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Internationalization (I18N) Sufficiency Testing Presented to Seattle Area Software Quality Assurance Group June 19, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalization (I18N) Sufficiency Testing Presented to Seattle Area Software Quality Assurance Group June 19, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalization (I18N) Sufficiency Testing Presented to Seattle Area Software Quality Assurance Group June 19, 2003

2 What We Will Cover  Globalization and Its Components  Pre-Testing Checks  Test Environments  Test Checklists  Test Execution  Pseudo Localization Testing SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

3 Globalization  Globalization The process of designing, developing, and engineering products that can be launched worldwide Two major Components – Internationalization & Localization Internationalization (I18N) –Designing/developing software so it can be adapted to various locales and regions Localization (L10N) –Process of adapting software by translating text and adding locale –specific components  I18N Sufficiency Testing Ensures software has been properly internationalized according to design rules and is READY to be localized. SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

4 Benefits of I18N Testing  The main goal of I18N testing is to find potentially show stopping software problems before the application is translated and localized into various languages  I18N sufficiency testing must begin as early in the testing cycle as possible  I18N sufficiency testing does not require an in-depth knowledge of many locale specific issues, a fully localized environment, or native linguistic skills. SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

5 Pre-Testing Checklist  Step 1: Review developmental specs to determine whether they accounted for international considerations Code review English language compatibility? DB or Unicode enabled from the ground up?  Product Rules Menu and dialogue box designs; Did they leave room for text expansion?  Source Code Control Rules All editions are using Unicode and/or DBCS based on a single executable  Coding Conventions Code should NOT assume that characters are 8 or 16 bit SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

6 Setting Up Your Test Environment  Step 1: Prepare the required SW and HW Localized Operating Systems Localized HW Localized third party SW utilized by the product you are testing Verify that the network/HW peripherals that are needed to run the product are capable of running in a multi-locale environment  Step 2: Install the Environment  Step 3: Configure the Environment Setting up machines for multi-boot Using test bed images Managing the test bed matrix Maintain an English Reference Environment (Whenever Possible) SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

7 Setting up Your Test Environment Continued  Step 4: Define the Configuration Management Process Document the configuration of each machine in the environment to ensure that you are using the right products to test your application Detail the process for saving and restoring the multi-boot and test bed imagining SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

8 Test Checklist  Items needed to Create the I18N Test Plan Installation/Configuration Guides English test plan and test cases Online Help/User Guides  During Test Plan Creation ensure that you: Check all areas in which a user can enter, modify, print, edit, or copy data Create test cases to verify that target language characters can be correctly entered and displayed Build in non English data and environment testing Verify that a user can read/write to the target platform file system  Set Up a Testing Priority Level Types of testing (I18N, LVT, etc.) Categories (documentation, help files, screen shots, etc.) Locale Priority ( i.e Chinese then French) SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

9 Test Checklist Part 2  Testing Team and Development Team Interaction It is important for Test Engineers to understand the scope of any code changes made by the development team For example, areas of the code that are unchanged during I18N should have less emphasis during the test phase SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

10 Test Execution  1. International Setup Testing Installer Issues  2. Testing International Character/Text Support Edit fields can display extended/multi-byte characters Cut/Copy/Paste/Drag extended character testing Euro Symbol Testing Unicode Character testing IME Testing  3. Files can be saved with extended ASCII and multi-byte character names  4. Files named with extended ASCII and multi-byte characters can be opened or deleted SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

11 Test Execution Part 2  5. Files or OLE objects named with extended and multi-byte characters can be cut, copied, pasted, and embedded in documents or other containers  6. Files named with and containing extended ASCII and multi-byte characters can be printed  7. Testing Internationally Local Conventions Time/date settings Currency testing Sort order/Collation Address/name fields  8. Other considerations Geopolitical issues/locale-sensitive issues SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

12 Pseudo Localization Testing  Pseudo Localization is a process to ensure that three main issues are covered within a software product UI. Non Extracted Strings (hard coded strings) Truncations Concatenated Strings  Pseudo-localization simulates the process of localizing products, by completing many of the localization tasks without actually using translation.  Also called Localizability Process SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

13 Pseudo Loc FAQs  When do you perform Pseudo Loc? During core code development prior to localization Typically multiple cycles  How do you perform Pseudo Loc? Extract the strings into a resource file Add extended characters to simulate European and Asian languages SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

14 An Example of Pseudo Localization SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

15 Questions and Answers  Conclusions  Questions Anyone? I may have an answer I may also have a heart attack SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

16 Thank You and Resources  Thanks SASQAG for asking me to come here tonight  White Papers available on our website,  If you have additional questions, I can be reached at dginsburg@symbio- group.comdginsburg@symbio- SASQAG: Internationalization Testing

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