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KTP Presentation:September 12th 2008

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1 KTP Presentation:September 12th 2008
Lancaster University KTP Presentation:September 12th 2008 What is a KTP ? Knowledge Transfer Partnership John Clayton KTP Adviser Lancaster,Cumbria & North East England

Introduction WHAT IS A KTP ? POLICY CONTEXT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE WHO IS INVOLVED AND HOW TO APPLY Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

3 ‘Europe’s most successful Knowledge Transfer Programme…’

4 Partnership Structure
KB Partner: Higher Education Institutions Further Education Institutions (teaching NVQ Level 4) Research and Technology Organisations Public Sector Research Institutes Company Partner: Stable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectors Charities and not-for-profit organisations Education institutions (LEAs and schools) Health organisations (hospitals and NHS Trusts) Associate: First degree ~ 77% hold 1st or 2(i) Higher degree ~ 38% Average age 28 years All disciplines Features: Project length 12 – 36 months Associates recruited by KB and Company partners Employed by KB partner Project located at business premises with company supervisor

5 KTP Mission To strengthen the competitiveness, wealth creation and economic performance of the UK by enhancing the transfer of knowledge, skills and expertise and the stimulation of innovation through collaborative projects between business and the knowledge base.

6 History 1975 launched as Teaching Companies Scheme (TCS).
2003 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships replaced TCS and Colleges & Businesses Partnership scheme (CBP). 1 July 2007 transferred from the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) to the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) TSB reports into the Department for Innovation,Universities and Skills ( DIUS ) Momenta awarded contract in October 2004, with many of the core KTP team staff moving from TTI to Momenta – ensuring seamless transition.

Introduction WHAT IS A KTP ? POLICY CONTEXT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE WHO IS INVOLVED AND HOW TO APPLY Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

8 2007 : Sainsbury Review of Science and Innovation
The Race to the Top 2007 : Sainsbury Review of Science and Innovation A new leadership role for the Technology Strategy Board Working with the RDA's the Research Councils and government departments to co-ordinate public sector support for technological innovation, leverage public sector resources and simplify access to funds for business.      Building on our success in knowledge transfer by giving more support through the Higher Education Innovation Fund to business-facing universities, setting targets for knowledge transfer from Research Councils, doubling the number of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and extending these further to FE Colleges. _index.cfm Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

9 TSB Strategic Plan Ensure that KTP fits alongside other business support initiatives from government, sponsors and the regions, including the Devolved Administrations Promote involvement in KTP by a diverse range of firms, academics and associates Continue to improve the quality of KTP, and the efficiency of its management and delivery Demonstrate the scheme's impact in order to attract increased investment Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

10 2006 / 07 KTP Impact Summary During the 2006/07 financial year, a total of over £114m was committed to new KTP Partnerships in the form of grant support and company contributions, more than ever before in the history of the Programme. At the year-end the portfolio comprised 1157 individual Projects, the highest number ever……………. As a result of the government money committed during 2006/07, UK companies stand to benefit from an overall increase in annual profit before tax of some £100m, over 1400 new jobs created (aside from the recruitment KTP Associates) and over 6200 company staff trained. In addition, almost £24m was invested in R&D by UK company partners.

11 Benefits per Associate project: Annual profit up ~ £230k
Company benefits Benefits per Associate project: Annual profit up ~ £230k Investment in plant & machinery > £190k New jobs created ~ 3 Company staff trained ~ 15 New research projects initiated ~ 3 Commercial benefits from application of IP ~ 20% Moving on to look at the benefits to the Company, KB and associate –

12 Company Benefits Long-term, strategic relationship with KB partner Recruitment of the ‘right’ people Transfer of knowledge/expertise Embedding of innovation culture

13 Company benefits Benefits per £1m Government spend: One-off increase in profit before tax ~ £800k Increase in annual profit before tax ~ £3m Investment in plant and machinery > £2.5m Jobs created 43 Company staff trained 190

14 Knowledge Base Benefits
Income Published papers Teaching materials, case studies and projects (87%) New research themes - commercial relevance (89%) Staff development – commercial awareness (91%) Higher degree registrations Graduate career opportunities IP – negotiated with the company (20% expect commercial benefits) Strategic relationship with company (76%)

15 Associate Benefits Part of one of the country’s largest graduate recruitment scheme Competitive salary Employment within chose academic discipline Fast-track career development Opportunity to register for higher degree during project 62% Associates employed by host company Training & development with qualification in Management to National Standard: Diploma in Management

Introduction WHAT IS A KTP ? POLICY CONTEXT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE WHO IS INVOLVED AND HOW TO APPLY Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

17 Partnership Structure
KB Partner: Higher Education Institutions Further Education Institutions (teaching NVQ Level 4) Research and Technology Organisations Public Sector Research Institutes Company Partner: Stable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectors Charities and not-for-profit organisations Education institutions (LEAs and schools) Health organisations (hospitals and NHS Trusts) Associate: First degree ~ 77% hold 1st or 2(i) Higher degree ~ 38% Average age 28 years All disciplines Features: Project length 12 – 36 months Associates recruited by KB and Company partners Employed by KB partner Project located at business premises with company supervisor

18 Project Criteria Strategic relevance to the business Stimulating and challenging for the academic team Intellectually challenging for Associate Sound business case Clear knowledge transfer Clear additionality Benefits likely to accrue

19 Project length 12 – 36 months
Features Project length 12 – 36 months Associates recruited by KB and Company partners Employed by KB partner Project located at business premises with company supervisor KB Supervisor spends ~ half day per week at company premises One of the more recent changes in the partnerships is that projects can now last between months (3 monthly blocks). Since this change has come in, at least from my experience in partnership approvals – this has lead to an increase in the diversity of partnerships – all shapes and sizes and fit for purpose. KB Supervisor at the company partner half day or the equivalent thereof.

20 Stable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectors
Company Partners Stable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectors Charities and not-for-profit organisations Education institutions (LEAs and schools) Health organisations (hospitals and NHS Trusts) Many kinds of enterprise can become involved:

21 Knowledge Base Partners
Higher Education Institutions Further Education Institutions (teaching NVQ Level 4) Research and Technology Organisations Public Sector Research Institutes Including the Faradays now in the RTOs

22 The Associate “Recently” qualified with: First degree ~ 76% hold 1st or 2(i) Higher degree ~ 51% NVQ level 4 Average age 28 years All disciplines

23 Project Budget FEC effective from 1 January 2006 Available to HEIs and RTOs Annual budget ~ £60k Includes T&S, consumables and training Equipment owned by KB Partner on completion SMEs contribute 33% Large companies contribute 50%

24 The Process Application assessed by Partnership Approval Group (PAG)
Prepare Outline for submission to KTP Adviser Prepare Application with guidance from KTP Adviser Proposal funded – continued input from KTP Adviser

Introduction WHAT IS A KTP ? POLICY CONTEXT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE WHO IS INVOLVED AND HOW TO APPLY Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

26 KTP Sponsors at September 2008
17 sponsors: TSB, SE, WAG, Invest NI, Defra, DoH, EPSRC, ESRC, ESF,NERC, BBSRC,AHRC, One North East,SEEDA, SWRDA, EMDA,S&T FC, £32.7m Grants committed £81.5m company contributions 1048 live Partnerships (22% increase since 2005) 1157 live Projects

27 Location of company partner

28 Size of Enterprise

29 Academic Departments

30 RAE Rating of Department

31 Contacts KTP Helpline: 0870 190 2829 John Clayton
KTP Adviser : Cumbria & North East England PO Box 163 Consett DH9 9WY Mob: KTP Helpline:

32 Adviser Contacts Lancashire & Lancaster*
Ms Collete Williams Telephone: Lancaster ( from 22nd September 2008) John Burrows* Tel. Mob:

33 Questions ? Observations ? Comments ? Thanks
Provide and outline of the programme, its objectives and achievements, show how it benefits the participants and then look at how the programme is set to develop over the next year or so.

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