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By Adrianna Villalobos, Alexandria Conforti, & Jessica Bender.

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Presentation on theme: "By Adrianna Villalobos, Alexandria Conforti, & Jessica Bender."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Adrianna Villalobos, Alexandria Conforti, & Jessica Bender

2 It’s fun, yummy, & nutritious!

3 Sold At…

4 Promotion

5 Advertising

6 Newspaper Advertisement  Located in comic section  Section most children read  Half page  Detailing health facts, some ingredients, and other important information

7 Web Advertisement  Located on websites for kids    When hovered over, ad will enlarge

8 Grocery Store Aisle Advert.  Stand up made of durable cardboard  Red Ranger holding cereal box in an action pose  Located in cereal aisle near children's’ cereal

9 TV Commercial #1  Showing child and mom trying cereal for first time

10 Facebook “like” page  Create a fan page for children and parents

11 Newspaper & Web Based Ad Stop  90 day promotional plan coming to an end  Newspaper ad will be pulled from paper  Web based ad will be taken down from websites.

12 Cereal is Launched  Launched near season premiere  November of 2012

13 Sweepstake is Announced

14 Sweepstakes Cont.

15 Thank you for your time and cooperation.

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