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Endocrine System. SymptomsTreatmentTestsGeneral info Recommendation 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Endocrine System. SymptomsTreatmentTestsGeneral info Recommendation 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endocrine System

2 SymptomsTreatmentTestsGeneral info Recommendation 10 20 30 40 50

3 Symptoms – 10 What is the number one symptom of acromegaly?

4 Answer: Symptoms – 10 Increased size of the hands, feet and face information from:from: conditions/acromegaly/basics/definition/con-20019216

5 Symptoms – 20 What is a symptom of dwarfism?

6 Answer: Symptoms – 20 An adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or less information from:from: conditions/dwarfism/basics/definition/con-20032297

7 Symptoms – 30 What is a symptom of goiter?

8 Answer: Symptoms – 30 An enlarged neck information from:from: conditions/goiter/basics/definition/con-20021266

9 Symptoms – 40 What are the four main symptoms of cushing's syndrome?

10 Answer: Symptoms – 40 The most common symptoms of cushing's are weight gain, swelling, bruising, and stretch marks. Information from:: e/000348.htm

11 Symptoms – 50 What are the three most common symptoms of diabetes mellitus?

12 Answer: Symptoms – 50 The three main symptoms of diabetes mellitus are polyuria, polyphagia, and polydipsia information from::

13 Treatment – 10 Do you need treatment for goiter if it is small or is not causing problems?

14 Answer: Treatment – 10 No, if small goiters aren't that noticeable or do not cause problems then the generally do not need treatment. Information from: conditions/goiter/basics/definition/con-20021266

15 Treatment – 20 What kind of treatment is available for acromegally?

16 Answer: Treatment – 20 Treatment options include surgical removal of the tumor, drug therapy, and radiation therapy of the pituitary Information from:

17 Treatment - 30 What treatments are available for Hypothyroidism?

18 Answer: Treatment – 30 Using the prescribed medications will replace the thyroid hormone that you are lacking. Information from: 53.htm

19 Treatment - 40 Treatment for Hyperthyroidism?

20 Answer: Treatment – 40 Radioactive iodine and antithyroid medicine are the treatments doctors use most often Information from: to-z-guides/hyperthyroidism-topic-overview

21 Treatment – 50 What are treatment options for Addison's Disease?

22 Answer: Treatment – 50 All treatment for Addison's disease involves hormone replacement therapy to correct the levels of steroid hormones your body isn't producing Information from: disease/basics/definition/con-20021340

23 Tests – 10 What types of tests are done for suspected Cushing's Disease?

24 Answer: Test – 10 The three most common tests used to diagnose Cushing's syndrome are the 24-hour urinary free cortisol test, measurement of midnight plasma cortisol or late-night salivary cortisol, and the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Information from: ngs/cushings.aspx

25 Test – 20 What test is required to diagnose Diabetes Insipidus?

26 Answer: Test – 20 The required test for diabetes insipidus is a 24- hour urine collection. Information from: -workup

27 Test – 30 Name one type of testing for dwarfism?

28 Answer: Test – 30 Measurements, Appearance, Imaging technology, MRI scan, Genetic tests, Family history, Hormone tests. Information from: conditions/dwarfism/basics/tests-diagnosis/con- 20032297

29 Test – 40 What type of tests are available for hypthroidism?

30 Answer: Test – 40 The Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is based on your symptoms and the results of blood tests that measure hormone levels. Information from: conditions/hypothyroidism/basics/tests-diagnosis/con- 20021179

31 Test – 50 True or false? Hyperthyroidism can be diagnosed with a MRI or X-ray

32 Answer: Test – 50 No, doctors will order a blood test. An MRI and Xray will not work. Hyperthyroidism is a chemical problem. Information from: z-guides/hyperthyroidism-exams-and-tests

33 General Info – 10 When is acromegaly most frequently diagnosed?

34 Answer: General Info – 10 Because of slow progression, the disease is hard to diagnose in the early stages of life and is frequently missed for years until changes in external features, especially of the face, become noticeable (puberty). Information from:

35 General Info – 20 What is goiter?

36 Answer: General Info – 20 Goiter, is a swelling of the neck or larynx resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland, functioning properly or not. Information from:

37 General Info – 30 What is the purpose of the endocrine system?

38 Answer: General Info – 30 The endocrine system helps regulate and maintain various body functions by making and releasing hormones or chemical messengers Information from: html/endo_sys_fin.html

39 General Info – 40 List all of the glands of the endocrine system (hint: there are 9).

40 Answer: General Info – 40 1. adrenal glands 2.Thymus 3.Pancreas 4.Reproductive organs 5.Pineal 6.Pituitary 7.Parathyroids 8.Hypothalmus 9.Thyroid Information from: html/endo_sys_fin.html

41 General Info – 50 Which gland is considered the master gland of the body?

42 Answer: General Info – 50 The pituitary gland is considered to be the master gland of the body. Information from:

43 Recommendations – 10 Is there a recommended diet for hypothyroidism?

44 Answer: Recommendation – 10 No, but hypothyroid medication should be taken on an empty stomach. Information from: conditions/hypothyroidism/expert- answers/hypothyroidism-diet/faq-20058554

45 Recommendation – 20 True or false? Some one with diabetes should continue to eat the foods that they have been.

46 Answer: Recommendation – 20 False, depending on the type of diabetes the patient has, they may need to change current eating habits to make them selves healthier. Information from:

47 Recommendation – 30 What is one way a woman could avoid gestational diabetes?

48 Answer: Recommendation – 30 If overweight, decreasing the BMI to a normal range before getting pregnant would decrease the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Information from: th/PMH0001898/#adam_000896.disease.p revention

49 Recommendation – 40 True or false? All cases of diabetes insipidus are preventable.

50 Answer: Recommendation – 40 No, not all cases of diabetes insipidus are preventable but Prompt treatment of infections, tumors, and injuries may reduce risk. Information from: le/000460.htm

51 Recommendation – 50 What treatment is recommended for dwarfism?

52 Answer: Recommendation – 50 Hormonal therapy Information from: on

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