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THE COLD WAR The Korean Conflict.

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1 THE COLD WAR The Korean Conflict

2 BACKGROUND China has gone Communist
Soviets have developed the Atom Bomb Korea lies in a strategically important area

3 1945 Division 38th Parallel North Korea is backed by Soviets and led by Kim Il-Sung South Korea is backed by the US and led by Syngman Rhee Both pursue total control and do not hold elections

4 1949 Withdrawal Both the US and USSR withdraw their personnel in the Koreas but continue to support and encourage their protégés Soviets & Chinese split Soviets encourage a united Korea to 1) bug China, and 2) threaten Japan US underestimates Soviet posturing

5 1950 Invasion With reluctant approval from Stalin, the North Korean army crosses the 38th parallel and rapidly gains territory to the South. Truman interprets the civil war as Soviet inspired aggression

6 1950 Invasion Truman brings invasion before the Security Council
Soviets not present to veto Collective Security Action launched against North Korea to regain the 38th parallel.

7 War or Police Action? Truman implemented his policy without Congressional approval so the Korean conflict was never officially a “war” Truman justified his decision by saying the atomic age requires quick decisions This greatly enlarges the power of the President

8 Inchon -- September 1950 MacArthur’s amphibious landing successfully turns the tide of the war as the UN forces advance to the Chinese border in less than two months. Truman begins to re-evaluate his goals. Now he considers pushing for a unified Korea, under US influence. China threatens forceful response

9 China Invades Truman ignores the Chinese threat based on the advice of MacArthur & Acheson When the UN forces cross the 38th parallel and push north, China attacks Marines fight back at the frozen Chosin Reservoir

10 Back to the 38th Conservatives want to use Korea to kill communism in China General MacArthur publicly supports total war against the Chinese to win not only Korea, but the rest of Asia too.

11 Back to the 38th Truman supports limited objectives and returns to his initial goal of regaining the 38th division. Truman is worried that the US cannot win in Asia, or that he might start WWIII

12 Truman vs. MacArthur When MacArthur publicly criticizes Truman’s policy toward Korea, he is fired for insubordination The public initially rallies behind MacArthur but is happy to see the war end By the time Truman leaves office, the US has lost 33,000 men in combat

13 Eisenhower - 1952-1953 Pledges to bring the Cold War under control
Worried by excessive defense spending Wants to cut back on ground forces Favors emphasizing air power & nuclear striking power

14 Deterrence Theory Crafted by Ike’s Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles Policy was known as “massive retaliation” meaning the US would not fight conventional wars to defeat communism, only nuclear wars Hopefully, this threat would deter the Soviets from further aggression.

15 Ending the War Eisenhower issues China an ultimatum
Truce signed on June 27, 1953 54K Americans lost War ends at the 38th parallel.

16 SUMMARY The Cold War heated up when the US attempted to contain what it perceived as Soviet aggression in Asia. Eisenhower introduces massive retaliation as the latest cold war tactic.

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