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KOREAN WAR 1950 - 1953.

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2 Korean War, After WWII, Korea was divided into Communist North and democratic South Korea North Korean communist forces cross the 38th parallel and invade South Korea. Truman orders U.S. forces to assist the South Koreans The U.N. Security Council condemns the action

3 As they move into North Korea, US fears that China & USSR will help Communist N. Korea

4 The Chinese Fight Back China’s foreign minister warned that he would not stand by and “let the Americans come to the border” The Chinese wanted N. Korea as a communist buffer state to protect their northeastern provinces

5 The Chinese Fight Back 1 Pusan Perimeter (August 5-September, 1950) : N. Koreans push S. Koreans to the perimeter of Pusan 2 Inchon Landing (September 15, 1950) : UN troops under MacArthur land at Inchon and move northward from Pusan. Two-pronged attack drives the N. Koreans out of S. Korea to (3) Northern Line (November 24, 1950) 5 Approximate Line during Armistice Talks (June 15, 1951) Truce Line 1953; 38th parallel

Convinced that Korea was the place “where the Communist conspirators have elected to make their play for global conquest” Recommended attacking China Called for the use of nuclear weapons Truman rejects MacArthur’s request USSR had mutual assistance pact with China Attacking China would lead to WWIII

MacArthur continued to urge waging a full scale war against China Tried to go over President’s head; criticized the president Truman fired MacArthur

8 Settling for Stalemate
Location of cease-fire line at the existing battle line establishment of a demilitarized zone between opposing sides STALEMATE N. Korean invaders had been pushed back Communism had been contained w/out use of nuclear weapons

9 Massive Retaliation On January 12, 1955 U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles first announces the doctrine of Massive Retaliation. It threatens full-scale nuclear attack on the Soviet Union in response to communist aggression anywhere in the world. John Foster Dulles and MacArthur in Korea, 1950

10 Democracy v. Communism The Korean War

11 How did Korea become divided into 2 countries?
What kind of government did North Korea have? South Korea? How did the Korean War start? Why did the United States go to the aid of South Korea? What caused the disagreement between MacArthur and Truman? How did the Korean War end?

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