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1 Real Estate Transactions PAR 131 - Introduction Mike Brigner, J.D.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Real Estate Transactions PAR 131 - Introduction Mike Brigner, J.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Real Estate Transactions PAR 131 - Introduction Mike Brigner, J.D.

2 2 Why Are We Here?  Unsolicited comment from a recent Sinclair Paralegal Program graduate: “I have now graduated, and also got married this past June. I also am working for Attorney ____ as a Paralegal. I must admit that the job is more fascinating than I could have ever imagined.”

3 3 Advice from Your Classmates  I would advise students who take this course in the future that:  It is very learner friendly  It is a lot of work but it is worth it  There is lots of work  This class can be fun; don’t get stressed!  There is a lot of research which needs to be done. Find a buddy to bounce ideas off of.

4 4 Advice from Your Classmates  They should read the textbook and reading material assigned to this class  Reading the material will help you do the assignments  Be sure to pay close attention to the HUD-1 Form instructions  Pay attention on the “closing” lecture. Barb Zappe was extremely helpful.

5 5 Advice from Your Classmates  Use the Discussion Board. Everyone helps everyone by doing that.  Never miss a class and do homework on time  Take before you rent or buy a home!  Some assignments are easier than others so take advantage and don’t wait until the last minute to do notebook corrections  The assignments take more time than you think

6 6 Advice from Your Classmates  The prof gives all the information needed to receive an A on each assignment  Read and highlight the chapter before you take the quizzes  Correct assignments as you get them back  I wish I would have had this class years ago when I bought my house!

7 7 Lexis ID Number URGENT!  By the end of first week of class  If you do not already have a Lexis ID# for this school year (through next August 31)  You must go to Sinclair Tartan Bookstore to purchase ID ($44)  Lexis ID is mandatory If no Lexis ID, you will be administratively withdrawn from all LAP classes

8 8 Your Professor for This Course  Mike Brigner –Teaching at SCC since late ’70’s –Former News Reporter, Judge –National Domestic Violence Consultant & Trainer –Author of 100+ Legal Articles –Would Rather be on a Bicycle

9 9 Reaching Me  Office: Room 5348  PAR Office: 5141  Mailbox: 5141 (NOT under door of office!)  ADVICE: Appointment is recommended, usually in CIL instead of office

10 10 Reaching Me  Voice Mail: 512- 2950 (leave date & time!)  Discussion Board  E-mail through My.Sinclair  ADVICE: E-mail is recommended over phone call

11 11 Read Your Syllabus  Contact Info  Paralegal Instructor: –Barbara Zappe  Key Dates  Websites, & Other Resources  Grading & Expectations  Class Procedures & Policies  Course Outline

12 12 More Syllabus  Text  Other Resources  Website Resources  Grading  Quizzes  Class Procedures & Policies

13 13 Basis of Grade  8 Projects 20-30 points each  Quizzes (10 x 20 points) 200 points  (No Midterm or Final Exam!)  Amicus 30 points  TimeSlips 30 points  Notebook with corrected Projects 20 pts.

14 14 Basis of Grade  8 Projects 1.Lease 2.Eviction Complaint 3.Eviction Answer 4.RE Contract to Purchase 5.RE Disclosure Form 6.Deeds 7.Closing Documents 8.Web Records Search

15 15 Quizzes – 20 points each  First one on Syllabus & Rules  Rest on individual chapters  One per week, due by Mondays at 11pm  90 minute time limit  One Q at a time  Open book, but you must read & study chapter first, or you won’t be able to complete the quiz

16 16 Class Notebooks (See Special Assignments Handout)  You get credit for same work 3 times!  Must include CORRECTED versions of Projects #1 through #7  Will be graded while you wait at last class  Worth 20 points  Requirements of Notebook:  a) separate binder  b) includes ONLY corrected versions (no correction marks)  c) of all of your graded Projects  d) tabbed in correct order

17 17 Amicus/Timeslips (See Special Assignments Handout)  Amicus: Record all of your Assignments/Activities as To- Do's – WITH DETAILS  Record all of your class meeting time and other meetings as Appointments  This will be worth up to 30 points

18 18 Amicus/Timeslips (See Special Assignments Handout) –Timeslips: Keep time for all of the work you do for this class – WITH DETAILS –Record your time in the Timeslips program –Record your expenses, too - MANDATORY  Record AS YOU GO – at least WEEKLY  NO advance entry (unethical)  This will be worth up to 30 points  Entries must follow STANDARDS FOR AMICUS (handed out in training)

19 19 Amicus/Timeslips (See Special Assignments Handout)  TRAINING: Look for message on Discussion Board.  Entries must follow STANDARDS FOR AMICUS  (Standards are handed out in training)

20 20 Amicus/Timeslips (See Special Assignments Handout)  NAMES –Timekeeper Name: Always the same: YOU –Client Name: “Ivy Vine”  NAMING SYSTEM FOR CLIENT –Client First Name = Ivy –Middle Name = Your First Initial + Last Name –Client Last Name = Vine  MY CLIENT = Ivy MBrigner Vine

21 21 Easiest Ways to Lose Points  No cover page  Incorrect cover page  Not reading instructions  Not checking My.Sinclair  Single spaced  No spel checkkk & proofreading  Late assignments  Missed classes

22 22 Time Issues:  Studies show: Attendance is key factor in student success  You must SIGN IN for each class or lose points for that class!  No 15 Minute Rule. If Prof is delayed, use time to work on assignments.  SCC CLOSED on Monday, January 16

23 23 Class Procedures & Policies Follow Quality Standards in all PAR work Expectation = Letter-Perfect Work You work for the law firm of S, B, B & D You must participate fully in group work Late assignments cost you 10% No handwritten assignments Attendance mandatory, or lose 10 pts/ea Complete cover page mandatory BLANK SCREEN ZONE!

24 24 Classroom Etiquette  Check out “PAR Library”  Need not ask to be excused  NO typing, printing, playing on PC during class!  No food, drink, or spittoons  This is your law office; keep it neat & organized  Clean up your area at the end of every class

25 25 One Word

26 26 Protect Your Work  Helping others learn is okay  Doing their work is not  Do not ask for or give copies or disks  Copied work = ?  Failure for user AND donor  Protect your paperwork  Protect your disks

27 27 Care & Feeding of Disks  “TECH HAPPENS”  Label your disks!  BACK UP! BACK UP!! BACK UP!!! BACK UP!!!!  “The computer ate my homework” is not an acceptable excuse  Don’t loan out your disks, or leave them around for others to “borrow”

28 28 SAVE YOUR WORK  Save ALL graded papers  Save ALL corrected papers for notebook  Save ALL work electronically  Save ALL corrected work electronically  BACK UP all saved work  YOU WILL NEED THESE for Internship Portfolio, which is required for graduation

29 29  LOG-ON IN 14-114:  Name: stu-14-par  Password:  Domain: SCCA-NT  LOG-ON IN 14-306E  Name:

30 30 

31 31 My.Sinclair  This is your main  News & notice source  It is YOUR responsibility to check DAILY  E-MAIL: Personal news to/from Prof  DISCUSSION BOARD: News for class –Updates, corrections, jobs, class cancellations, extra credit, assignment tips  CALENDAR: All due dates, changes in due dates, class locations, free days

32 32 My.Sinclair  ANNOUNCEMENTS: –From SCC or Prof. –News, alerts appear on your home page  MYGRADES: Shows your absences & grades weekly. Check often. Email prof if you catch any errors.  EXTERNAL LINKS: Helpful links for this course –Lexis, Law Libraries, Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio Revised Code, Montgomery County records, & more

33 33 Communicating on My.Sinclair  With Professor: –E-mail for private messages (grades, illness) Use My.Sinclair address only –Discussion Board for EVERYTHING ELSE Class-related questions go HERE, not in E-mail  ALL Messages Should Begin W/Course # –Example: –Subject: 131.01 Projects, Are You Nuts? –Or: 131.50 Classmates, Are They Nuts?

34 34 Communicating on My.Sinclair  With other students: –E-mail for private messages –Discussion Board for class info  We Are A Learning Community –Without “cheating” (doing each other’s work) we help each other learn. This includes answering each other’s questions on the Discussion Board. If everyone is stumped, I will add suggestions.

35 35

36 36 Sinclair People Website  All COURSE MATERIALS here –Projects, Forms, PowerPoints –In-Class Exercises, PAR Newsletter  If you want hard copy, print one  Replaces H Drive 

37 37 SCC Disability Services Notice  Qualified individuals with disabilities who produce required documentation of their disability & self-identify their need for accommodations are eligible for disability services  (Someone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities and who, with or without accommodations, can meet the essential requirements for participation in a program)  Students are required to identify their needs & to register with the Sinclair Office of Disability Services in order to be eligible for academic adjustments. All services are based on individual needs.  For more info:

38 38 Real Estate Transactions ConcludedThank you Mike Brigner, J.D. END OF CLASS: (EVERY Class) Clean up classroom; log off computers; check for personal property & computer disks; make sure you have signed in.

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