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What is SEFI? Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs European Society for Engineering Education Europäische Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung.

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Presentation on theme: "What is SEFI? Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs European Society for Engineering Education Europäische Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is SEFI? Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs European Society for Engineering Education Europäische Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung SEFI is nothing but its members and the contributions from its members 394 members in 47 countries Founded in 1973, we are an international non-profit organisation

3  Institutional members  Institutions of a high level (post secondary) that offer a complete curriculum leading to an academic engineering degree.  Individual members  Typically teachers of science or engineering + People engaged in international relations. Students / Retired engineers….  Industrial and corporate members  Any industrial company, public administration or other organisation having an interest in supporting European Engineering Education.  Associate members  Professional societies or other organisations interested in initial or continuing education of engineers. Student organisations. Members SEFI receives the support of its corporate partners:

4 Mission by linking Engineering Education institutions and educators, by providing services to its members, by serving as an international forum, by representing the European Engineering Education Community. Support and promote European Engineering Education

5 Objectives to contribute to the development and to the improvement of EE; to provide appropriate services and information about HEE; to improve communication and exchanges between teachers, researchers and students; to promote cooperation between industry and those engaged in EE; to act as a link between its members and other societies or international organisations; to promote the European Dimension in EE; to contribute to the recruitment of good students in EE; to promote the position of EE and engineering professionals in society.

6 Via… Working Groups/Committees Curriculum Development Continuing Engineering Education Engineering Education and Mathematics Engineering Education and Physics Engineering Education Research ICT and Engineering Education Diversity and Gender in Engineering Education Ethics and Engineering Education Attractiveness of Engineering Education

7 Ad hoc groups and Task Forces  Sustainability in Engineering Education  Cooperation with Africa  Bologna process and cooperation with EU institutions  Quality assurance and accreditation  Relations with the industry  Cooperation with students

8 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process Sorbonne Bologne (1999): 27 signatories Today (2009): 46 signatories Prague (2001) Berlin (2003) Bergen (2005) London (2007) Leuven/Louvain la Neuve (2009) 10th anniversary : Budapest/Vienna Next Ministerial Conference: Bucharest 2012

9 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process Make the EHE more comparable/competitive/attractive for Europeans and for students from the other continents Intergovernmental process : -signatory of European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe - Clear commitment to the objectives of the BP and presentation of a reform programme for HE system

10 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process 3 priorities: 1.Introduction of the three cycle system (bachelor/Master/doctorate) 2.Quality assurance 3.Recognition of qualifications and periods of study

11 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process Main reforms and tools for the implementation of these priorities: 1.Three cycle system adopted by almost all the signatories 2.ECTS: obligatory in most signatories and commonly used for both credit transfer and accumulation 3.Diploma supplement is widespread 4.Efforts in LL and participation of older persons in HE

12 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process For the EU, the Bologna Process is part of a broader effort in the drive for a Europe of knowledge which includes: 1.Quality learning and development 2.The Lisbon Agenda for Growth and Jobs and Social inclusion 3.The Copenhagen process for enhanced European cooperation in Vocational Training 4.Initiatives under the European research area. Large range of measures amongst which ones: 1.Lifelong learning programme 2.TEMPUS programme 3.ERASMUS Mundus 4.7th EU Framework programme for Research 5.Competitive and Innovation Programme / Structural Funds …..

13 The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process To establish synergies between the Bologna Process and the Copenhagen Process: European Qualifications Framework for LL (EQF) To know more: or education/oc1290_en/htm

14 The development of a European System for Engineering Education Accreditation General context: - Nothing at European scale before 2000! -CTI in France (1934) -Engineering Council in UK (19th C) -Prestige of national systems and academic titles -Accreditation = taboo -1994: Communication of the EC on possible synergies between recognition of qualifications for a academic and professional purposes Then…

15 The development of a European System for Engineering Education Accreditation 2000 = ESOEPE 2004: EC Call for proposals for Europe-wide participation participation projects contributing to the realisation of the European HEA (in the context of Bologna) 2004-2006 = EUR ACE « EURopean Accredited Engineer »: Creation of ENAEE EUR ACE Spread

16 The development of a European System for Engineering Education Accreditation Set of standards and procedures for comparing the degrees programmes across Europe that contributed to the formation of professional engineers No supra national body! Accreditation by national/regional agencies members of ENAEE

17 The development of a European System for Engineering Education Accreditation An example of the Eur-Ace label

18 Globalisation and Engineering education Regular contacts and participation in conferences and meetings (mutual invitations) IFEES : 2011 Summit in Lisbon (P) New TF on Global cooperation on our agenda

19 The SEFI student’s strategy 2011 SEFI Student Year SEFI Student’s strategy paper approved at 2009 General Assembly, Rotterdam, 4 July SEFI Student Facebook page and blog Student participation in the SEFI Annual Conference in the frame of the 1st Flash Week

20 The Cooperation with the Industry and Business Ad hoc events and meetings with corporates representatives EU Forum on University-Business Cooperation: Dublin, October 2009 Brno, February 2010 Brussels, March 2011

21 Emphasis will be put on the collaboration with: Students organisations Corporates European organisations of HEE and engineering profession International organisations of EE European policy bodies …Preparing new action plan 2011-2013 (Wim Van Petegem) Action Plan 2009-2011 Dr. Anette Kolmos (President 2009-2011)

22 Position Papers  On the Bologna Process, prepared jointly with CESAEER (2005)  On the creation of the European Institute of Technology by the European Union (2006)  On the Doctorate in the Bologna Process (2007)  On the Bologna Process and the Education of the Engineers, in cooperation with IGIP (2009)

23 Annual Conferences  …  Achieving and Assessing Quality of EE (Luleå, 1993)  The First Five Years of the New East-West Partnership (Prague 1994)  EE for Innovation (Compiègne, 1995)  Educating the Engineer for Lifelong Learning (Vienna, 1996)  Humanities and Arts in a Balanced EE (Cracow, 1997)  Entrepreneurship, Management and EE (Helsinki, 1998)  Re-discovering the Centre (Winterthur/Zürich, 1999)  The International Education of Engineers (Paris 2000)  New Engineering Competences - Changing the Paradigm (Copenhagen2001)  The Engineer of the Renaissance (Florence 2002)  The Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility (Porto 2003)  The Golden Opportunity for Engineering Education? (Valencia 2004)  The Engineering Education at the Cross Roads of Civilzations (Ankara 2005)  Engineering Education and Active Students (Uppsala, 2006)  Joining Forces in Engineering Education towards Excellence (Miskolc 2007)  Quality Assurance, Employability and Innovation (Aalborg 2008)  Attracting Young People in Engineering. Engineering is fun! (Rotterdam 2009)  Diversity Unifies- Diversity in Engineering Education (Trnava 2010) And…..

24 1st World Engineering Education Flash Week 2011 Lisbon, Portugal Sefi Annual Conference « Global Engineering Recognition, Sustainability and Mobility »

25 2011 Annual Conference of SEFI Lisbon, 27-30 September 2011 Organised by ISEL Followed by 2011 IFEES Summit Lisbon, 1-2 October 2011 Organised by SEFI and ISEL 4th European Deans Convention Birmingham 29-30 March 2012 Organised by SEFI and University of Birmingham

26 2012 Annual Conference of SEFI Thessaloniki, September 2012 2013 Annual Conference of SEFI Leuven, September 2013 Celebrating the 40th Anniversaire of SEFI 2014 Annual Conference of SEFI Birmingham, September 2014

27 Publications

28 Cooperation Techno TN  TREE-DISS  Eur-Ace  LEPAC MODERN EUGENE EU-DRIVERS ECCE EU Projects

29 International relations  Official relations with UNESCO  Regular contacts with the European Commission and OECD  Founding member of EuroPace, ENAEE, IFEES and IACEE  Cooperation agreements with IGIP, ASIBEI, JSEE  Regular contacts with CLAIU, CESAEER, ESMU, FEANI, EUA, CEFI/CNISF, CDEFI, ASEE, RAEE, SEII, WFEO …

30 Why join SEFI?  Get information and new ideas  Get services and meet new EE partners  Take advantage of excellent opportunities for professional pedagogical development in an international context  Contribute to the development of European EE and of its Accreditation  European Engineering Education needs a society like SEFI to represent it

31 As SEFI member you have access to the latest research, achievements and events in the field of engineering education. You are part of the largest network of engineering education institutions in Europe and well represented internationally. This offers you regular contact with colleagues of engineering institutions and representatives of industry. You have all opportunities to participate in- and influence projects and SEFI working groups, and creating fruitful cooperation in your field of interest. Moreover, members profit from several advantages, such as the SEFI bi-monthly scientific publication, The European Journal of Engineering Education, - with a special discount for on-line access -, our monthly electronic newsletter News@SEFI, and participations at reduced fees to seminars, workshops and our Annual Conference. All students and employees attached to a SEFI institutional/associate member organisation or industrial/sponsors organisation profit from these advantages and services!News@SEFI See the full list of membership service and advantages below: Publications: The European Journal of Engineering Education EJEE (bi-monthly scientific journal of engineering education, offered for fee to members)The European Journal of Engineering Education EJEE News@SEFI (monthly electronic newsletter providing news from SEFI and a detailed press review about the latest development on HEE in Europe and beyond)News@SEFI Free copies of SEFI the Biennial Report Acces to “From Members to Members” (a series of special contributions and presentations on hot topics posted by SEFI members to be shared with other members of the network) Information: about initial and continuing engineering education about publications in the field of engineering education about European cooperation programmes such as DELTA, SCIENCE, EUREKA, TEMPUS, Lifelong Learning Programme, Framework Programme (Research) about all the actors at the international engineering education scene (a series of useful links is reserved for SEFI members only at SEFI website) about SEFI events and international engineering education events and conferences (a detailed calender of international events is reserved for SEFI members only) Participation: free access to the different SEFI working groups, the backbone of SEFISEFI working groups in seminars, workshops and conferences at reduced prices in projects such as EUR-ACE,TREE and TECHNOTN (LLL Thematic Networks)EUR-ACETREETECHNOTN For Sponsors only: One page of free advertisement in the Biennial report Logo on Logo on publications/brochures and advertisement at SEFI events Circulation through the SEFI information e-lists about the sponsor’s recent activities Assistance at the recruitement of young engineers All persons attached to a SEFI institutional member (students/academic or administrative staff) profit from these advantages and services!

32 Our vision can be summarised as follows …

33 How shall we together best educate engineers for the future!

34 To contact us Secretary General Mrs. Françoise CÔME 119, rue de Stassart B-1050 Brussels Telephone: + 32 2 502 36 09 Telefax: + 32 2 502 96 11

35 Merci! Gracias! Thank you! Aitäh! Gràcies! Grazie! Hvala! Díky! Kiitos! Danke! ευχαριστίες ! धन्यवाद Köszönöm! Takk! Paldies! Ačiū ! Dzięki ! Obrigado! Multumesc! спасибо ! Tack! Teşekkürler ! Спасибі ! Eskerrik asko ! شکریہ მადლობა

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