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Upton STLP TEAM Hardin County. We are a state recognized STLP Technology team.

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1 Upton STLP TEAM Hardin County

2 We are a state recognized STLP Technology team.

3 Process used to recruit students Since we are so small, every student in our school gets to participate in integrated technology projects. 3 male and 3 female STLP Leaders, who exhibit outstanding technical skills and motivation to assist peers, are chosen from Fourth and Fifth Grades. Process used to increase community awareness of projects Completed technology projects are put on our school web pages. WETV segments are videotaped for school and county TV broadcasts. PR pictures & articles are placed in school, district, and county newspapers. Submitting this scrapbook to KDE hopefully will increase Kentucky awareness. People have contacted us from several other states including, Alabama, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Utah, & Kansas in response to our web site. We have sent a mini- library to Burundi, Africa and conducted projects with Cherokee Indians in North Carolina & Japanese students in Sagamihara, Japan.

4 Upton is on the Global School House Hotlist! We’re listed in ProTeacher for our Christmas Around the World Web page: It appears on this page in the ProTeacher Directory:

5 UNITED NATIONS DONATION / QUIK CAM FOR WESTERN Our sister STLP Team from Western Elementary displayed their 99 Technology Project, RQUEST INTERNET MAGIC, at the KETC Conference in Louisville. They explained how they put integrated questions linked to internet sites with information to answer them on their school web site. In a year’s time, they introduce students and teachers to over 100 different internet sites. They sold a collection of RQUEST questions at the conference, to which we helped contribute. $175.00 dollars from the proceeds were sent to the UN to help the Kosovo Refugees. The rest were used to purchase a Quik Cam for Western so we could conduct video net meetings with each other.

6 Our STLP Team members compose and bookmark weekly RQUEST questions. In a year’s time they expose teachers and peers to over 100 different integrated curriculum and children’s favorite Internet sites. They also help students create additions to our school web site, assist peers with student e-mail & multimedia presentations, help conduct Net Meetings, and work with each other on WETV broadcasts. Upton STLP members collaborate, as well as all other students, to assemble research projects for our end of year technology fair.

7 STLP Members help clean the school’s computers,and learn “on the Job” training helping Miss Connie keep our computers humming. They help teacher’s solve computer problems with advice and assistance. Individuals hook up the Whiz Kids computer program for their practices after school.

8 They have designed computer signs and banners for teachers and the librarian, located web sites for curriculum integration, conducted Net Meeting, & displayed and explained Technology Fair projects at the PARENT EXPO for Southern Hardin County.

9 We are becoming Global Learners. Our home page has versions in five languages and includes the Alta Vista Translator site to assist us in accomplishing our goals. Our plans for future STLP Projects for next year include a global collaboration project & learning how to use AVID CINEMA to include video on our web pages and improve our WETV broadcasts.

10 ) Region 2 Student Technology Showcase Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Ky. We Are the Jetsons! Upton & Western STLP Teams interviewed each other & students from Sagamihara, Japan, then collaborated in Net Meeting to produce a brochure sharing their Japanese friends & each others' Favorite Things. Their technology project was selected to be displayed at the KYTLC (Kentucky Technology and Learning Conference) in the spring.

11 KYTLC Kentucky Technology and Learning Conference We Are The Jetsons! Upton & Western Elementary used regular mail, e-mail, video e-mail, video tapes and Net Meeting to learn about students in Sagamihara, Japan and each others’ favorite things. Upton & Western STLP Teams at their individual schools, which are 25 miles apart, shared a Microsoft Word brochure file while in Net Meeting, to make a folder listing the results of their surveys. Because they could see and hear each other during their communication, they named their project--We Are The Jetsons! Their project was displayed at the KYTLC conference in Louisville in the spring.

12 Upton Family Reunion Upton STLP students nominated the Upton Family from Alabama and Georgia for the KETC Conference Friends of STLP Award, for their visit and resulting Upton Family Reunion during Upton Days. The family donated a monetary gift to the school, which was used to establish the Upton Pioneer Spirit Awards. Students who exhibit outstanding citizenship and character traits will receive the awards at the end of each school year. THE UPTON FAMILY RECEIVED A FRIENDS OF STLP AWARD AT THE KETC CONFERENCE.

13 Along with Western Elementary, we also nominated The Fellowship Sunday School Class of the Sonora Baptist Church and Gary Hunter of the Follett Book Company for their help in sending a Mini-library to our missionary keypals, The Brandons, in Burundi, Africa. THEY WERE RECOGNIZED WITH THE FRIENDS OF STLP AWARD AT THE KETC CONFERNCE. Sonora First Baptist Church Fellowship Sunday School Class The Brandons Receive Gary English Books from Upton Hunter

14 Upton Family Mrs. Martin Mrs. Mayer For Friends of STLP 2000 we submitted five nominations. We chose the Upton Family again for their second school visit and donation to our Technology program. Secondly, we honored Western parent, Mrs. Vickie Martin, for arranging our technology visits with her friend, Mrs. Laura Mayer. We nominated Mrs. Mayer and her English Class in Sagamihara, Japan for their year long participation in our We Are the Jetsons! Technology Project.

15 Dr. Jones Mrs. Jenkins We also nominated Dr. Stanley Jones from NASA for helping us learn how to conduct KTLN teleconferences. And we honored Mrs. Janice Jenkins for her assistance in promoting the sale of our RQUEST Book with elementary faculties in Meade Co., Ky. ALL WERE RECOGNIZED WITH FRIENDS OF STLP AWARDS AT THE KETC CONFERNCE.

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