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Occultations during 2009 David Dunham IOTA meeting, 2008 Sept. 14.

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1 Occultations during 2009 David Dunham IOTA meeting, 2008 Sept. 14

2 Planetary and Asteroidal occultations in North America during 1 st half of 2009

3 Planetary and Asteroidal occultations in North America during 2nd half of 2009




7 Star is Corvi = Gienah






13 N. American grazes during 2009


15 Grazes of Antares Of special interest are grazes of Antares on the dark limb of a crescent Moon such that the companion has events while the primary is occulted. This occurs only for southern-limit waning phase grazes. I observed such a spectacular graze from W. Virginia on 1969 January 25 & want to do it again. After the current series ends in early 2010, there will not be another chance until 2024, when Ill be 82 & probably not able to deploy as many mighty minis as I can now. So I want to try the remaining possibilities that occur over land.

16 Future Spectacular Grazes of Antares The best by far will occur on 2009 February 17 in Western Australia, in a dark sky shortly before morning twilight starts with the 46% sunlit Moon about 60 above the horizon Dave Heralds daughter lives near the path about a days drive northeast of Perth; he is making plans for it since weather prospects away from the coast are good; very hot summer temperatures are expected The only other possibility will be on 2010 Jan. 11 at low altitude with some morning twilight with a 13% sunlit Moon, visible only from roadless n.w. Ontario If not too expensive, a flight with a ski plane to a frozen lake in the area might be arranged, but weather prospects are poor On 2008 Oct. 4, there will be a graze with a thin waxing crescent Moon in S. Australia & near Broken Hill, NSW at low altitude; Dave Gault is planning an expedition. The primary will be visible during almost all of the secondarys events On 2009 Oct. 21, there will be a similar graze in the Aegean Sea and western Turkey On 2009 June 7, a full-Moon graze will occur in southern New England, but Paul Maley cant go to that On 2009 Aug. 27, a daytime gibbous Moon graze will occur across the Boston area; IOTA plans to accept Ron Dantowitzs invitation to host the 2009 IOTA meeting at the Clay Center near that date


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