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Automatically Generating Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments Jeffrey Nichols Carnegie Mellon University Intel Research Seattle Workshop #5: Multi-Device.

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Presentation on theme: "Automatically Generating Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments Jeffrey Nichols Carnegie Mellon University Intel Research Seattle Workshop #5: Multi-Device."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatically Generating Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments Jeffrey Nichols Carnegie Mellon University Intel Research Seattle Workshop #5: Multi-Device Interfaces for Peripheral Interaction The Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Seattle, Washington USA

2 1 My Problem Appliances are too complex

3 2 Interfaces Control Feedback Specifications My Solution Separate the interface from the appliance! Several ways to separate interfaces Pre-programmed interfaces on mobile device Downloadable pre-designed interfaces Automatic interface generation

4 3 1.Single UI device controlling one or more appliances Three Multi-Device Interactions

5 4 1.Single UI device controlling one or more appliances 2.Multiple users controlling an appliance

6 5 Three Multi-Device Interactions 1.Single UI device controlling one or more appliances 2.Multiple users controlling an appliance 3.One user using multiple UI devices to control an appliance

7 6 Personal Universal Controller (PUC) We have built an automatic interface generation system Abstract specification language Interface generators for multiple platforms PocketPC TabletPC (Desktop) Smartphone Speech (with Speech Graffiti platform) Architecture for controlling real appliances Windows Media Player (shown) Sony DV Camcorder Axis UPnP Pan-Tilt Camera Lutron and X10 Lighting Many others…

8 7 Multi-Device UI and the PUC PUC supports all three multi-device interactions Third interaction could be improved however Support for a fluid user experience Controllers need to know what others are doing E.g. When light controls are used on one device, other devices also display light controls Specialization Currently each controller provides access to all appliance functionality with roughly the same structure Each controller should specialize; provide better access to features that will be accessed from its type of interface Access to all features should be maintained

9 8 Acknowledgements Funding National Science Foundation Microsoft General Motors Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse Equipment Grants Mitsubishi (MERL) VividLogic Symbol Technologies Hewlett-Packard Lucent Lutron Lantronix PUC Project Members Brad A. Myers Kevin Litwack Thomas K. Harris Roni Rosenfeld Michael Higgins Joseph Hughes Rajesh Seenichamy Mathilde Pignol Stefanie Shriver Pegeen Shen Jeffrey Stylos Suporn Pongnumkul Peter Lucas

10 Thanks for listening! For more information…

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