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The B4RN project Professor Barry Forde MBE FRSA Chief Executive

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1 The B4RN project Professor Barry Forde MBE FRSA Chief Executive

2 Our Ambition World class broadband – 1Gbs symmetrical (from day 1) – No distance degradation Future proofed – 10Gbs/100Gbs when/if needed – 50-70 year minimum life 100% of properties connected – Parish/community based – If the parish is in then every property in it is in! – No property too far or too expensive – No cherry picking, one for all, all for one! Affordable – £150 connection fee, £30/month (inc VAT) 16th June 2015Connected Britain2

3 Our Design Core - narrow bore HDPE 16mm/12mm duct – Can salami routes as necessary – Easily fixed if damaged in laying – Single or multiple ducts depending on need Spurs – 7mm duct, 2 fibres per property Use cross country routes, not highways – Much cheaper – Need wayleaves, is this a problem? Blow up to 192 fibre count cables = 96 properties – Or add second duct if more than 96 – Only blow fibre once duct finished, good for cash flow 16th June 2015Connected Britain3

4 B4RN Parish Node 16th June 2015Connected Britain4

5 External Connectivity Lease private dark fibre to Telecity Manchester (Zayo) – 128Km Single fibre Operate DWDM (SmartOptics) – 32 wavelengths each pair gives 10Gbs capacity – Add 10Gbs channels as demand warrants Peer at IX-Manchester Peer at LINX (Juniper LAN ) London IP Transit (M247) 16th June 2015Connected Britain5

6 QuernmoreAbbeysteadArkholme Dolphinholme WrayCapernwray NorthSouth Telecity Manchester 10 Gbps diverse routed links 32 x 10Gbps lambdas 621/1/14UKNOF27

7 2011/2012 Plan 23 parishes ~3500 properties 420Km 2 7Connected Britain16th June 2015

8 Cost & Funding £3.5M needed to connect 3500 properties – ~£1K/property Raised by – Shares ~£1.3M raised via shares Number of members ~650 Still getting strong support – Loans ~£1.3M raised from community via loans Nearly all 5 or 10 year terms £300K raised outside community,5 year – Revenue as connections begin to generate positive cash flow – Grants Zero! 16th June 2015Connected Britain8

9 (Broadband 4 the Rural North) Industrial and Provident Society Act 1965 Company number IP31352R – Community Benefit Society – Similar to coop but answerable to community rather than our shareholders, more like a charity in some ways One member one vote, not related to number of shares member holds Asset lock 16th June 2015Connected Britain9

10 Shares Bought £100 - £100,000 max per person – FCA rule for IPS company Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) – HMRC tax relief for investors – – 30% of cost of shares, less any benefits – Between £500 and £100,000 – Carry back facility – Must be held for at least 3 years £1500 or more invested get connection fee waived – Amount eligible for EIS reduced by £150 to account for free connection 16th June 2015Connected Britain10

11 Shares Earned - “Sweat Equity” Piece rate for various jobs – E.g. 1metre of duct installed = £1.50 If landowner happy to do work across his land then pay him in shares? Helping community but effort rewarded when project has the money Do 1000m, get £1500 shares, get free connection Always give priority to local people who are prepared to do work for shares, then locals who need cash payment, finally as a last resort bring in external people 16th June 2015Connected Britain11

12 Construction 16th June 2015Connected Britain12

13 Project Milestones 330 Connections – Generates £100K income – Covers OPEX excluding labour so still dependant on volunteer effort 1000 connections – Generates £300K income – Covers OPEX including labour – May 2015 @ 1050 connections – 7 FTE staff employed, fully staffed – Volunteers can relax a bit! 16th June 2015Connected Britain13

14 Performance 16th June 2015Connected Britain14

15 Support 16th June 2015Connected Britain15

16 End Game >1000 connections – Begin to pay back investments and loans Based on 50% take up = 1750 properties – Estimate paid back by year 12 = 2024 Actually achieving 67% take up and climbing Also footprint growing, now 5000 properties and will probably hit 10000. Then what? – £750K - £1M free cash flow – Community Benefit society so two options Reduce monthly fee to just cover costs (~£15/month) Use cash for benefit of community! 16th June 2015Connected Britain16

17 Current Build Plan 16th June 2015 33 Parishes 504Km 2 4850 properties Connected Britain17

18 Thank you

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