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Roland Brandenburg Thematische Programme FFG ERA-LEARN Unterstützung für die transnationale Kooperation von Forschungsprogrammen.

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1 Roland Brandenburg Thematische Programme FFG ERA-LEARN Unterstützung für die transnationale Kooperation von Forschungsprogrammen Aktivitäten 2009-2013 & Ausblick 2014+


3 ERA-LEARN & NETWATCH: 2 parallel FP7 initiatives ERA-LEARN: 2009 - 2011 ERA-LEARN 2: 2011 - 2014 NETWATCH: 2009 - 2014  NETWATCH (JRC-IPTS): focus on database & analysis  ERA-LEARN: focus on enabling mutual learning  ERA-LEARN material is published through the NETWATCH portal


5 ERA-LEARN Objectives  to help reduce wasteful use of resources  to support the implementation of streamlined mechanisms and increased mutual learning  to provide tools for analysis of network performance  to highlight the synergies between ERA-NETs and other forms of national and regional research programme coordination  to facilitate high-level analysis of policy related issues in the context of programme coordination and cooperation  to support future developments of transnational programme coordination.

6 ERA-LEARN deliverables Online toolbox: manual for implementation of joint calls to provide practical tools for joint call implementation tools for internal review of participations in ERA(-NETs) smart coordination - evolution of the ERA(-NET) o to provide an overview of ERA instruments (target groups, implementation, legal structure and funding sources) o analyse complementarities between ERA instruments o analyse trends & experiences with transnational coordination of funding programmes Dissemination and exploitation events publications Analysis of options for future platform (2014+)  to address the needs of the transnational coordination community

7 The ERA-LEARN toolbox Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013)

8 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013) The ERA-LEARN toolbox

9 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) 

10 updated entire text, no fundamental changes fundamental changes, completely new set-up essentially improved, clear and logic structure update summer 2013: The ERA-LEARN toolbox Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013)

11 ERA-LEARN 2014: revision of toolbox Step 1: Include new section P2P in H2020 (Dec 2013) o ERA-NET Cofund in H2020 (Jan 2014) o H2020 calls for ERA-NETs o support for proposal preparation, consortium management

12 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013) The ERA-LEARN toolbox

13 Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) ERA-LEARN tool for assessing the efficiency of joint calls: benchmarking key indicators against those of other networks Who can benefit from using the tool? o new ERA-NET actors o ERA-NET actors o Agency strategists o policy makers  of-calls of-calls

14 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013) The ERA-LEARN toolbox

15 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013) The ERA-LEARN toolbox

16 The ERA-LEARN toolbox: Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013)  Thematic clustering of ERA initiatives: Are we aware of all initiatives in a certain thematic area ? What can we learn from them? Who is involved ?  Positioning of the ERA-NET scheme in the context of other ERA instruments and other initiatives  Criteria and indicators for the assessment of coordination-instruments and intergovernmental European networks  Inventory of ERA instruments 

17 Manual and tools for call implementation (updated November 2013) Cost-benefit analysis of calls (new July 2013) Mapping tools for participating programmes (checked November 2013) IPR information (updated May 2012) Smart Coordination: ERA instruments (updated November 2013) Tools for internal review of ERA-NET participation (updated August 2013) The ERA-LEARN toolbox

18 Tools for internal review of ERA(-NET) participation (updated August 2013) do we participate in adequate transnational initiatives that fit our strategies ? do we use our resources reasonably ? network output  Art. 1852 ERA-NET9 ERA-NET PLUS3 JPI1 JTI2 FFG 2013:

19 Dissemination and Exploitation to involve the whole ERA(-NET) community to facilitate transnational communication, information sharing and best practice exchange to enable appropriate use of the NETWATCH portal

20 Past events (co)organised by ERA-LEARN  Annual ERA-NET event «ERA-NETs on stage», Brussels, 2008, 2009, 2010  ERA-LEARN workshop «Implementing Joint Calls», Berlin, March 2010  EC / ERA-LEARN Strategy Workshop «Innovation Union - Joint Programming and its instruments», Brussels, Apr 2011  Annual Joint Programming Event, Brussels, Nov 2011  ERA-LEARN workshop «Implementing Joint Calls», Brussels, Nov 2011  EC / ERA-LEARN Workshop “The future ERA-NET instrument under H2020», Brussels, June 2012  ERA-LEARN Workshop «Addressing the needs of the mature trans- national coordination community», Dublin, Feb 2013  ERA-LEARN workshop «Implementing Joint Calls», Brussels, Sep 2013 

21 ERA-LEARN Newsletters: 2013 ERA-LEARN Newsletter Vol. 4 (February 2013) o Special Edition describing CSAs issued for the Joint Programming Conference, Dublin, Ireland in February 2013 ERA-LEARN Newsletter Vol. 5 (August 2013) o Sustainability of ERA-NETs; Implementation of cost-benefit analysis; Statistics on ERA-NET, ERA-NET Plus and JPI joint calls; Profiles of CORNET, FACCE, BESTF & ERA.NET RUS; HORIZON 2020: what you need to know ERA-LEARN Newsletter Vol. 6 (due in December 2013) o ERA-NET in H2020, etc.  registration: 

22 A future support platform 2014+: ERA-LEARN Analysis of Options  Identify main stakeholders and their needs for 2014-2020  Identify strategic and technical options to address these needs  Assess the relative merits of each option  Develop specification for the most appropriate option  Develop a practical implementation plan (including transition)

23 A future support platform: ERA-LEARN Analysis of Options Assessment of User Needs (2012)  high demand for guidance & information

24 Outlook 2014+: INSO 8 – 2014: Towards joint programming under Horizon 2020 ERA-LEARN: 2009 - 2011 ERA-LEARN 2: 2011 - 2014 NETWATCH: 2009 – 2014  merge ERA-LEARN and NETWATCH

25 Outlook 2014+: INSO 8 – 2014: Towards joint programming under Horizon 2020  Development and implementation of a user-led 'information, learning and support platform' for Public-Public Partnerships.  Optimising modalities and implementation of P2Ps  to attract & mobilise the RTD community  to achieve critical mass  to execute transnational calls up to the state of the art with user-friendly designs efficient processes minimised administrative burden for everyone adequate management structures flexibility transparency  to facilitate the exploitation of excellent output The communities for ERA-NETs, JPIs, and other ERA instruments are largely overlapping  we can benefit from substantial experience during recent years.

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