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Nutrition and Fitness. Nutrition 100 Vocabulary True or FalseDietingExercise 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Fitness. Nutrition 100 Vocabulary True or FalseDietingExercise 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Fitness

2 Nutrition 100 Vocabulary True or FalseDietingExercise 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500

3 -This is the most vital nutrient A

4 What is water

5 -This is the main source of energy for the body. A

6 What are carbohydrates

7 -These are made of amino acids which build body tissue A

8 What are proteins

9 -This nutrient does not provide energy, but is essential for growth A

10 What are vitamins

11 -This nutrient is made of fatty acids, and provides energy to the body. A

12 What are fats

13 To burn calories that are stored as fat, what type of exercise do you need to do? A

14 What is Aerobic Exercise

15 A -This type of resistance training involves resistance through an entire range of motion.

16 What is Isokinetic Exercise

17 -This activity combines muscle contraction with repeated movement A

18 What is Isotonic Exercise

19 What does F.I.T mean? A

20 F- frequency I- intensity T- time

21 -This activity uses muscle tension to improve muscular strength with little or no movement of the body. A

22 What is Isometric Exercise

23 This eating disorder involves self-starvation combined with extensive exercise. A

24 What is Anorexia

25 This eating disorder involves binge eating followed by vomiting or laxative use. A

26 What is Bulimia

27 What does healthy dieting do to you metabolism? A

28 What is increases your metabolism

29 How do calories relate to gaining or losing weight? A

30 What is extra calories would be stored as fat.

31 What should you do to control your weight in a healthy way? A

32 What is lower the set-point and raise you metabolism.

33 Lower metabolism makes it harder to gain weight and easier to lose it. A

34 False. Lower metabolism makes it easier to gain weight and harder to gain it.

35 If you dont use calories they will be stored as fat. A

36 True

37 Exercising does not raise your metabolism. A

38 False. Exercising does raise your metabolism.

39 The highest level of the old food pyramid contains the foods you should eat most often. A

40 False. The highest level of the old food pyramid contains the food you should eat sparingly.

41 Regular aerobic exercise can raise you set point A

42 False.

43 -This is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion. A

44 What is Flexibility

45 -This is the amount of force a muscle can exert. A

46 What is Muscular Strength

47 -This is the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough energy to respond to unexpected demands. A

48 What is Physical Fitness

49 -This is the ability of the muscles to do difficult physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue. A

50 What is Muscular Endurance

51 -This is the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water, and connective tissue such as ligament, cartilage and tendons. A

52 What is Body Composition

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