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1 CSSE151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I Course Overview.

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1 1 CSSE151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I Course Overview

2 2 Course Goals  Introduction to the fundamentals of computer science Programming in a modern high-level language (C++) with emphasis on programming design and style  Primitive and aggregate data types  Functions  Control structures Software development  Algorithm development  Stepwise refinement  Elementary search algorithms

3 3 Course Overview Topics  Introduction to Computer Science  C++ Basics  Top-Down Design Functions (Procedures)  Control Structure Selection, Repetition  Modular Programming Call-by-Value, Call-by-Reference

4 4 Course Overview Topics (Cont.)  Simple Data Types Integer, Float, Char, Boolean….  Aggregate Data Types Array, Record (Struct)  Files Input/Output

5 5 Course Overview Instructor  Dr. Lirong Dai, Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas Text  Primary text: Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++, by Friedman and Koffman, 4th edition (Addison Wesley, 2004)  Reference: books that can help you learn to use Linux, such as The Linux Pocket Guide by Daniel Barrett (O’Reilly, 2004)

6 6 Course Overview Duties  Material Reading Quizzes will be arranged based on reading  Consistent Attendance (10%) So you won’t miss any pop quiz, labs, in-class exercises Courses materials will not be re-distributed  Weekly Programming Assignments (10%) Assign on Wednesdays, submit on the following Tuesday midnight Suggestions  Start assignment as early as possible  By each Friday, you should have some idea to finish the assignment, since the instructor might not be available on weekends or the assignment due days  Anytime if you have questions regarding assignments, bring in a hard copy. You cannot mail you code for questions

7 7 Course Overview Course Duties (Cont.)  2 Projects (10%) Usually, allow three weeks to finish Again, start project as early as possible  3 Exams (70%) Exam schedule may be changed Dishonesty Policy  All assignments/projects are individual work  All exams are closed book & notes  Any dishonesty violation will be reported

8 8 Course Overview Grade  Will not curve grades  Grade distribution Questions? >= 90 A = 85A- = 80B+ = 75B = 70B- = 65C+ = 60C = 55C- = 50D+ = 45D = 40D- <40F

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