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THE CHALLENGE OF CULTURE CHANGE: EMBEDDING RESTORATIVE PRACTICES IN SCHOOLS Based on presentation by Margaret Thorsborne Manchester, 2005 and paper by.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CHALLENGE OF CULTURE CHANGE: EMBEDDING RESTORATIVE PRACTICES IN SCHOOLS Based on presentation by Margaret Thorsborne Manchester, 2005 and paper by."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CHALLENGE OF CULTURE CHANGE: EMBEDDING RESTORATIVE PRACTICES IN SCHOOLS Based on presentation by Margaret Thorsborne Manchester, 2005 and paper by Blood and Thorsborne - IIRP website (follow links to IIRP conference papers “Building a Global Alliance”, Sydney, 2005)

2 Organisations with a traditional culture no longer produce anywhere close to the results required….and these cultures are extremely resilient…….highly resistant to change Lee, 2004

3 Culture is the result of messages that are received about what is really valued. People align their behaviour to these messages in order to fit in. Changing culture requires a systematic and planned change to these messages, whose sources are behaviour, symbols and systems. Taylor, 2004

4 MESSAGE MANAGEMENT Messages from behaviour: The management team and those considered important are watched by others Messages from symbols: Actions, decisions and situations visible to a large number of people - and to which they attribute meaning Messages from systems: How your organisation rewards, measures, manages and communicates what is important Taylor, 2004

5 TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE The most significant determinant of your organisation’s culture will be the leadership style of managers at all levels Lee, 2004

6 TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS ….will change mind-sets, target values and build a culture which can truly support new strategies and organisational aspirations. However it can only be driven by passionate and persistent leadership at the top. Therefore, transformational change begins with transforming the mind-sets of managers. Lee, 2004

7 STAGES 1.Gaining Commitment 2.Developing a Shared Vision 3.Developing Responsive and Effective Practice 4.Developing a Whole School Approach 5.Professional Relationships

8 MAKING A CASE FOR CHANGE Building the case for investing in cultural improvement requires a thorough understanding of the cost of the current culture Taylor, 2004

9 FIVE FUNDAMENTAL LEADERSHIP PRACTICES Challenging the process Inspiring a shared vision Enabling others to act Modeling the way, and Encouraging the heart Kouzes & Posner (1997)

10 BUILDING A CASE FOR CHANGE Identifying the need (the cost of current practice): Qualitative data - wide dissatisfaction with the ineffectiveness of current practice - conversations in staff rooms and staff meetings, student and parent feedback, school reviews, union involvement Quantitative data -survey data e.g. bullying, student safety and well-being/mental health; exclusion and suspension rates, detention rates, overuse of time-out facilities, student absences, staff absences, stress/sick leave, measures of student engagement/disengagement, academic results, retention figures………need to unpack data for meaning

11 ESTABLISHING BUY-IN Share school data and RJ research with senior and middle managers, student support services, governing bodies, parent bodies, local government and other agencies Engage senior levels in the department (at state, regional and district offices) professional bodies e.g. principal’s associations, unions Identify schools which are ready to take up organisational change - negotiate an MOU regarding obligations, accountabilities, support mechanisms Identify dedicated leadership team within the school to anchor the change program

12 DEVELOPING A SHARED VISION Key people must be clear about the organisational goals - what the organisation will look like when they get there - and being very clear about what they want to measure and how that will happen and why it is important But more than anything, they must understand that this will mean, in all likelihood, a change in the culture - that is, “how we do things around here” or “how we do everything around here”

13 PREFERRED OUTCOMES Shift towards positive relationship management Balance between prevention, intervention and crisis management Improvement in statistics (detention, time-out, suspensions, exclusions, absenteeism,) & increased options for managing behaviour Staff who are struggling with discipline are identified early and supported in meaningful ways Quality and nature of the dialogue about kids is supportive

14 PREFERRED OUTCOMES (CONTINUED) Case management approach to problem- solving Classroom teachers solve more issues themselves Students are self-regulating and better problem-solvers Survey data shows improvements over a variety of measures (e.g. safety, wellbeing, school connectedness, staff morale and stress levels, parent satisfaction) Greater engagement in curriculum, increased retention rates

15 TRAINING, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT What model of training is to be used (given adult learning needs)? Who gets trained and in what order? Costs of training? Funding sources? Managing staff turnover and relief teachers, and induction for new students and their families Collegial support and supervision Ongoing CPD and access to latest research Increasing the range of options Networking

16 MONITORING FOR QUALITY STANDARDS The acquisition of new skills requires coaching in a climate of encouragement, honest feedback and support particularly when we are shifting from ingrained traditional approaches………….data collection, continuous improvement loop and professional dialogue

17 MONITORING AND SUPPORTING BEST PRACTICE RP coordinator - staffing implications Integrity of practice amongst senior and middle managers Collegial support and resourcing for preparation, facilitation and debriefing for high level interventions e.g. conferences Supportive approach to supervision of Restorative Practice Access to latest research/reading Provision of high quality ongoing PD

18 Whole School (Big Picture) Preferred Outcomes Whole School (Big Picture) Preferred Outcomes Best Practice System and School Imperatives Hierarchy of Responses (proactive-reactive) Relational/Restorative Philosophy Behaviour Mgt Policy Review & Development


20 MANAGING THE TRANSITION Identify core group to lead Keep up the dialogue Take a long term strategic approach (3-5 years) Understand the tensions Work first with interested staff Leave old structures/processes in place in parallel Involve as many staff as possible in restorative processes Explain decisions, share improvements in data, stories Use a restorative approach for staff matters Walk the talk and hold steady in the face of criticism Participate in professional forums and networks

21 TIMEFRAME & INDICATORS OF CHANGE 12-18 months Changing dialogue. Pockets of practice. Improved statistics. Gaining Commitment. Increased options for managing behaviour. 12-24 months Altered dialogue & processes. Alignment of policy & procedure. Increased skill development. School community commitment.

22 TIMEFRAME & INDICATORS OF CHANGE (Continued) 24- 36 months Embedding of practice at all levels. Altered operating framework. Reviewing policy and procedure. Creative solutions emerge. 4-5 years Best Practice. Behaviour change embedded. Cultural change across school community.

23 WIDENING THE LENS By thinking more broadly within a whole school approach it becomes possible to see where else restorative philosophy can be applied

24 PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Promote openness, honesty, transparency and fairness Use Restorative Approaches for managing staff issues Challenge practice & behaviour in a supportive way Engage whole staff and wider school community Management walking the talk

25 DIFFUSION MODEL OF INNOVATION 3% 34% 13%16% Early Adopters Innovators Laggards Early Majority Late Majority Rogers, 95

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