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Investing in Sustained Improvement presented by Ray McNulty, Senior Vice President International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. To hear this.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing in Sustained Improvement presented by Ray McNulty, Senior Vice President International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. To hear this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investing in Sustained Improvement presented by Ray McNulty, Senior Vice President International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. To hear this webinar you will need to choose your audio mode. Go to the control panel in the upper right corner of your screen and click the button of how you will be listening. Your choices: Use telephone Use mic & speakers If using mic & speakers make sure your volume is turned up so you can hear If using the telephone Dial: 916-233-3089 Access Code: 218-305-215 Audio PIN: unique PIN shown in audio control panel on screen Technical difficulties? Contact Lindsay Kaufman at 518-723-2064. All participants are on mute.

2 Webinar Guidelines All participants are on mute during the entire webinar. Presentation portion will be 45 minutes Questions and Answers portion will be 15 minutes To ask a question type it in the question control panel in the upper right corner of your screen. Content questions will be answered in the order they were received at the end of the webinar presentation. We will send you a follow up email with the PowerPoint presentation and helpful resources

3 Agenda Intro to the Learning Criteria to Support 21st Century Learners How to use the Learning Criteria to measure success beyond state testing requirements and AYP Question and Answer

4 Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education The LEARNING CRITERIA

5 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Approximately $100 Billion On top of FY09 and FY10 appropriations One time infusion MUST be used wisely Sustainable reforms without falling off the funding cliff Categorical and Formula Funding

6 STIMULUS FUNDING OBJECTIVES Shore up existing program OR Reposition Schools for the future

7 STIMULUS Short term funding should be used to stimulate long term improvement -- NOT to maintain what exists




11 OUR WORK IS COMPLEX A test score is not a synonym for what a student has learned or a school has accomplished.



14 Components of School Excellence 1. Create a Culture to Support RR & R For ALL Students 2. Build and Use Data to Guide Whole-School / District Reform 3. Create and Support Leadership Teams 4. Define Student Learning Expectations

15 Components of School Excellence 6. Address Organizational Structures 7. Monitor Student Progress 5. Concentrate on Effective Instructional Practices 8. Review and Refine Process

16 Evaluation Systems Many of our systems are incomplete because we… - over- measure some things and - dont measure others enough.


18 The Learning Criteria helps you put into action what you believe about learning.

19 Learning Criteria to Support 21 st Century Learners Every school has its own DNA. School success is measurable beyond the tests. Data must drive school improvement initiatives. School growth and continuous improvement must be an ongoing, collaborative process. International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.

20 Success Beyond the Test Foundation Learning Stretch Learning Learner Engagement Personal Skill Development

21 Foundation Stretch Learner Engagement Personal Skill Development

22 Foundation Stretch Learner Engagement Personal Skill Development Dimensions of the Learning Criteria

23 Dimensions Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school)

24 K8 Foundation Learning Sample Data Indicators Percentage of students meeting proficiency level of state testing requirements (required) Achievement levels on standardized tests/assessments other than state exams [e.g., Lexile, Developmental Reading Assessments, STAR, Scholastic Reading Inventory, etc.] Percentage of performance-based assessments aligned with state and district standards used in reading, math, writing, and science (portfolio development, student-led conferencing, etc.) Percentage of students requiring remediation (summer school or tutorial) in reading, mathematics Follow-up surveys of academic achievements of students as they move to middle school/high school

25 9-12 Foundation Learning Sample Data Indicators Percentage of students meeting proficiency level on state tests (required) Average scores on ACT/SAT/PSAT Achievement levels on standardized tests other than state assessments Percentage of students requiring English/math remediation in college Percentage of students graduating high school in four years

26 Foundation Learning Indicator School Performance SustainedDisaggregated Benchmarked (Target)

27 Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Dimensions

28 K- 8 Stretch Learning Sample Data Indicators More than one years growth in literacy per grade Interdisciplinary work and projects (problem based learning) Students reading at least 60% non-fiction each day and using research-based comprehension Students participate in daily enrichment courses (music, art, physical education, foreign language, etc.) Completion of three or more years of world language before grade 6 Number of students enrolled in choice-based academic explorations e.g. electives, clubs, independent studies, expert groupings, etc. Number of students involved in self-regulated learning opportunities such as peer coaching, student-led conferencing, student & teacher data notebooks, peer data conferencing, etc.

29 Penn Foster Virtual High School Credit Recovery Increase Graduation Rates Decrease Dropout Rates Career Training Programs For more information please call Don Kidd at 352-212-1395 or email

30 9-12 Stretch Learning Sample Data Indicators Interdisciplinary work and projects (e.g., senior exhibition) Participation/test scores in International Baccalaureate courses Average number of college credits earned by graduation (dual enrollment) Enrollment in AP courses/scores on AP exams/percentage achieving >2 (online) Percent of students completing career majors or career/technical education programs Four or more credits in a career area (online) Four or more credits in arts (online) Earning of specialized certificates (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco Academy) (online)

31 Stretch Learning Indicator School Performance SustainedDisaggregated Benchmarked (Target)

32 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning)

33 K8 Learner Engagement Sample Data Indicators Student satisfaction surveys Student risk behaviors (Asset Survey) Attendance rate Discipline referrals Tardiness Student participation in classroom and school leadership (Junior Leadership Team, etc.)

34 9-12 Learner Engagement Sample Data Indicators Student satisfaction surveys Student risk behaviors (asset survey) Attendance rate Participation rate in extracurricular activities % of students taking ACT/SAT Tardiness rate % of students going to two and four year colleges

35 Learner Engagement Indicator School Performance SustainedDisaggregated Benchmarked (Target)

36 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills; and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

37 K-8 Personal Skill Development Sample Data Indicators Participation or hours in service learning Students holding leadership position in clubs, classrooms, or sports Time management Ability to plan and organize work Respect for diversity Reduction in number of student incidences of conflict Follow-up survey of middle school students on development of personal skills

38 9-12 Personal Skill Development Sample Data Indicators Participation or hours in service learning Students holding leadership positions in clubs or sports Assessment of personal skills: time management, ability to plan and organize work, Leadership/followership, etc. Respect for diversity Work as a member of a team Trustworthiness, perseverance, other character traits Follow-up survey of graduates on development of personal skills

39 Personal Skill Development Indicator School Performance SustainedDisaggregated Benchmarked (Target)

40 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills; and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

41 Learning Criteria Student Focus Student-centered … Not School-centered

42 Foundation Learning State Achievement Test Results SAT/ACT Results Grade Point Average Full Schedule in Four Core Subjects

43 Stretch Learning Advanced Placement (AP) Results IB Participation CTE Program Participation 3 or More Years in a 2 nd Language Course Specialized Certification National Student Organization Membership College-Sponsored HS Course Credits 3 or More Science Lab Courses Special Education Declassification Specialized Art and Music Advanced Diploma Sequence Options Growth in Lexile Reading Measure

44 Learner Engagement On Schedule to Graduate with Cohort Group Attendance Rate Tardiness Rate Submits Homework Assignments on Time Community Service No Discipline Referrals Participation in Clubs/Extracurricular Activities Participation in Athletics

45 Personal Skill Development Internships/Shadowing Opportunities Service Learning Opportunities Career Planning Activities Soft Skills Curriculum JROTC Portfolio Research Project Quadrant D Activities

46 Learner Engagement (15 pts. Max for Each) On Schedule to Graduate with Cohort Group Attendance Rate Tardiness Rate Submits Homework Assignments on Time Community Service No Discipline Referrals Participation in Extracurricular Activities Participation in Interscholastic Sports










56 Questions and Answers This is the end of the presentation portion. Submit questions at this time and stay on to hear the answers. If you are logging off, thank you for attending and we will email you with follow-up information. For more information about the Learning Criteria visit

57 Thank you for attending! We hope you found the information valuable. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments. We encourage and value your feedback. 518-399-2776 | For more information about the Learning Criteria and how we can support you visit

58 Ray is available to speak at your district, state or national conferences. For scheduling information, please contact Karen Wilkins at (518) 723-2057 or Ray McNulty, Senior Vice President and Keynote Speaker

59 17th Annual Model Schools Conference June 28- July 1, 2009 Atlanta Visit for more information

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