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International Trade Union Employment Support Programme Employment Support Project for Disabled People in Tanzania. Disability Aid Abroad.

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Presentation on theme: "International Trade Union Employment Support Programme Employment Support Project for Disabled People in Tanzania. Disability Aid Abroad."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Trade Union Employment Support Programme Employment Support Project for Disabled People in Tanzania. Disability Aid Abroad.

2 Disabled people are the ‘forgotten voice’ of International Development. Disability Aid Abroad. A voluntary charity formed to help people with disabilities in developing countries.

3 Disability is seen as a cultural and social stigma. People with disabilities are frequently denied basic health, education and employment rights 25% refused medical treatment 95% illiteracy rate Less than 1% in paid employment

4 Chigila Malawi. Chairperson of Co-operative Residential training in clothing skills

5 Lack of adequate maternal healthcare is a major cause of childhood disabilityies. “You’re useless”

6 Lack of accessibility in transportation and facilities are an additional barrier to training and employment

7 Wardo Yusuf walked for two weeks with her one-year-old daughter on her back and her four-year-old son at her side to flee Somalia’s drought and famine. A Real-life Sophies Choice

8 Conflict related disabilities: Landmines, rape, mental health issues

9 Joseph’s minor eye infection resulted in losing an eye due to lack of money for medical expenses. 60p!

10 Boniface Nkakatisi TUICO General Secretary Tanzanian Union of Industrial & Commercial Operatives. 64,000 members

11 TUICO Employment Survey Survey of 220 companies employing 16,000 TUICO members. Less than 1% disabled. Tanzanian Legislation.

12 TUICO Training Letica Paul is a TUICO disability activist trained by Disability Action as a lead facilitator in delivering training in disability awareness in Tanzania.

13 Vincent Kaduma: TU Liaison Vincent Kaduma was appointed as Project Administrator to liaise with local and international trade unions and disability organisations. He will deliver and co-ordinate the on-going disability training.

14 Direct Employment Support In 2012 the final phase of the project. 20 disabled people will be placed in supported employment.

15 Direct Employment Support % of workers salary. On-going support: Access, Reasonable adjustments. Regular liaison with Vincent Kaduma

16 Direct Employment Support Commitment from employers. % Salary, Reasonable adjustment. Transportation, access. Guarantee of on-going employment if placement successful

17 Boniface Nkakatisi TUICO General Secretary.. “If we in the trade union movement don’t do it – who will?

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