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Easton Area Middle School and Shawnee Middle School AFG/Strategic Planning K-12 Implementation Team Update Report 2007-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Easton Area Middle School and Shawnee Middle School AFG/Strategic Planning K-12 Implementation Team Update Report 2007-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easton Area Middle School and Shawnee Middle School AFG/Strategic Planning K-12 Implementation Team Update Report 2007-2008

2 Math Action Planning Team Math Objective: #1 By the 2009-2010 academic year, all Easton Area School District students will demonstrate increased mathematics knowledge and skills.

3 Math Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations  Increased staff  Continuation of 4-sight testing  Data analysis to ensure appropriate remediation  Continued use of “Study Island” program  Remediation programs during and after-school hours  Technology offers alternative instructional strategies to present standards in another venue  Continued use of “Math 24”  Saxon math program used in Learning Support classes  PSSA scores increased from previous year  Grade-level content incorporated into Learning Support classes

4 Math Action Planning Team SMS Commendations  Nutritional snacks during PSSA testing  Adopt-an-anchor  Acquisition of data projectors, monitors and software  Teacher/team decision to prioritize demands upon student’s academic schedule EAMS Commendations  Training for Math Investigations and “FASTTMATH” - grade 5

5 Math Action Planning Team SMS Recommendation  Perfect attendance rewards during PSSA testing  ESL teachers to incorporate consumer math & problem solving ideas into curriculum  Request status of “Math Specialist” for building EAMS Recommendation  Reduce class size  Increase staff  Nutritional snacks during PSSA testing

6 Literacy Action Planning Team Literacy Objective: #2 By the 2009-2010 academic year, all Easton Area School District students will demonstrate increased reading knowledge and skills.

7 Literacy Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations  Continuation of 4-sight testing  Use of 4-sight and AimsWeb data  PSSA reading/writing rubrics are available to all subject area teachers to help increase PSSA scores  Remediation programs during and after-school hours  Increased staff (EAMS - literacy specialist/SMS - READ 180 teachers & two study skill teachers)  Differentiated instruction training  Friday update/teacher-team websites to help increase parent/community communication

8 Literacy Action Planning Team SMS Commendations  Expansion of READ 180 program & Study Skills  Nutritional snacks during PSSA testing  Formal outline for research paper is part of the curriculum  Supplemental vocabulary program used for grades 7 and 8 (not supported by grant money) EAMS Commendations  Continued use of increased reading time  Continued implementation of Scott-Foresman Reading Program  Curriculum embedded assessments  Increase in staff being trained to correctly assess 4-sight tests  Staff is trained in Reading Apprenticeship strategies and data analysis  Acquisition and implementation of leveled reader library which is available to teachers in every content area

9 Literacy Action Planning Team SMS Recommendation  Literacy committee is waiting for the Associate Director of Literacy to recommend programs that would be beneficial to staff development  Additional monies for teachers to be trained on the skill of “Teaching Grammar in the Context of Writing” EAMS Recommendation  Hiring of additional staff to address student needs

10 Citizenship Action Planning Team Citizenship Objective: #3 By the 2009-2010 academic year, all students of the Easton Area School District will be better citizens of their school & community by demonstrating to a higher degree the core ethical values of caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, trust, respect, and citizenship.

11 Citizenship Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations  Increased availability of documents translated into Spanish - paraprofessional translator was hired  Implementation of breakfast program (as part of the health & wellness initiative in the district)  Increased use of community resources and district personnel for counseling/student services  PSSA tutoring for at-risk students  Saturday detentions  Increased staff  Maintain accurate data on established baseline levels regarding suspensions  Implementation of district-wide discipline referral page

12 Citizenship Action Planning Team SMS Commendations  Creation of teacher-team web pages for entire staff  Continuation of Student of the Month program  Counseling groups based on student needs  Fewer behavioral problems due to expanded halls and changes in locker configurations EAMS Commendations  Anti-bullying program  Organized hallways and stairwells  Continue implementation of effective incentives for attendance on PSSA testing days  Full-time Behavior Modification Room (BMR) monitor  “Rover Ready Stomping Grounds” -- method of ensuring agenda books are used properly  “A Place 4Us” - after-school program incorporating study skills, organizational club, and tutor/mentoring  Continued staff development in areas of school/parent communication, safe school environments, and diversity (Milton Hershey)  Positive incentive behavior modification programs - Great Expectations

13 Citizenship Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Recommendations  Re-evaluate out-of-school suspensions (alternative education site)  Maintain academic and behavioral performance of students through high school graduation: open access to PowerSchool for building principals SMS Recommendations  Develop an on-going plan of in-service to train staff in areas of school/parent communication, safe school environments, and diversity (waiting on status from sub-committee)  Student publications (position to be determined)  Develop a school-wide behavior program to give a priority to citizenship related activities  School store location is currently occupied by food service provider  Unaware of any action on proposed district diversity program

14 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #1 Philosophy, Mission, Beliefs, and/or Objectives SMS/EAMS Commendations  AFG posters/mission statements are posted in all classrooms, upon entering the building, and discussed at faculty meetings to instill a clear understanding of the PMBO.  PMBO statement is available in Spanish and English  Mission statement in kid-friendly terms EAMS Recommendation  Embed district mission statement into all communications to parents.  EAMS Guidelines booklet should be reworked so as to be less dense and overwhelming to parents.  EASD needs to continue to allow ample room in the curricula for Social Studies, Science, Music and Arts, and for character education curricula.

15 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #2: Governance and Leadership SMS/EAMS Commendation  There is open communication between administrators via coordinator meetings  Weekly administrator meetings SMS Commendation  Central administrators are visible and available, as needed EAMS Commendation  Code of Conduct committee is currently creating a plan  Improved communication for placement of incoming 5th grade students via profile sheets SMS/EAMS Recommendation  Building administrators need to effectively communicate when the EAMS and SMS merge into one campus EAMS Recommendation  Continuity needed in 5th and 6th grade team configurations

16 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #3: Organizational Design and Staff SMS/EAMS Commendations  Communication improvements:Friday Update, coordinator meetings & “open door” policy SMS Commendations  Assistant principal(s) available upon request  Common planning time through team time & new department meeting schedule EAMS Commendations  Office staff descriptions are being updated on an ongoing basis as new staff are hired SMS/EAMS Recommendation  Increase relevant professional development EAMS Recommendation  All curriculum areas need to develop a district-wide committee to increase communication  More computers, programs, internet access and technology training needed  Need for additional guidance counselor(s)

17 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #4: Educational Programs SMS/EAMS Commendation  Curriculum maps are continually being updated SMS Commendation  Increased opportunity for lower ability students to socially and academically interact with higher ability students  READ 180 program expanded  Curriculum guides/department calendars created for all subjects  Sufficient technology for student needs EAMS Commendation  Effective use of teaming model  Recess added for all students SMS Recommendation  Scheduling concern regarding READ 180 and CAMP classes EAMS Recommendation  Written curriculum guides are necessary for all subject areas  Social Studies teachers believe they should be placed on teams

18 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #5: Learning Media and Services SMS/EAMS Commendations  Paraprofessionals hired for satellite copy center(s) at schools SMS Commendations  Additional copier  Sufficient LCD projectors, DVDs and televisions EAMS Commendations  Improved use of technological skills for library resources SMS/EAMS Recommendations  Updated performance benchmarks for technology EAMS Recommendation  One computer cart per team  Additional new copier(s)  Maintenance of technology equipment needs to be performed in a timely fashion

19 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #6: Students Services SMS/EAMS Commendations  Health, well-being, and non-academic needs are key considerations of faculty and students (breakfast program was initiated this year)  Voluntary training for first aid, AED and CPR are offered district-wide SMS Commendation  Common planning time through team time & new department meeting schedule EAMS Commendation  Increased communication with cafeteria staff to ensure more efficient operations EAMS Recommendation  Better communication needed between the central office and guidance when placing students with special needs during the school year

20 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #7: Student Life and Activities SMS Commendations  Student of the Month EAMS Commendation  Opportunities to appreciate cultural diversity and instill pride are embedded in the curriculum SMS Recommendation  Explore alternative funding options - waiting for status on foundation from district

21 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #8: Facilities SMS/EAMS Commendations  Safe environment - inviting, warm, and has a positive tone SMS Commendations  All previous concerns have been rectified with new building  Access cards provided for building access (& security) EAMS Commendation  Access pad installed on the 13th Street side of the building SMS Recommendation  Larger/more whiteboard and tack board space EAMS Recommendation  Additional safe parking at 12th street campus  Voice mail/iChat for all faculty members to expedite communication

22 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #9: Health & Safety SMS/EAMS Commendations  Strong security presence  Well-maintained school plant  Permanent emergency procedures are being followed  Breakfast program SMS Commendations  Use of iChat to avoid interruptions by PA system  Additional school nurse position filled  Multiple cameras throughout building for added security SMS/EAMS Recommendations  Nutritional meals/salad bar for faculty SMS Recommendations  Dismissal procedures are a concern due to overcrowding issues near guidance suite  Additional Sodexho staff needed EAMS Recommendations  Investigate a less disruptive method of communication than the current PA system  Seek alternative programs to replace DARE

23 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #10: Finance Team SMS/EAMS Commendations  Availability of summer school programs serving at-risk students - Summer School program (SMS) - Summer Sizzle program (EAMS)  PTA funding several programs  On-line ordering process  Grant writer hired to fulfill district’s needs EAMS Commendation  Accessed financial resources through community partnerships EAMS Recommendation  Individual needed to address public relation issues

24 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #11: Assessment of Student Learning SMS/EAMS Commendation  Curriculum mapping has been a great benefit to provide consistency when preparing students for the assessments  Common department rubrics and assessments are being addressed to ensure consistency across departments and grade levels EAMS Commendation  Alternative education site in place for Grade 5  Pre- and post-tests have been implemented into the Reading program EAMS Recommendations  PSSA testing schedule needs to be reviewed and revised to ensure better scheduling for students

25 AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #12: Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations  Committed to school improvement (AFG involvement)  New strategic plan is available for staff and public review (2007-2013)  Continued knowledge of staff to the district strategic plan  Communication to community members & parents is accomplished via Friday Update, websites and newsletters  Varied stakeholders are invited to participate in school-related committees  Improved communication between special and regular education teachers via new department meeting schedule SMS Recommendations  Continued exposure of staff to district strategic plans in order to increase awareness  Subject area departments should take ownership of specific AFG standards or Action Teams  Meeting schedule should be implemented between EAHS and EAMS building coordinators to improve communication and improve vertical alignment  One coordinator for all ‘specials’ has been recommended by building principal

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