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Students need: Textbook or highlighted copies of the script, pencil, Practice Book P EDRO P UTS ON A P LAY D AY 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Students need: Textbook or highlighted copies of the script, pencil, Practice Book P EDRO P UTS ON A P LAY D AY 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students need: Textbook or highlighted copies of the script, pencil, Practice Book P EDRO P UTS ON A P LAY D AY 3

2 REVIEW: SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS A synonym is a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

3 A thesaurus is a useful Reference source for Finding words.

4 Practice Book page 26 (on next slide)


6 Main Entry: Soft Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: cushioned, squishy Synonyms: bendable, comfortable, comfy, cottony, cozy, creamy, cushiony, cushy, delicate, doughy, downy, ductile, easeful, easy, elastic, feathery, fine, flabby, fleecy, fleshy, flexible, flimsy, flocculent, flowing, fluffy, fluid, formless, furry, gelatinous, impressible, limp, malleable, moldable, mushy, pappy, pithy, plastic, pliable, pulpy, quaggy, rounded, satiny, silken, silky, smooth, snug, spongy, squashy, supple, thin, velvety, yieldingcomfortablecozydelicateeasyfine flexibleflimsyflowing fluffyfluidlimp malleablepithypliable smoothsupplethinyielding Antonyms: hardhard, rigid, unyieldingrigid unyielding Main Entry: forward Part of Speech: adjective Definition: in front, first Main Entry: polite Antonyms: backback, lastlast Main Entry: quiet Part of Speech: adjective Definition: without or with little sound Synonyms: buttoned up, clammed up, close, close- mouthed, could hear a pin drop, dumb, hushed, close dumb Antonyms:boisterousboisterous, clamorous, loud, noisy clamorousloud noisy Main Entry: polite Part of Speech: adjective Definition:mannerly, civilized Synonyms:affableaffable, amenable, amiable, attentive, bland, civil, complaisant, concerned, conciliatory, condescending, considerate, cordial, courteous, courtly,amenable amiableattentive blandcivil complaisant concerned conciliatory condescending consideratecordial courteous Antonyms:impolite, rude, uncivil, uncivilized, unmannerly,rude Main Entry: difficult Part of Speech: adjective Definition: hard on someone; hard to do Synonyms: Gargantuan, Herculean, ambitious, arduous, backbreaker, bothersome, burdensome, challenging, crucial, demanding, ambitious arduous burdensome crucial demanding Antonyms: calmcalm, easy, free, manageable, plain, simple, uncomplicatedeasyfree manageableplain simple uncomplicated Main Entry: many Part of Speech: adjective Definition: profuse, abundant Synonyms: aboundingabounding, alive with, bounteous, bountiful, copious, countless, crowded, divers, frequent, innumerable,bountiful copiouscountless crowded frequentinnumerable Notes: many means being one of a large indefinite number, while much means great in quantity, degree, or extent many means being one of a large indefinite number; several means of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many Antonyms: fewfew, scarcescarce Main Entry:sturdy Part of Speech: adjective Definition:solid, durable Synonyms: athleticathletic, built to last, bulky, determined, firm, flourishing, hardy, hearty, hefty, hulking, husky, lusty, muscular, powerful, powerhouse,bulky determined firm flourishinghearty hefty muscular powerful Antonyms:unstableunstable, weak, wobbly weak

7 REVIEW: Make Judgments Making a judgment means forming an idea or opinion about something by using details from the text, along with prior knowledge.

8 REVIEW: Make Judgments Reread page 137. Do you agree with Mrs. Lloyd’s opinion, “I think this project will be fun for everyone?” Why or why not?

9 Practice Book page 27 (on next slide)



12 R OLES  Divide students into 2 groups  Assign each student a role in “Pedro Puts on a Play”. (see next slide for roles)

13  Narrator  Mrs. Lloyd  Naomi  Raymond  Pedro’s Mother  Pedro  Miguel (Pedro’s brother)  Pedro’s grandfather  Pedro’s father  Class (all students)

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