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Daggett System for Effective Instruction: Where Research and Best Practices Meet Willard R. Daggett, Ed.D. Founder and CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "Daggett System for Effective Instruction: Where Research and Best Practices Meet Willard R. Daggett, Ed.D. Founder and CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daggett System for Effective Instruction: Where Research and Best Practices Meet
Willard R. Daggett, Ed.D. Founder and CEO

2 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

3 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Assessments (NGA)

4 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Assessments (NGA) Teacher Effectiveness based on Student Performance

5 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®

6 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®
Became framework for CCSS and NGA

7 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®
Became framework for CCSS and NGA Lexile® research is helping define proficiency in NGA

8 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®
Became framework for CCSS and NGA Lexile® research is helping define proficiency in NGA 5-year study with CCSSO and Gates Foundation

9 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®
Became framework for CCSS and NGA Lexile® research is helping define proficiency in NGA 5-year study with CCSSO and Gates Foundation Work with the early implementers (RttT)

10 Our Involvement Created the Rigor / Relevance Framework®
Became framework for CCSS and NGA Lexile® research is helping define proficiency in NGA 5-year study with CCSSO and Gates Foundation Work with the early implementers (RttT) International best practices

11 Make the complex simple
Unrelenting commitment to help schools improve in meeting the needs of all children

12 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

13 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Assessments (NGA)

14 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Assessments (NGA) Teacher effectiveness based on student performance

15 The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Assessments (NGA) Teacher effectiveness based on student performance Prepare students for the world beyond school

16 Agenda RESEARCH





21 GOALS Complex Simple Tools Strategies

22 Worksheet


24 Focus What is effective?

25 Research on Effectiveness
Data-rich, analysis-poor Meta-analysis

26 Research on Effectiveness
Data-rich, analysis-poor Meta-analysis Visible Learning by John Hattie 52,637 800 meta-analyses

27 Research on Effectiveness
Data-rich, analysis-poor Meta-analysis Visible Learning by John Hattie 52,637 800 meta-analyses Sutton Trust Research, UK

28 Research on Effectiveness
Data-rich, analysis-poor Meta-analysis Visible Learning by John Hattie 52,637 800 meta-analyses Sutton Trust Research, UK CCSSO’s – InTASC

29 Research on Effectiveness
Data-rich, analysis poor Meta-analysis Visible Learning by John Hattie 52,637 800 meta-analyses Sutton Research, UK CCSSO’s – InTASC Other Existing Frameworks

30 Five Categories Students Teachers Schools/Districts Curricula Home

31 Scale 138 factors

32 Scale 138 factors Effect

33 Scale 138 factors Effect Standard deviations (SD)

34 Standard Deviation 34

35 1 Standard Deviation Students do better than 84% of students not in that initiative

36 1 Standard Deviation Students do better than 84% of students not in that initiative Typically represent 2 years growth in one year

37 Focus What is effective? What you can impact?

38 Literacy Strategies Effective .61 SD = 1.22 Years Growth per Year

39 Focus What is effective? What you can impact?
nation’s most successful practices international best practices

40 Student Teacher Relationship
Effective .72 SD = 1.44 Years Growth per Year

41 Application of Knowledge
Effective .65 SD = 1.30 Years Growth per Year

42 Socioeconomic Status Effective

43 You Cannot Change Where YOUR STUDENTS CAME FROM
However You Can Change Where YOUR STUDENTS ARE GOING

44 Focus What is effective? What you can impact? What is most efficient?

45 Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework
High Cost Low Cost

46 Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework
High Student Performance Ef fec t iveness High Cost Low Cost Low Student Performance

47 Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework Low Student Performance
High Student Performance Ef fec t iveness C D A B High Cost Low Cost Low Student Performance

48 Professional Development

49 Professional Development
Effective Efficient

50 Greatest Impact What is effective? What you can impact?
What is most efficient?

51 Greatest Impact Culture of High Expectations Relevance of Instruction
Strong Relationships

52 Findings Teachers are our greatest hope.

53 Student Teacher Relationship
Effective Efficient

54 Application of Knowledge
Effective Efficient

55 Professional Development
Effective Efficient

56 Teacher Expectations and Clarity
Effective Efficient

57 Plan Instruction based on how Students Learn
Effective Efficient 1.28

58 Assessment to Inform and Differentiate Instruction
Effective Efficient

59 Meta-Cognitive Strategies
Effective Efficient

60 Literacy Strategies Effective Efficient

61 OVERVIEW (second year of exceptional results with on model implementation)
Located outside of Houston, the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District (CFISD) enrolls more than 104,000 students in 50 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, 11 high schools, and four special program facilities. The district’s student population was largely Hispanic (39%) and Caucasian (36%), followed by African American (17%), Asian American (9%) and Native American (less than 1%) students. Just under half (42%) of all students received free and reduced-price lunch through the National School Lunch Program; 16% of all students are English language learners (ELL). Growing interest in research-based education inspired district leaders to pilot READ 180 as a reading intervention program with a cohort of fifth graders in spring Due to the pilot’s success, the district expanded READ 180 to 31 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, and 11 high schools. READ 180 was used as an intervention program for fourth through twelfth-grade students who were reading below proficiency. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Reading and Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) data, along with teacher recommendations and grades, were used to identify and place students in the program. RESULTS TAKS Reading and the SRI data were collected and analyzed for students who used the program during the 2008–2009 school year. TAKS Reading data was obtained from a total of 2,249 students in Grades 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 with valid pretest and posttest data. READ 180 students in Grades 4–5 and 7–12 were included in the SRI analysis, comprising a total sample of 2,799 students with valid pretest and posttest SRI data. Across all grades in this analysis, the percentage of READ 180 students achieving Proficiency on the TAKS Reading increased from 2008–2009. Results were particularly impressive for middle school students who demonstrated more than a four-fold increase in proficiency rates on the TAKS.

62 Read 180, System 44, Expert 21 # 27 – Feature Session – Ted Hasselbring # 69 – Model School – Billings Public Schools # 81a, 81b, 82a, 82b, 83a - How to Sessions

63 Peer Tutoring Effective Efficient

64 Learning Together





69 Learning Together #75 – Harbour View Elementary
#76 – Brockton High School #90 - How to Session

70 What is less effective and efficient

71 Class Size Effective Efficient

72 Summer School Effective Efficient

73 PD Peer Tutor Class Size Summer School Ability Group Achieve Prior
0.22 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.72 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.69 0.80 0.55 0.75 0.62 0.75 0.40 0.67 0.60 0.65 0.30 0.55 0.23 0.20 0.21 0.20 PD Peer Tutor Class Size Summer School Ability Group Achieve Prior Teach Test Literacy Strats. Meta Strats. Form. Eval. Student Teacher Teacher Clarity

74 Student Achievement

75 Focus What is effective? What you can impact? What is most efficient?
nation’s most successful practices international best practices What is most efficient?

76 Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership
Teaching Student Achievement Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership

77 System

78 Aligned for Success Doctors/Nurses in Hospitals Pilots in Flight
Lawyers in a Law Firm Troops in Battle Teachers in a School System

79 Successful Practices Network
Session #80 Resource Center

80 Key to Effective Instruction Is Alignment
Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Teacher

81 Deal with Underlying Challenges
Family and parent involvement/support Attendance Teacher attitude and attendance Safety / security

82 Student Achievement

83 Sessions #3 McNulty – President, ICLE #10 Deb Delisle - Senior Fellow, ICLE # 17 Sue Szachowicz Brockton High School

84 Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership
Teaching Student Achievement Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership

85 WORKSHEET Actions Conference School/District PowerPoint Whitepaper

86 Worksheet

87 Teaching Rigor and Relevance Rigor and Relevance

88 Knowledge Taxonomy Awareness Comprehension Application Analysis
Synthesis Evaluation

89 Application Model Knowledge in one discipline
Application within discipline Application across disciplines Application to real-world predictable situations Application to real-world unpredictable situations

90 Levels Bloom’s C D A B 4 5 6 3 2 1 Application

91 D C B A Rigor/Relevance Framework 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. D C 5 4 3 Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. 2 A B 1 1 2 3 4 5

92 D C B A Rigor/Relevance Framework 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. D Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. C 5 4 3 Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. 2 A B 1 1 2 3 4 5

93 D C B A Rigor/Relevance Framework 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram. Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. D C 5 4 3 Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. 2 A B 1 1 2 3 4 5

94 Levels Bloom’s C D A B 4 5 6 3 2 1 Application

95 Rigor & Relevance #23 - Feature #94 Resource Session
Visit Resource Center

96 Teaching Relationships Relationships Rigor and Relevance

97 Teaching Content Content Relationships Rigor and Relevance

98 Teaching How Students Learn How students learn Content Relationships
Rigor and Relevance

99 D C A B

100 Brain Research #13 – Nussbaum #14 – Nussbaum #15 – Brooks #16 – Brooks

101 Instructional Strategies
Teaching Instructional Strategies How students learn Content Instructional strategies Relationships Rigor and Relevance

102 Assessment to Guide Instruction
Teaching Assessment to Guide Instruction How students learn Content Instructional strategies Relationships Assessment to guide instruction Rigor and relevance

103 Organizational Leadership
Student Achievement Organizational Leadership

104 Organizational Leadership
Culture Culture

105 Culture #1 - Daggett

106 Create a Culture Technology

107 Moore’s Law – Doubles Every 2 Years
Computing Capacity 1991 2011 2021

108 Exponential Growth Mainframe iPhone

109 Exponential Growth Mainframe iPhone Blood Cell

110 Moore’s Law Linear (30 feet)
Exponential (1 billion feet – 200,000 miles)

111 Technology Moore’s Law

112 Technology Moore’s Law Cloud Computing

113 Technology Moore’s Law Cloud Computing Open Source

114 Technology Moore’s Law Cloud Computing Open Source GNR

115 GNR Genetics (Bio-Tech) Nano Technology Robotics

116 Skill Gap Literacy Math Science Quadrant B and D

117 Create a Culture Technology

118 Create a Culture Technology Globalization

119 Create a Culture Technology Globalization Financial

120 Create a Culture Technology Globalization Financial Demographic

121 Population 1950 2010 2050 Male Female

122 Create a Culture Technology Globalization Financial Demographic

123 Create a Culture Technology Globalization Financial Demographic
Workplace Skill Gap

124 Create a Culture Technology Globalization Financial Demographic
Workplace Skill Gap

125 Culture #1 - Daggett

126 Create a Culture What is the message?
Who it is delivered to and in what order? How to deliver it?

127 Organizational Leadership
Vision Vision Culture

128 Is your purpose to prepare students for the test?

129 Is your purpose to prepare students for the test
Is your purpose to prepare students for the test? What else should you prepare them for?

130 Those things that are easy to measure are least important
Those things that are easy to measure are least important. Those things that are most important are hardest to measure.

131 Vision -Wednesday 8:00 am – Delta A DSEI - Deep Dive
-Closing General Session

132 Organizational Leadership
Structure and Systems Structure and systems Vision Culture

133 Organizational Changes
Looping Interdisciplinary Chairs Electives to 9th Grade

134 Organizational Leadership
Build Leadership Structure and systems Build leadership Vision Culture

135 Top-down support for bottom-up success

136 Empower Leadership Teams

137 Leadership Teams Coherent Vision Empowerment

138 Leadership -#5 -McNulty -#22 – NASSP (Flanary)
-Institute for 21st Century Learning – Resource Center

139 Organizational Leadership Selection, Support, Evaluation
Structure and systems Build leadership Selection, support, evaluation Vision Culture

140 Evaluation - #7 – Daggett/Delisle

141 Organizational Leadership
Data Systems Structure and systems Build leadership Selection, support, evaluation Vision Data systems Culture

142 Data Systems - #91 – SAS EVAAS

143 Teacher evaluation systems need to be tied directly to data systems

144 Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership
Teaching Student Achievement Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership

145 Teacher Expectations and Clarity
Effective Efficient

146 Instructional Leadership
High Expectations High expectations

147 CCSS/NGA #8 – Gendron #9 - Gendron

148 Next Navigator

149 Resource Center

150 1 2 3 4 5

151 Road Map State Standards to State Test

152 Ohio English Language Arts Indicators Tested

153 Your State Standards  CCSS

154 A State Standards State Tests A

155 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research

156 Your State Standards  CCSS

157 National Essential Skills Study (NESS)

158 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings
ELA Skill: Write clear and concise directions or procedures. Group Rank Overall 9 Business/Industry 2 Other Non-educators 10 English Language Arts Teachers 25 Other Educators 8

159 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings
ELA Skill: Give clear and concise oral directions. Group Rank Overall 7 Business/Industry 3 Other Non-educators 9 English Language Arts Teachers 28 Other Educators

160 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings
Math Skill: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to right triangles. Group Rank Overall 20 Business/Industry 29 Other Non-educators 31 Mathematics Teachers 4 Other Educators 24

161 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings
Math Skill: Understand accuracy and precision of measurement, round off numbers according to the correct number of significant figures, and determine percent error. Group Rank Overall 12 Business/Industry 3 Other Non-educators 10 Mathematics Teachers 30 Other Educators 8

162 Proficiency

163 A C State Standards State Tests NESS & Lexile C

164 Your State Standards  CCSS

165 A C State Standards State Tests NESS & Lexile Common Core Standards

166 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research
State Standards to CCSS

167 Your State Standards  CCSS

168 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research
State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard

169 CCSS  Your State Standard

170 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research
State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard State Test to CCSS Samples to NGA

171 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research
State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard State Test to CCSS Samples to NGA

172 State Test NGA Create a large spinner for a game that has at least eight sectors. Each sector should be assigned a different ‘prize’. Prizes should range in value from most appealing to least appealing. Vary the sectors so that the probability to win a desired prize is much less that the probability to win a lesser desired prize. Calculate the theoretical probability of landing on each prize. Conduct multiple trials with the spinner and determine the experimental probability of landing on each prize. Which price has the greatest probability and which prize has the least probability?

173 A D State Standards State Tests NESS & Lexile Common Core Standards
Consortium Assessment

174 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research
State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard State Test to CCSS Samples to NGA NGA to CCSS

175 D C A B

176 Next Navigator - #113 – Lucey

177 Resource Center

178 Instructional Leadership
Curriculum Curriculum High expectations

179 Instructional Leadership
Literacy and Math Literacy and math Curriculum High expectations

180 Lexile Framework® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures
Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%) 1600 1400 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) 1000 800 600 High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics

181 CCSS - ELA K-5 6-12 Standards for Literacy in History-Social Studies, Science, Technical Subjects

182 Literacy/Numeracy -#89 – I CAN Learn -#81a – Read 180 -#81b –Read 180
-#82a – System 44 -#82b – System 44 -83a – Expert 21

183 Instructional Leadership
Data-driven Literacy and math Data-driven Curriculum High expectations

184 Tennessee Arts Education
Tennessee Language Arts Standards/Learning Expectations/Accomplishments High School English II Curriculum Survey of Essential Skills National Rankings End-of-Course Test Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre 1.08 Develop organized pieces of writing containing focused, well-developed ideas. e12 e54 H 1.09 Demonstrate effective writing style by the use of vivid words, a variety of sentence structures, and appropriate transitions. 1.10 Evaluate and revise writing to focus on purpose, organization, development, transitions, unity, and audience awareness. e14 e41 e62 M 1.11 Recognize and demonstrate appropriate use of standard English: usage, mechanics and standard spelling, and sentence structure. e1 e7 1.12 Identify and use a variety of resources to revise and edit writing. e21 1.13 Research information to prepare presentations or reports which use summarizing, paraphrasing, direct quotations, citation of sources, and bibliographic entries. e3 e36a L

185 Tennessee Career and Technical Education
Tennessee English Language Arts Content Standards/ State Performance Indicators English II NESS Rank TCAP / EOC Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Food Products & Processing Systems Agribusiness Systems Power, Structural & Technical Systems Environmental Service Systems Plant Systems Natural Resource Systems Animal Systems Design/ Pre-Construction Construction Maintenance/ Operations Performing Arts Visual Arts Printing Technology Journalism & Broadcasting A/V Technology & Film Telecommunications Standard 2—Communication SPI Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech. E2 E34 H SPI Distinguish between a summary and a paraphrase. E20 E28 SPI Distinguish between a critique and a summary. SPI Discern the structure of a challenging speech (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, comparison-contrast, cause-effect). E17 E22 SPI Identify rhetorical devices used in a challenging speech (i.e., rhetorical questions, parallelism and repetition, analogies, hyperbole, metaphors, and similes). E37 E44 SPI Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oral presentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate). E8

186 Instructional Leadership Provide Professional Growth
Literacy and math Data-driven Curriculum Provide professional growth High expectations

187 Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership
Teaching Student Achievement Instructional Leadership Organizational Leadership

188 Daggett System for Effective Instruction
- Wednesday – 8:00 - Delta A

189 What Are the Next Steps? Closing Session


191 Transition Plan

192 Next Steps Start with awareness program

193 Next Steps Start with awareness program Needs Assessment

194 Next Steps Start with awareness program Needs Assessment
Transition Plan

195 Next Steps Start with awareness program Needs Assessment
Transition Plan Provide support to teachers now Next Navigator Focused and sustained professional development

196 Next Steps Start with awareness program Needs Assessment
Transition Plan Provide support to teachers now Next Navigator Focused and sustained professional development Monitor progress

197 International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.
1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY Phone (518) Fax (518) -

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