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Web Portal Development Case Study Julie Leos Kadian McIntosh Natalie Moses Joe-Ann Nguyen Florida International University.

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1 Web Portal Development Case Study Julie Leos Kadian McIntosh Natalie Moses Joe-Ann Nguyen Florida International University

2 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH Announcements 2.25-29 Opera comes to EU 2.26 New England Fair EXPo 3.1 6pm-8pm connect-chat with ceo New to EU Connect or want to learn more? Connect to the tutorial Join the eagle eye connect to campus life pick up ra apps Weekly poll What is your favorite feature on EU Connect? Meeting folks at EU Connect-Chat Learning to manage budget Getting homework help Its all good! Eagle eye news Join an Interest Group Department of the Week Weather Expect Snow 24° Career Services Housing Program of the Week EU CONNECT LOG IN

3 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Why customize a Web Portal? EU Connect is a customized portal that is an all encompassing tool for students. This will enable Ellingsburg University to increase the retention rates of students by increasing their level of satisfaction and their overall connection to the university. EU Connect will allow students to readily access up-to-date information (i.e. campus activities calendars, etc.) EU Connect will allow students, faculty, staff and alumni to connect with each other socially through EU Connect-Chat and other interactive programs. EU Connects organizational structure allows university departments to collaborate. EU Connect will be a fun opportunity for students to personalize their EU Connect experience leading to autonomy and self-satisfaction. EU Connect provides the support that is necessary for students to face the challenges that they experience in college. Practical tools like budgeting and degree audits will help students develop competencies as they steer themselves through college life.

4 Ellingsburg University EU Connect What is important to include in the channels? All school activities and events Local news availability A look at EU traditions Links to all school sponsored websites Availability to personalized involvement, interest and news on the portal

5 Ellingsburg University EU Connect The mission statement of the web portal is a part of a general web presence at Ellingsburg University which provides a customized and personalized web experience that will operate as both a resource and a tool for our students, staff, and faculty.

6 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Certain portal channels make EU Connect a more effective and user friendly tool. The reasoning behind the structure of the primary channels lie in what the university community would utilize on a daily basis. The goal is to focus attention on the primary channels that will then lead to navigation to the secondary channels that will elaborate on the category of the channel. Rational for the Selection of the Channels

7 Ellingsburg University EU Connect EU MAIL The purpose of EU Mail channel is to provide the members with an all inclusive link that gives them access to their EU Mail, send out university mail, and have a reliable email directory. The EU Connect Chat function will allow members to create more connections in both an academic and social manner. This function will highlight some academic affairs initiative such as homework help, faculty chat session, and degree program discussions. Socially, EU Connect Chat and EU Interest Groups will provide a sense of university pride, unity, and belonging. Access to these tools will give a student a way in to connecting even further with students, faculty and staff at EU.

8 Ellingsburg University EU Connect PROFILE The profile section allows for the individualization of EU Connect. It is here where students, faculty and staff will provide their personalized information. This section is what will keep the university updated with members current records. According to members demographics, EU Connect will automatically customize their experience by linking them with applicable information. For example, if a student is in the College of Education, they will automatically receive the news from the college, education related societies and organizations. The members can also maintain control over their settings by subscription.

9 Ellingsburg University EU Connect ACADEMICS EU Connects Academics channel will enable students to have all their academic resources in one area. There will be easy access to many important features such as checking grades, ordering transcripts, online class information, class registration including add/drop opportunities, and class course reserves. This all inclusive page gives Ellingsburg University students an easy and simple way to get to all academic information they will need in order to be a successful student. This will help to improve retention and enable students to develop the intellectual competence through the availability of online resources such as study tips, study group sign-ups and emailing different offices when they feel challenged. Faculty members have the ability to manage their roles as professors by allowing them to manage grades, communicate with students, and create class websites. Faculty will also have resources to help them with teaching and research duties.

10 Ellingsburg University EU Connect FINANCES This channel is used to help university members manage their finances through the interactive tools. This tool does not only help manage financial aid but also helps to manage budgeting. Finances also include the ability to manage employee financial records. Staff members can also handle departmental finances through this channel.

11 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Res Life This channel will be one of the most important channels due to the residential nature of Ellingsburg University. Students and staff will have the ability to manage the operational side of housing such as sign-up and agreements. University members will be able to access the food service weekly menu. Students will also have the ability to provide an online residential community through the interactive services.

12 Ellingsburg University EU Connect MY EU The MY EU channel displays the customized campus life aspect. The channel provides a university wide place for all departments to showcase their events and information. This is the main channel for university members to access information to campus resources.

13 Ellingsburg University EU Connect NEW @ EU This is the primary channel for perspective and new students to transition to university life by providing enrollment services. This channel also has EU Connect Chat for prospective and new students to chat with current student. There are also virtual tours and information that helps university members adjust to the college.

14 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Employee Info This channel provides information for current university employees such as news and professional development opportunities. Job postings are also available for those seeking employment.

15 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Recommended Team Members Detailed Planning Team EU Connects planning team will include: President of the Faculty Senate A Campus Life Liaison A representative from academic affairs A student representative Our Detailed Planning Team will include people that represent the needs of Ellingsburg University. The team represent many of the end users of the portal, meaning that they represent the student, faculty, and staff population. In order to offer a system that will reach all students and their particular interests and requests; finding a diverse planning team is essential.

16 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Implementation Team The implementation team will consist of facilitators and the focus group. Focus Group participants include: Student – non-traditional, international, athlete, undergraduate, graduate, alumni, student leader Faculty – representative from each college Staff – student affairs and academic affairs representative This group was selected for the implementation team because they are representatives of all parts of Ellingsburg University. Every type of student is being included as well as faculty and staff. This team will allow for EU Connect to show its faults and vulnerabilities through direct interaction with the students and faculty that will be utilizing it. Recommended Team Members

17 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Organization of the portal The most essential categories were placed as the main channels or tabs on the homepage of the portal. The remaining information was then organized into those categories. This created an environment where information could easily be found through navigation of the categories and sub categories. Rational for Structure of the Web Portal

18 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Feedback on organizational structure of web portal EU Connect will have the ability to monitor the use of its tools and information provided. This will lead to a greater ability to target the needs of the students at EU. A major part of our feedback will come from the focus group who will determine the efficiency and usability of EU Connect. Initially, the focus group will use EU Connect for specific scenarios. The length of time taken to complete the scenarios and usability will be assessed through this. The focus group will also utilize EU Connect. At each important milestone, the focus group will assess the efficiency and usability of EU Connect ( E.g. registration, applications, graduation). Additional feedback will come from surveys distributed in campus and residence hall, and through online polls.

19 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Single Sign On allows secure access to all the information on EU Connect. Web mail system EU Connect Chat Admission Management Program Housing / Residential Life Management System Accounting Program (Financial Aid and Budgeting Software) Academic Management System (PeopleSoft, BannerWeb, WebCT) EU Calendar Program Weather Program Technology Systems that will interface with EU Connect

20 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH This section of the presentation will now cover the portal channels and will highlight the information that can be found within them.

21 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH EU MAIL Portal Channels Description All Members Email Directory Sign up for University list serve Faculty and Staff Ability to send out University wide email

22 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH PROFILE Portal Channels Description Eagle ID / Password – ability to reset password User Preferences Language Personalized Major / Minor News Personalized Student Organizations To Do List Employment Verification Parking Sign up for Parking Decal / Register Cars Online Appeals

23 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH PROFILE Portal Channels Description Personal Information Local Address Permanent Address Phone Number Email Address Directory Information Restriction Medical History (allergies / medications) Medical Insurance Information Emergency Contact

24 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH ACADEMICS Portal Channels Description Students Options Check Grades Order Transcript Class Schedule Degree Audits (all majors) Apply for Graduation Course Reserves for your classes Classroom Tool (ex. Blackboard, WebCT)

25 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH ACADEMICS Portal Channels Description Students Options Continued Class Website Link Class Registration Academic Resources Online Tutoring Course Catalogue

26 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH ACADEMICS Portal Channels Description Faculty Options Grade Input Class Rosters Class Schedule Make a website Class Website Link Order books online from bookstore Add course reserves Research Information

27 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH FINANCES Portal Channels Description My Finances Financial Aid Summary Financial Aid Award Accept / Decline Award Financial Aid Form Work Study Entrance / Exit Counseling Email Office

28 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH RESIDENTIAL LIFE Portal Channels Description Housing Application Housing Sign-Up Housing Status Housing Agreement Set up Payment Schedule Roommate Matching Service Roommate Agreement Forms Vaccination Information Submission

29 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH RESIDENTIAL LIFE Portal Channels Description Maintenance Request Weekly Menu Meal Plan (balance, list of transactions) Suggestions Box Connect with: Resident Assistants Residents Hall Council Events *(RA and Council will be able to send out group emails)*

30 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH MY EU Portal Channels Description Student Options Around Campus( map, pictures, people) Student Organization member information Student Organization Sign Up Campus Events Campus Calendar Library Career Service University Newspaper Link Web space Link (online storage) My City

31 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH MY EU Portal Channels Description Faculty and Staff My City Around Campus (map, pictures, people) Campus Calendar Web space Link (online storage)

32 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH NEW @ EU Portal Channels Description Admissions Information Online Application My Status Sign for Orientation Sign for Housing Sign-up for Freshmen Interest Group Around Town Campus Visit Virtual Tours Information for International Students

33 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH EMPLOYEE INFO Portal Channels Description Employment Opportunities Professional/Non-Faculty Faculty Part-time Student Work Study Faculty / Staff Newsletter Employment Verification Professional Development

34 EU MAIL PROFILE ACADEMICS FINANCES RES LIFE MY EU EMPLOYEE INFO NEW @ EU? Ellingsburg University EU Connect I SEARCH Search Portal Channels Description Ability to search within EU Connects Portal Ability to search Ellingsburg Universities website Option available to search the world wide web (www) using popular search engine Yoogle

35 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Pertinent Literature Adams, N., Forney, D.S., Guido-DiBrito, F. (1998) Student Development in College. 1 st Ed Jossey-Bass Publishers. Anthony, R. (2001, January) Connecting college campuses. Black Enterprise. v31 i6 p45. Retrieved February 22, 2005 from InfoTrac OneFile Database. Choe, S. (2002, June 6) University Offers Portal to Cyber Corps. The Charlotte Observer. Retrieved February 22, 2005 from InfoTrac OneFile Database.

36 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Pertinent Literature Dadabhoy, Z. (2000) Adaptive Organization of Student Activities: Engineering a Paradigm Shift for the Information Age. Campus Activities Programming; v33 n5 p87-92. Retrieved February 23, 2005 from ERIC via Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. This article asserts that student activities professionals should use technology to connect distance learning programs to student life. Student activities can be enhance through Web portals, electronic student lounges, cocurricular libraries, and digital life skills. Huwe,T.K. Turbo - powering the flat portal: the University of California's Labor Research Web. Online, Inc. Retrieved February 22, 2005 from InfoTrac OneFile Database. Guenther, K. (2000, January) Designing and Managing Your Digital Library. Computers in Libraries; v20 n1 p34-36,38-39. Retrieved February 23, 2005 from ERIC via Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. Web portals can be used for customized delivery of information; quality assurance tools, including data mining; and determining user needs, including patron profiling to create digital libraries.

37 Ellingsburg University EU Connect Good Practice Sites University of Texas at Austin – Direct Connect University of Wisconsin – My UW Madison University of Indiana - One Start

38 Ellingsburg University EU Connect We would like to thank the following: and Stuart Brown for this opportunity to expand our knowledge of the virtual world of student affairs. Our Faculty Advisor – Dr. C. Akens. FIU Group 2 – that became a great motivator and a fun adversary.

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