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Vocabulary Unit 5 ELA5R3 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The student b.   Determines.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 5 ELA5R3 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The student b.   Determines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 5 ELA5R3 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The student b.   Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues (e.g., definition, example). c.   Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of common roots, suffixes, and prefixes. d.  Determines pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words using dictionaries and thesauruses.

2 Blemish- (noun) A mark or stain that damages the appearance of something; a weakness or flaw.   The carpenter noticed a ________________ in the finish of the cabinet. Synonyms: scar, spot, smudge, a defect, weak spot

3 2.blunt-  adj) having a dull point or edge, not sharp; honest but insensitive in manner-(adj) having less than full rank. My uncle gave me some_______________advice. (Verb) to make less sharp. Misuse will_______________a knife blade. Synonyms: dull; outspoken, frank, direct                                            Antonyms: Sharp, keen, tactful, diplomatic; to sharpen

4 3. Capable- (adj) able a prepared to do something; fit or skilled.
 A_____________teacher should be rewarded. Synonyms : qualified, able Antonyms : unqualified, incapable, unit

5 "And they lived happily ever after.... THE END!"
4. Conclude- (verb) To finish; to bring something to an end; to decide after careful thought. . After electing a new secretary, the committee voted to ___________the meeting. Synonyms: to close, complete, stop; to reason, judge Antonyms: to open, begin, start, commence "And they lived happily ever after.... THE END!"

6 5. detect- (verb) to find or discover something, notice.
A test may __________chemicals in the water supply. Synonyms: to find, observe, spot Antonyms: to miss, overlook

7 6. fatigue- (Noun) Weariness or exhaustion from work or lack of sleep.
The movie captures the _______ of Paris. (Verb) To make very tired. The riders were warned not to ____________ the horses. Synonyms: tiredness, sleepiness, weakness; to tire Antonyms: liveliness, energy; to energize, perk up

8 7 Festive- (adj) Having to do with a feast or celebration.
Decorations will help lend a_______________ atmosphere. Synonyms: happy, merry, playful Antonyms: sad, gloomy, somber

9 8. Hospitality- (Noun) A friendly welcome and treatment of guests.
The Pilgrims and Indians are remembered for their ____________which is now celebrated as Thanksgiving. The innkeepers were famous for their_______________ . Synonyms: friendliness, generosity, warmth Antonyms: unfriendliness, hostility

10 9. Nomad- (Noun) A member of a people who move from place to place; a person who roams aimlessly.. The adventurer lived the life of a ______ ___. . Synonyms: A wanderer, roamer, rover

11 10. Persecute- (verb) to treat unjustly or cause to suffer.
Dictators often try to_____________ minority. Synonyms: To torment, hurt, annoy, pester. Antonyms:  To reward, favor, comfort, help, protect

12 11. Supreme- (adj) Highest in power, rank, authority, quality, or degree. He acted as if giving up his seat were the _______sacrifice. Synonyms: first, greatest, dominant, outstanding Antonyms: low, lowly, worst

13 12. Transport- (verb) To move or carry from one place to another.
A mover was hired to____________ the furniture.  (noun) A vehicle used to move things from place to place; the act or process of moving something from one place to another. The ocean liner was used as troop ___________during the war. Synonyms: to carry, haul, cart, send, convey

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