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From Stressed Out to Stress Hardy: Strategies to Manage Pressure and Burnout

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2 From Stressed Out to Stress Hardy: Strategies to Manage Pressure and Burnout

3 A comment from the audience I love your ideas, but Im too stressed out to use them

4 Features of a stress hardy mindset To develop stress hardiness rather than becoming stressed out and burned out: To practice the 3 Cs Commitment: What brings purpose and meaning to your life and work? Do you lead life in concert with your values?

5 Features of a stress hardy mindset To develop stress hardiness Challenge: Do you view difficult situations as opportunities for learning rather than as stress to avoid? The importance of thinking outside the box

6 Features of a stress hardy mindset To develop stress hardiness Control (personal): Do you focus your time and energy on situations over which you have some influence or do you frequently attempt to alter situations over which you have little, if any, control?

7 Features of a stress hardy mindset Understanding and reinforcing factors that contribute to happiness: Eight recommendations offered by psychologist Sonja Lyubormirsky Count your blessings Practice acts of kindness Savor lifes joys

8 Factors that contribute to happiness Thank a mentor Learn to forgive Invest time and energy in friends and family Take care of your body Develop strategies for coping with stress

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