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Partnerships for Health Reform The Relationship Between Health Sector Reform and the Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services Presented by Courtney Barnett University.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships for Health Reform The Relationship Between Health Sector Reform and the Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services Presented by Courtney Barnett University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships for Health Reform The Relationship Between Health Sector Reform and the Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services Presented by Courtney Barnett University Research Corp. LLC Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR) Project

2 Acknowledgements s Damascene Butera s Catherine Connor s Christophe Grundmann s Anthony Kinghorn s Katherine Krasovec s A.K. Nandakumar s Pamela Putney s Pia Schneider s Gill Schierhout s Malcolm Steinberg s Alexander Telyukov

3 Background: The PHR Project s PHR seeks to improve peoples health in low and middle-income countries by supporting health sector reforms that ensure equitable access to efficient, sustainable, quality health care services s Worldwide project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

4 Overview s What are the objectives of health sector reform (HSR)? s What are the needs & objectives of HIV/AIDS programs? s What are shared goals? s How is PHR helping to realize those goals?

5 HSR Goal: Improve Health System Performance s Access s Equity s Efficiency s Quality s Sustainability s Improved health status Across all services

6 What is health sector reform? Process that seeks changes in policy, financing, organization, role of governments and other actors to reach national health objectives Why? motivated by dissatisfaction caused by failure to deliver outcomes important to society to improve health system performance and health outcomes

7 The HIV/AIDS agenda seeks to: s Improve resource mobilization & allocation for HIV/AIDS s Develop and implement a multi-sectoral response s Mitigate the impact of AIDS at the national, sectoral and household levels s Increase political commitment and service provision s Care for those infected and affected by HIV

8 Where do the objectives of HSR and HIV/AIDS intersect?

9 Health sector reforms can respond by: s Improving Access, Equity and Quality of Services s Financing and allocating resources in cost effective ways s Coordinating with international donors, NGOs and the private sector for service delivery s Promoting effective management and efficiencies in HIV programs s Increasing public and private participation in HIV programming

10 PHRs HIV/AIDS Activities: s Evaluate existing service provision mechanisms Î efficient? Î enhance access, equity, quality? Î how financed and managed? s Provide quantitative data that help decision makers to make informed decisions regarding HIV/AIDS programming s Recommend options to governments, donors, and NGOs on how to better manage, finance and provide services

11 Tools and Analysis to Improve HSR Impact s NGO Contracting s Decentralization s National Health Accounts s Sectoral Impact Studies s Costing

12 NGO Contracting: Brazil & Guatemala s Issues: access, quality & financing, management s PHR analysis on goals achieved, how to strengthen process s Key Finding: contracting can expand coverage, access and quality of HIV services Î Vulnerable populations are effectively reached (CSW, MSW, drug users) Î NGOs deliver services that the public sector is not able or unwilling to provide

13 Decentralization: Ethiopia & Senegal s Issues: financing, access, equity, management, efficiency s PHR analysis focused on the impact of decentralization on: Î Total and local funding Î Utilization of HIV/AIDS services at the local level Condom Distribution in Ethiopia

14 National Health Accounts (NHA): Rwanda s Financing, Access, Equity, Private Sector Involvement s PHR Tools and Analysis: Î NHA maps out the sources flows and uses of funding for HIV/AIDS Î NHA illustrates: Who pays for what? How much? Where are resources spent? Î Delivers descriptive statistics of the health system s Dissemination of findings will add to dialogue on resource allocation and equity

15 Costing: Cambodia s Cambodian pilot project taking place in collaboration with FHI/Impact, AIDS Alliance, PSI, CARE s Issues: Financing, Management, Efficiency s PHR Tool: Costing methodology establishing a basis for cost comparisons among HIV programs, interventions and activities nt

16 Costing Continued: Cambodia s Findings: Î Standardized list of activities for HIV/AIDS interventions Î Primary activities grouped by program output and delivery formats thus offering standardized input-output matrix for HIV/AIDS program design, planning and management nt

17 Sectoral Impact Studies: South Africa s Issues: Financing, Management, Access, Quality s PHR analysis of two sectors in South Africa (Education & DPSA) and the impact of HIV on Î human resources Î ability to continue to provide services s Objectives: Î Provide qualitative and quantitative information on HIV impacts Î Facilitate strategic planning and enable sectors to factor HIV/AIDS into planning

18 Cross Cutting Themes of PHR HIV/AIDS Studies:

19 Thank You

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