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S TUDENT -C ENTERED C LASSROOM A SSESSMENT Summative Assessments and Grading.

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1 S TUDENT -C ENTERED C LASSROOM A SSESSMENT Summative Assessments and Grading

2 S UMMATIVE A SSESSMENTS Why do we give summative assessments? When do you design your summative assessments? What process do you use to design your summative assessments? What do you do to insure the validity of your assessments?

3 T EST B LUEPRINTS Also known as a table of specifications A tool to link assessments to standards A tool to link instructional activities to standards Adds precision and clarity to teaching Clarifies learning goals to students Increases content validity of teacher-developed assessments Backward design – design the blueprint before developing assessments and instructional activities Allows teachers to reflect upon the cognitive level of the standard Assists teachers in writing assessment items that tap different levels of cognitive complexity

4 B LOOM ’ S T AXONOMY KnowledgeComprehension List, name, labelSummarize, explain ApplicationAnalysis Construct, solve, predictCompare, infer SynthesisEvaluation Design, develop, reorganizeInterpret, defend, justify

5 T EST B LUEPRINT Standard or Element Cognitive level of the standard Item assessing the standard Cognitive level of the item S7L2aComprehension123123 Knowledge Comprehension S7L2bApplication4-9 (label cell parts) Knowledge S7L2eComprehension10 (essay qt.)Evaluation S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. a. Explain that cells take in nutrients in order to grow and divide and to make needed materials. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions. e. Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration, reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for protection from disease).

6 I TEM A NALYSIS Allows for the assessment to become more diagnostic Shows areas where students may need more assistance (Prerequisite knowledge may be there, but students cannot apply it.) Identifies those standards/elements where corrective teaching is needed Allows the teacher the opportunity to evaluate the quality of assessment items How can we use summative results in a way that supports a assessment for learning ?

7 S TANDARDS - BASED G RADING Why do we give grades? What do grades mean? To what extent do grades reflect mastery? How can our grading practices help students focus more on the learning than on the grade?

8 T HINGS TO AVOID WHEN GRADING (W ORMELI, 1006) Avoid incorporating nonacadmic factors, such as behavior, attendance, and effort, into the final grade. Avoid penalizing students’ multiple attempts at mastery. Avoid grading practice. Avoid assessing students in ways that do not accurately indicate their mastery. Avoid extra credit and bonus points. Avoid group grades. Avoid grading on a curve. Avoid recording zeros for work not done. Avoid using norm-referenced terms to describe criterion-referenced attributes.

9 G RADING PRACTICES TO CONSIDER (W ORMELI, 2006) Use a grading scale that has equal intervals. Allow redos. Develop another way to represent work not done. Weight grades in a way that gives greater emphasis to tasks that are more complex and demanding. Summative tasks should weigh more that formative tasks (if formative tasks are graded). Design a gradebook format based on standards. This can be done in Infinite Campus!

10 Y OUR TASK THIS WEEK : Choose from the following: Evaluate an existing assessment using a test blueprint. Design a new assessment using a test blueprint. After giving a summative assessment, complete an item analysis, linking the results to standards. Implement a standards-based grading practice. Design a standards-based gradebook format. Plan. Implement. Blog. Respond.

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