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Digestion a. Breakdown ingested food to acquire energy b. Chemical Digestion: c. Mechanical Digestion:

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2 Digestion a. Breakdown ingested food to acquire energy b. Chemical Digestion: c. Mechanical Digestion:

3 1. Ingestion 2. Secretion 3. Mixing and propulsion 4. Digestions: mechanical and chemical 5. Absorption 6. Release of Wastes


5 1. Chewing by teeth 2. Saliva is mixed w/ food 1. contains enzyme: salivary amylase 3. Tongue functions to swallow food

6 1. Esophagus: muscles move food to stomach 2. Stomach: 1. HCL bath 2. Enzyme: pepsin- breakdown proteins


8 1. Small Intestine: Site of nutrient absorption into body a) Enzymes from the pancreas are added for further breakdown starch, proteins, fats, and nucleic acid b) Maltase, sucrase, lactase break disaccharides c) Peptidase breaks dipeptides 2. Large Intestine: Absorption of water

9  Pancreas: releases enzymes to SI to break starches, proteins, fats and nucleic acids  Liver: secrets bile to break fat, stores glycogen and fat reserves

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