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Globalization Testing- Getting your software World-ready Anuj Magazine (Manager, Products) Citrix R&D India Pvt. Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Testing- Getting your software World-ready Anuj Magazine (Manager, Products) Citrix R&D India Pvt. Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Testing- Getting your software World-ready Anuj Magazine (Manager, Products) Citrix R&D India Pvt. Ltd.





6 Do you want your Software product to Interact with Global customers like any of these Images ?



9 What’s covered in this presentation ? Part-1 –Overview of Software Globalization Testing Part-2 –Some real-time myths about Globalization Testing Part-3 –Moving Software Globalization Quality upstream

10 Part-1 Overview of Software Globalization

11 Globalization (G11N) Parts of Globalization testing Internationalization (I18N) Localization (L10N)

12 Jan Scherpenhuizen = Jan S12N

13 About I18N Internationalization, or I18N, is the process of generalizing a product so that it can handle multiple languages and cultural conventions without the need for re-design. Internationalization takes place at the level of program design.

14 Internationalization (I18N) Locale AwarenessLocalizability Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Parts of I18N testing Unicode CleanInput / Output ProcessSingle Base Binary (SBB)

15 About L10N Localization, L10N, involves taking a product and making it linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale (country/region and language) where it will be used and sold.

16 Localization (L10N) Parts of L10N testing Translation UI Layout

17 Example of part of Application not being Unicode Clean

18 Text Truncation

19 Control Overlapping

20 Some questions Can Localization exist successfully in a Software product without Internationalization in place ? NO Can Internationalization exist successfully in a Software product without Localization in place ? YES

21 Part-2 Some real time myths about Globalization Testing

22 Uncovering Some Myths about Globalization testing Myth# 1: Globalization Testing is primarily about testing the User Interface Myth# 2: Globalization Testing can start Only after the base product is Translated Myth# 3: A person who doesn't know French cannot test the French version of the Software Myth# 4: If a test case works fine in French language, it would work fine in German language as well. Myth# 5: The language verification of User Interface can be done by comparing the text on screen with translation outputs of any freely available Online translator

23 Part-3 Moving Software Globalization Quality upstream

24 When to start Globalization ?

25 Leverage Virtualized Test Environment Localized versions of Server and Client OS Localized Infrastructure machines (DC,Exchange, Sharepoint etc.) Localized keyboards Localized 3rd party applications to test. Localized test data

26 80%

27 Common Globalization issues Text Truncations Duplicated/missing Hotkeys Overlapping of controls Alignment of controls Hard coding Character corruptions

28 Internationalized Automation Eliminate the Code debt. Apply the concepts of I18N Software design to Automated scripts –Minimize the UI dependence- Externalize –Data driven –Use Unicode Make the Test scripts Language, OS, Site dependent to enable Simaltaneous running.

29 Pseudo Translation testing What ? Simulation of a localized product How? Pad the English text with localized characters in the resource file Why? Uncover G11N issues using EN build. Minimize the L10N effort involved. Save crucial time at later stages.

30 Pseudo Translation - Example Source Text = “Enable Session reliability” Issues to look for : Pseudo translated text = “[Лаз ÜÝß Ènãblê Sèssìón rèlîàbîlîty ЙЦУ ]” Hardcoding: “Enable Session reliability” Probable Truncation : “[Лаз ÜÝß Ènãblê Sèssìón rèlîàbîlîty ” Character Corruption : “[||аз ÜÝß Ènãblê Sèssìón rèlîàbîlîty |#У ]”

31 Pseudo Translation – In Action Pseudo Translate

32 ?


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