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CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 HOT POTATOES an Introduction Roman Krawec.

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Presentation on theme: "CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 HOT POTATOES an Introduction Roman Krawec."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 HOT POTATOES an Introduction Roman Krawec

2 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 AGENDA 1.About Hot Potatoes 2.Exercise types 3.Process overview 4.Multi-language support 5.Read Ukrainian! examples 6.Information sources

3 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 ABOUT HOT POTATOES Suite of programs for creating web-based exercises Five types of exercise with variations Developed at University of Victoria, British Columbia Freeware since October 2009

4 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 EXERCISE TYPES (1) Quiz – multiple choice Quiz – short answer Quiz – hybrid Quiz – multi-select Gapfill – text boxes Gapfill – dropdown lists

5 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 EXERCISE TYPES (2) Crossword Jumble – click Jumble – drag Match/order – dropdown Match/order – drag Match/order – flashcard

6 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 CREATE SINGLE EXERCISE 1.Prepare content of exercise 2.Open relevant program 3.Enter exercise data 4.Configure web page 5.Create and save web page 6.Save Hot Potatoes file

7 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 MODIFY EXISTING EXERCISE 1.Open relevant Hot Potatoes file 2.Make changes to exercise data, configuration etc 3.Create and save web page (or overwrite existing page)

8 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 OPTIONS FOR LINKING EXERCISES Use “Next Exercise”, “Go to Contents” and “Back” buttons Link exercises automatically using The Masher Incorporate exercises into Moodle Incorporate exercises in your own website

9 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 MULTI-LANGUAGE SUPPORT All text in an exercise can be in any language supported by Unicode Program interfaces available in a variety of languages Interface texts can be translated into other languages

10 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 READ UKRAINIAN! EXAMPLES ( Quiz: Exercises 2.5A, 5.1A, 11.8A Jumble: Exercises 1.10B, 8.5A Match/order: Exercises 1.4A, 4.6A Gapfill: Exercises 8.3A, 9.5A

11 CEELBAS Workshop - 15 February 2011 INFORMATION SOURCES Basic Hot Potatoes tutorial Additional online tutorials Hot Potatoes Help pages Online discussion group Further details on accompanying handout

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