate the fall hazard for workers who cannot be provided with protection from the conventional fall protection systems. For example, the employer shall discuss the extent to which scaffolds, ladders, or vehicle mounted work platforms can be used to provide a safer working surface and thereby reduce the hazard of falling.

22 NOTE: inconvenience or having to make extra efforts does not constitute infeasibility. OSHA has consistently maintained, however, that, in general, at least one of the three conventional fall protection measures mandated by subpart M can be used to protect employees at a particular worksite from fall hazards. Personal Fall Arrest Systems Guardrail Systems Safety Net systems In particular, the Agency has frequently found that the use of personal fall arrest systems is feasible even where a guardrail system or safety net system is infeasible.

23 BUT: On the other hand, the Agency believes it would be unreasonable to expect the home builder to rent a crane when the home site is difficult to access (terrain or remote location, such as in the mountains) or when the home builder has only a single roof to raise. In addition, OSHA does not expect home builders to erect scaffolds around the entire perimeter of a house, or to take other extremely burdensome measures such as erecting separate structures (telephone poles, e.g.) and stringing a lifeline to use as an attachment point for personal fall arrest equipment. These measures are infeasible.

24 The photos on the following slides (except for one) are from the Fall Protection in Residential Construction guidance document ( They show/describes various methods that residential construction employers may be able to use to prevent fall-related injuries and fatalities at various points in the residential construction process.

25 This is NOT an example of an acceptable method of performing residential construction work ! Scaffold supported on hay bales

26 Installing Roof Trusses Numerous methods can be used to prevent fall-related injuries and fatalities among workers installing roof trusses. Bracket Scaffold A bracket scaffold can be placed on the interior or exterior of a structure. The scaffold can provide a stable working platform. When bracket scaffolds are used on the interior of the structure, the exterior wall can limit employee exposures to fall hazards..

27 Installing Roof Trusses Exterior bracket scaffolds can also be used for installing roof trusses and other rooftop construction activities. The guardrail system on the scaffold can provide fall protection. With the addition of toeboards, falling object protection can be provided to the areas below.

28 Installing Roof Trusses Ladders Platform ladders and step ladders can be set up inside a structure and used to install roof trusses. The ladders can provide a stable, elevated platform from which to work

29 Installing Roof Trusses A spreader braces the trusses and distributes arrest forces across several trusses. Spreaders can act as anchors for personal fall arrest systems and fall restraint. They can be reused according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is important to refer to the truss manufacturer's instructions and have a qualified person determine if trusses will meet strength requirements for a personal fall arrest system or fall restraint system..

30 Installing Ridge Poles and Rafters Although the use of roof trusses is nearly universal, some builders still frame roof systems with ridge poles and rafters. While performing this task, workers need to be protected from falls. Anchors Employees installing ridge poles and rafters can use strap anchors and bolt-on anchors. These anchors can be used with personal fall arrest systems and fall restraint to provide fall protection for workers engaged in this activity. Both anchors can be removed and reused according to the manufacturer's instructions..

31 Strap Anchor Mentioned in previous slide A bolt-on anchor attached to a rafter.

32 Installing Roof Sheathing Once a roof has been framed, roof sheathing operations can begin. There are serious fall hazards associated with this activity, but there are a number of ways to protect workers………… An example of a safety net system.

33 Installing Roof Sheathing A worker sheathing a roof from a bracket scaffold

34 Installing Roof Sheathing Anchors that can be used while performing roof sheathing operations. Anchor Examples

35 Roofing-Weatherproofing As with other roofing activities, fall protection is critical for this type of work. Bracket Scaffolds An exterior bracket scaffold can be used for workers weatherproofing a roof. Bracket scaffolds can be especially useful for installing materials along the edge of the roof. Some exterior bracket scaffolds can be used as catch platforms to prevent workers from falling six feet to the lower level..

36 Roofing-Weatherproofing Anchors Permanent anchors can be installed during roofing operations and left in place after construction is complete. They can provide an anchorage point during the life of the roof. Reusable anchors can also be used while weatherproofing a roof. It is important to inspect these anchors prior to use.

37 Roofing-Weatherproofing Worker using a reusable anchor with a retractable lifeline. There are also.

38 Foundation Walls and Formwork In most residential construction, concrete or masonry block is used to create the foundation and the foundation walls of a structure. The concrete is usually poured into an excavation to create the foundation and the foundation walls. Anchors Anchors can be added to cured concrete. Anchors with expandable bolts can be placed in holes that have been drilled into the concrete. A cutaway picture of an anchor with an expandable bolt for use in concrete.

39 Foundation Walls and Formwork Strap anchors can provide versatility and options for anchorage points while performing this type of work. Strap anchors can be looped over rebar and removed when no longer necessary. Anchor straps are typically reusable if they have not been poured into concrete or have not been shock loaded. Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions when using this equipment. A worker placing a strap on anchor over

40 Foundation Walls and Formwork Scaffolds Scaffolds can provide elevated work surfaces for workers performing foundation work.. A bracket-form scaffold attached to formwork.

41 Installing Floor Joists and Floor Trusses Floor joists and floor trusses are usually constructed directly over the foundation walls. Fall hazards may be present, for example, if the structure being built has a basement. Anchors A reusable floor truss anchor can act as a temporary truss brace and spacer as well as an anchor point for a self- retracting lifeline. The device can spread shock loads over multiple trusses. These kinds of anchors can be uninstalled, moved, reinstalled and reused as per the manufacturer's instructions.. A retractable lifeline attached to a floor truss anchor.

42 Installing Floor Joists and Floor Trusses Scaffolds Scaffolds can be used for residential construction workers installing floor joists and floor trusses. Mobile scaffolds can be used effectively for residential construction workers. These scaffolds can be placed on the cured concrete basement floor of a structure. From the elevated platforms of the mobile scaffold, workers can install carrier beams, floor joists, and floor trusses.. Workers installing a steel beam from a mobile scaffold

43 Installing Floor Joists and Floor Trusses Wall bracket scaffolds can be used on a residential structure once a wall has been completed. These scaffolds can provide access around the perimeter of the structure and can be used by workers while they install carrier beams, floor joists, and floor trusses. This type of scaffold can also be used in other phases of residential construction.. A scaffold rigged for installing floor joists and floor trusses.

44 Installing Subfloors Subfloors are usually installed by fastening a wood deck to floor joists and floor trusses. Because of the openings between floor joists and floor trusses, fall hazards may exist while performing this task. Anchors A truss bracket anchorage system can distribute the arresting forces across multiple trusses in the event of a fall. When appropriately installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, these anchors can be used with personal fall arrest systems and fall restraints. Because these anchors are reusable, they can be uninstalled and reinstalled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.. Workers using a truss bracket anchor while installing a subfloor.

45 Installing Subfloors Guardrails Guardrail systems can be used to protect workers from falls during the performance of flooring and subflooring activities. If installed with a toeboard, guardrail systems can also protect workers on lower levels from falling objects. Note: If a floor hole cover is used to cover an opening, they must be secured in place, and marked to indicate they are a cover.. Examples of guardrails installed around floor openings.

46 Installing Walls Framed wall sections usually are constructed on the ground and typically include sheathing and openings for windows and doors. Guardrails across these openings can help prevent falls while work is being performed in the house after the walls have been erected. These walls can be erected by using a lifting device such as a crane, boom truck, or forklift. Jacks can also be used to raise these walls. These practices greatly reduce the likelihood that a worker will be exposed to a fall during this stage of construction.. Framed walls being erected using a jack.

47 Installing Walls Anchors Some models of strap anchors are looped through soft eyes or larger D rings and can be uninstalled, moved, reinstalled and reused following the manufacturer's instructions.. A reusable strap anchoring a retractable lifeline.

48 Installing Walls Strap anchors can also be preinstalled to provide an anchorage point once the walls have been erected and braced. They can be removed by cutting the strap off or pulling out the nails. Once cut or nailed, these must not be reused without being refurbished by the manufacturer.. Reusable. anchors Reusable anchors.

49 Installing Walls Guardrails Guardrail systems can provide fall protection while workers are framing walls.. Worker installing guardrails.

50 Sheathing Walls Scaffolds Welded End Frame (X brace) scaffolds (like tube/coupler, and systems scaffolds) stand on their own. With proper bracing, the frames can be stacked from cellar hole to chimney top. Like other scaffolds, these can make stable work platforms for many residential construction operations. These stand-alone scaffolds can be used for sheathing and various other vertical wall operations such as masonry wall construction, siding, and stucco application.. Welded end frame scaffold.

51 Sheathing Walls Exterior bracket scaffolds can provide a work surface from which to attach sheathing to the frame. A worker sheathing walls from an exterior bracket

52 Sheathing Walls A ladder jack scaffold consists of a platform resting on brackets attached to a ladder. Ladder jacks provide limited elevation and are primarily used in light applications because of their portability and cost-effectiveness. All ladders used to support ladder jack scaffolds must comply with 1926 Subpart X Stairways and Ladders- 1926.1050-1053. 1926.452(k) sets forth specific requirements for scaffold jack scaffolds.. ladder jack scaffold A ladder jack scaffold

53 Sheathing Walls Aerial Lifts Aerial lifts may be used for wall sheathing work. In particular, boom type elevating and rotating aerial work platforms can offer positioning flexibility and provide stable elevated platforms. Aerial Lifts Aerial lifts can be ideal equipment for exterior finishing. By providing a stable, level work surface and positioning flexibility, an aerial lift can be used for numerous activities associated with finishing the exterior of a residential construction structure.. Worker performing residential construction activities from an aerial lift.

54 Exterior Finishing The exterior finishing phase of residential construction includes a number of activities, such as installing windows, doors, siding, and gutters. Many of these tasks pose fall hazards.. Worker positioning an aerial lift.

55 Exterior Finishing Ladders Ladders can provide access to areas of a structure where exterior finishing work will occur. They can provide a stable work surface for various exterior finishing tasks..

56 Exterior Finishing Scaffolds Pump jack scaffolds consist of a platform supported by moveable brackets on vertical poles. Pump jacks are appealing for certain applications because they are easily adjusted to variable heights, and are relatively inexpensive. They can include a material shelf for carrying supplies and tools..

57 Interior Finishing Although much of the interior finishing work may take place while exterior finishing is happening, interior finishing is one of the last phases of residential construction. This does not mean that fall hazards are no longer present. ============================== Guardrails Guardrails can be an excellent option for providing fall protection for work on or near stairways and landings. The addition of a toeboard can also prevent objects from falling to lower levels.. Wooden guardrail system for a stairway.

58 Interior Finishing Guardrails. A landing protected by a wooden guardrail system with a toeboard

59 Interior Finishing Guardrails Dont forget to put guardrails in windows where the window sill is less than 42 inches above the floor.. Guardrails protecting window openings.

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