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IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg Hartmut Schäfer Department Further-VET / IHK-Bildungszentrum Chamber.

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Presentation on theme: "IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg Hartmut Schäfer Department Further-VET / IHK-Bildungszentrum Chamber."— Presentation transcript:

1 IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg Hartmut Schäfer Department Further-VET / IHK-Bildungszentrum Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) East Brandenburg / Germany

2 Department of Further-VET / IHK-Bildungszentrum upgrading training courses VET - EQF-Level 3/4/5/6 - in preparation of recognized – IHK – examination Service provider in VET for our local/ regional companies > national / international project management (funding for our region!) since over 20 years…. Programme: ESF – LLL - ERASMUS+[KA1/2/Youth] – INTERREG [DE-PL] 100%subsidiary company of the CCI East Brandenburg (2001/06) 60 employees (40 temporary project staff) 7 offices all over Brandenburg

3 Project activities : - focus on vocational education and training, - HR development to keep skilled workers in the our companies, - support young entrepreneurship, - international market and organizational development. - Learning mobility in E+ KA1 (80 staff + 100 learner/year… = individual trainees from companies in dual IVET) - Member of the National Team of ECVET Expert´ - Cooperation for innovation and transfer of good VET practices (E+ KA2) - VET export from Germany (dual system / work based learning) EU - LifeLongLearning and ERASMUS+

4 Experience´s ERASMUS+ KA2: 1 st round 2014 : Proposal for: - 1 project as coordinator - 12 project´s as partner 1 project as coordinator 3 project´s as partner Coordinator: IHK-Projektgesellschaft Coordinator: AGENS Berlin (DE) Coordinator: Regione Molise (IT) “Matching green Skills with green labour market needs” Coordinator: CÀMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE ZARAGOZA (ES) Approved: 4 project´s (!! all lost appr. 30% of the planned budget !!)

5 Project management Intellectual outputs Unit costs - 100% Funding (no validation of co-financing)> - proof of evidence… (invoice, contract,…)

6 Project management Link

7 Intellectual outputs Link

8 Think about: -EU Priorities ! (E+ GUIDE) -Sector : (integrated prog.) ? VET-Adult-Youth ? -Partnership ! (3 countries) - Mandate - !Validation procedure NA! - legal status - financial capacity check - European Commission Authentication Service - Unique Registration Facility (PIC) Dissemination activities are very important ! - no separate Budget => only PM ! - share the PM budget from your partnership ! - NA-evaluation report ;-( …not approved… >reserved lists >take your next chance!

9 Lesson learned … - Project Management (PM) vs.Intellectual output (IO) - all “activities” & “costs” regarding the management of your project ;-) - “real products” = tangible deliverables of the project : curricula, pedagogical and youth work material, teaching & training material, IT tools analyses, studies, peer-learning activities - Dissemination / Evaluation activities… - Project_Meetings (real/virtuell) - Communication between partner - E+ = Integrated programme ;-) … …but applicant must decide : ? VET – Adult Education – Youth ? (! partnership, content, EU priorities) Unit costs …but it´s “nice to have” all pieces of evidence ;-( Staff costs only in relation to the IO: ! DE only : researcher, technician (manager, administrative = PM !! ) - time sheet per person: - identifying the name of the person, the category of staff, the dates and the total number of days of work of the person for the production of the intellectual output - employment contract as proof of the nature of the relationship between the partner and his staff, project assignment IO (Products) successful approved (interim/final report) = payment rate (80 % – 20% …partner as coordinator 40% - 40% - 20% ) - Transnational meetings- Multiplier events - Learning activities

10 Hartmut Schäfer Head of Unit Further Vocational Education and Training IHK-Projektgesellschaft

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