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Presentation on theme: "WELLNESS TOOLBOX CORNERSTONE OF THE WRAP PROCESS Webinar Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELLNESS TOOLBOX CORNERSTONE OF THE WRAP PROCESS Webinar Presentation Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD September 23, 2009

2 2 For more information on Mental Health Recovery and WRAP® including resources I developed and E-learning, online courses, go to:

3 WRAP The Wellness Toolbox The Daily Maintenance List Triggers
3 WRAP The Wellness Toolbox The Daily Maintenance List Triggers Early Warning Signs When Things are Breaking Down Crisis Plan or Advance Directive Post Crisis Plan

4 4 WELLNESS TOOLBOX A Wellness Toolbox is a list of tools - actions, activities and behaviors - used to develop the action plans that are part of each section of WRAP. Your Wellness Toolbox gives you lots of ideas of things to do when you are trying to decide what to do.

5 Important points each person needs to keep in mind as they
5 Important points each person needs to keep in mind as they develop their Wellness Toolbox

6 You are the only one who can develop your Wellness Toolbox.
6 You are the only one who can develop your Wellness Toolbox. You decide which tools will work for you. You modify them to meet your own needs. You use the tools as you choose. You don’t have to show your list of tools to anyone else unless you want to. You can ask others to suggest ideas for tools if you choose to do so.

7 Finding a WRAP Group Peer support groups and organizations
7 Finding a WRAP Group Peer support groups and organizations Mental health agency Mental health organizations Coming soon:

8 Working on Your Own
8 Working on Your Own "Build Your Own WRAP" Online WRAP: Creating a Wellness Toolbox E-learning course WRAP books and Winning Against Relapse







15 Working with a Group Describe the Wellness Toolbox
15 Working with a Group Describe the Wellness Toolbox Share some ideas of your own Ask participants to share ideas for Wellness Tools Write lists of Wellness Tools on newsprint paper Post for easy referral as people develop their WRAP

16 Common Wellness Tools Brush my teeth Take a shower
16 Common Wellness Tools Brush my teeth Take a shower Wear something I like Go to bed by 11 PM Fix my hair Spend time with my spouse or children Pet the dog

17 KEY CONCEPTS Hope Personal responsibility Education Self-advocacy
17 KEY CONCEPTS Hope Personal responsibility Education Self-advocacy Support

18 18 HOPE Remind yourself of things that give you a feeling of hope like nature, good friends, and helpful care providers Read recovery stories Write about your goals and dreams Repeat hopeful affirmations over and over "Every day in every way I feel better and better." "People like me get well, stay well and do the things they want to with their lives."

19 PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Try something new. Do something for yourself that others have done for you in the past. Take an action that supports your recovery. Make a decision about something you want and need.

20 EDUCATION Research medications on the internet
20 EDUCATION Research medications on the internet Attend workshops and seminars Subscribe to and review mental health newsletters Develop a personal library of resources that support your recovery Use the library as a resource to study a diagnosis or proposed treatment

21 21 SELF ADVOCACY Ask for what you want and need over and over until you get it. Ask others to support you in advocating for yourself. Know your rights and do what you need to do to assure that they are honored. Reach out to protection and advocacy agencies for help and support.

22 SUPPORT Call a friend Go to a support group meeting
22 SUPPORT Call a friend Go to a support group meeting Ask a friend over for lunch Exchange listening (peer counseling) Have a potluck dinner Treat a friend to a movie Spend time listening to family members

23 Creative Activities Drawing Painting Collage Needlework
23 Creative Activities Drawing Painting Collage Needlework Woodcraft Carving Quilting Making music Cooking Baking Photography Dancing Writing Singing

24 Relaxation and Stress Reduction
24 Relaxation and Stress Reduction Meditate Progressive Relaxation Exercise 15 minutes of quiet time Sitting in the park Listening to soothing music Watching a funny movie Journaling

25 Dealing with Troubling Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors
25 Dealing with Troubling Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors Changing negative thoughts to positive Uncovering and analyzing thoughts Reinforcing positive statements Visualizations Positive affirmations Diverting your attention

26 Community Resources Inpatient and outpatient care
26 Community Resources Inpatient and outpatient care Alternative care providers Counseling, consulting Special interest groups, support groups Educational and special interest courses Community events (concerts, movies, plays) Recreational facilities

27 Free or Low Cost Services
27 Free or Low Cost Services Libraries Legal aid Food banks and cooperatives Transportation services Beautician and massage schools

28 Diet Eat three healthy meals Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables
28 Diet Eat three healthy meals Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables Drink six 8-ounce glasses of water Avoid excessive sugar, caffeine, high fat and highly salted foods Eat small healthy snacks between meals Avoid overeating

29 Exercise Spend ten minutes a day doing stretching exercises
29 Exercise Spend ten minutes a day doing stretching exercises Go for a twenty-minute walk 3-5 times a week Climb the stairs twice every day Dance, bike, swim, run, wheel, stroll

30 Light Spend at least one half hour each day outside
30 Light Spend at least one half hour each day outside When inside, spend time in well-lighted spaces and near windows Expose myself to supplemental full spectrum light each morning for half an hour Put the window shades up every day Sit outside on a bench while I am having lunch

31 Sleep Go to bed at 11 o’clock every night
31 Sleep Go to bed at 11 o’clock every night Get up at 7 o’clock every morning Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine Engage in quiet activities for at least a half hour before going to bed

32 Smoking Cessation Limit smoking each day to five cigarettes
32 Smoking Cessation Limit smoking each day to five cigarettes Avoid places where people are smoking Gradually cut back on smoking by one cigarette a day Avoid smoking Remind myself of the health risks of smoking

33 Things to Avoid can include:
33 Things to Avoid can include: Places People Foods Substances Activities Thoughts

34 Controversial Wellness Tools
34 Controversial Wellness Tools Drinking or using substances Eating certain kinds of foods Cutting Smoking

35 35 You can think of more questions that you can ask the group that will help people think about possible Wellness Tools.

36 Activities to Help People Uncover More Wellness Tools
36 Activities to Help People Uncover More Wellness Tools Exchange listening Internet exploration/online research Resource books Exploration - opportunities to try things Having a good time Note taking

37 37 Make copies of the final list of Wellness Tools to give to each group member. Keep the original lists posted as people work on their Wellness Recovery Action Plans.

38 Review the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP Values and Ethics
38 Review the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP Values and Ethics

39 Build Your Own Wrap Online
Creating a Wellness Toolbox and other on-line mental health recovery and WRAP courses WRAP resources and information

40 Your agency or organization can make "Build Your Own WRAP Online" and other mental health recovery on-line courses more readily available to its staff and the people it serves. For more information, go to our partner:

41 For information on becoming a Certified WRAP Facilitator or having a WRAP training in your area, go to:

42 Live Question & Answers
Please make sure to un-mute your line if you haven't already done so - the number code is in your invitation or on your control panel To ask a question raise your hand (click on the hand icon on your control panel), Katie Wilson will call your name, unmute your line, and you will be able to be heard by everyone on the call OR type a question into the box

43 Thank You for Attending
We welcome your input on this and future webinars A survey will be sent out, please fill it out as it provides us with valuable information for future programs For more information:


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