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HOW WE BUILT A DIGITAL LITERACY SOLUTION. AGENDA Our Thinking Our Vision Why we did it How we did it The Result.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW WE BUILT A DIGITAL LITERACY SOLUTION. AGENDA Our Thinking Our Vision Why we did it How we did it The Result."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA Our Thinking Our Vision Why we did it How we did it The Result


4 The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed. William Gibson, quoted in The Economist 23 rd June 2000




8 “To offer learners a positive, simple, flexible learning experience that makes them want to learn.”

9 DEFINE DIGITAL LITERACY? EU COMMISION: 2006 The confident and critical use of ICT for work, leisure, learning and communication” GLISTER 1997: “….about mastering ideas, not keystrokes”


11 The differences Textual literacy is a well trodden path Textual literacy is a lifeskill Textual literacy is something you learn to do Digital literacy is a journey into the unknown Digital literacy is a lifestyle Digital literacy is something you learn to be

12 ADDING VALUE Employability Communication Collaboration Cost Savings Convenience Confidence Contributing Safety Information is Power

13 ADVANTAGES Independent or blended classroom Train more people Switched on 24/7 Automated test & tracking of hours Foundation skill for other courses Positive introduction to online learning Direct application to unemployment Teaches functional skills


15 THE WORLD IS ONLINE DATENUMBER OF USERS % WORLD POPULATION INFORMATION SOURCE December, 1995 16 millions0.4 %IDC December, 199636 millions0.9 %IDC December, 199770 millions1.7 %IDC December, 1998147 millions3.6 %C.I. Almanac December, 1999248 millions4.1 %Nua Ltd. March 20132,749 millions38.8 %Internet World Stats

16 Why Digital Literacy? UK 29% of the UK population facing literacy issues Last 10 years adults online has increased from 8.1 million to 33.4 million 17 million adults in England are ICT illiterate 15% of adult population are both socially and digitally excluded (6 million people) We have a digital divide. Those most at risk are over 65’s, socially excluded or with few or no qualifications. 60% of over 65’s have never used the internet ICT literate are 25% more confident about finding a job than non users.

17 THE CHALLENGES UK 70% of learners lost at Entry Level or Level 1 Learners do not have access to broadband Disinterested in learning The qualification framework remains complex There is a link between digital exclusion and social exclusion Teaching of basic ICT is not underpinned by clear pedagogy Poor e-learning experiences Upskilling essential for Employability, Business productivity and as a life skill.

18 USA We live in an Internet Economy: –$10 trillon online transactions in 2008 –Jobs related to the internet contributed $300 billion to the economy Digital Literacy is Necessary for Jobs: –62% use internet at work –1998 - 2008 : 26% growth in IT jobs that is 4 times faster than US employment as a whole

19 The Need for Training 28% do not use the internet at all: 2011 Estimated 60 Million people not on line 2012 Why: No need and or access The digital divide: low income, disability, seniors, minorities, less educated, unemployed. Literacy opens doors to opportunity

20 WHY DIGITAL SKILLS ARE VITAL? 25% more likely to get work with web skills You will earn 10% more in the job 50% of low paid workers identify lack of digital savvy as their most serious skills gap

21 USA: Today’s Jobs 2009: Direct/Indirect Internet services jobs employed 3Million. 1.2M of them have jobs that did not exist 20 yrs ago Life has moved online: job application, education, healthcare, government information, etc.

22 THE FUTURE OPPORTUNITY Digital Global Economy $20 trillion –(estimate IDC in 2012) Next 5 years 23.5 million new jobs will be created globally as the internet develops Global devices connected to the internet will increase from 5 Billion in 2009 to 50 billion in 2020 (Ericsson & Intel)

23 WHY DO IT? To deliver an equality of knowledge Increase the skill base Increase the capability of a nation Create international competitiveness Success in a global economy A return on investment in education


25 HOW? Relevant. Functional. Lifestyle Focus Set progressive learning goals that deliver learning progression Created online & blended option Developed training manuals for trainers Create an appetite for life long learning

26 Educational pathways Give access Remove fear Provide goals Motivation Flexibility Smart Nation

27 OUR REQUIREMENTS Remove the fear of technology Deliver a complete skill set in digital literacy. To confidently progress their computer skills to communicate share & learn


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