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Give it a REST already Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz VP R&D xsights

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Presentation on theme: "Give it a REST already Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz VP R&D xsights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Give it a REST already Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz VP R&D xsights

2 Some Theory

3 Making sense of the terminology soup Code/Detailed Design Design Design Patterns Architecture Architectural Patterns Architectural Styles

4 SOA vs. REST Pipes and Filters Client Server Uniform Interface Virtual Machine Distributed Agents Distributed Agents Layered System Layered System Replicated Repository Code On Demand Code On Demand Stateless Comm. Stateless Comm. Cacheable RESTSOA

5 REST = "Representation State Transfer" Dispatcher WebApp Cache (Resource) Cache (Resource) Put (New State in XML) OK Get (Latest State) Representation(JSON)

6 Layers should have some constraints on communications Layer?

7 Layer Layers should have some constraints on communications Component Layer Componet

8 Client/Server Client Server Capabilities (services) Requests initiator Request Reply

9 Replicated Repository is about having more than one copy providing the same service looks like one copy better performance and latency looks like one copy better performance and latency copy

10 The uniform interface

11 Document Centric messages provide the client with the needed state and allow stateless communications

12 REST also externalize state transitions Current Representation E.g. Order Link to product 1 Link to Product 2 Link to customer

13 Use IDs that are links e.g. a

14 Technology Mapping

15 HTTP is the most common REST implementation

16 But you can create others Waka canoe

17 GET = query/read a resource for a representation

18 PUT = create with ID set by the client / replace

19 POST = Create a subordinate resource with ID set by server / update

20 DELETE= remove the URI (most likely delete the resource)

21 HEAD = GET but only retrieves metadata (headers)

22 OPTIONS – The currently available verbs / requirements for communication

23 Why REST?

24 321root /Sessions/Abcde/Efgh/Resources/Dispatchers/Xyz/ Example – Resource Manager

25 http://devrig:52141/RM/Sessions/abc/ ATOMPUB – Session details URI (ID) State (start/end/status etc.) Resources – Knows status – URI for the Resource representation on the RM – URI for the Resource itself

26 Common REST misconceptions


28 REST is the ultimate architecture


30 REST will automagically make you write perfect distributed systems

31 REST is Simple r

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