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How to Create A Prospect List. Memory Jogger Family and Friends Career People Names by Interest Sports.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create A Prospect List. Memory Jogger Family and Friends Career People Names by Interest Sports."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create A Prospect List

2 Memory Jogger Family and Friends Career People Names by Interest Sports

3 How to Profile

4 Has owned their own business Has intense desire to achieve Is a person with vision, commitment and perseverance A doer who makes things happen Is resilient and can bounce back from setbacks Takes risks E. Entrepreneurial (1 to 3) Profiling & Selecting Business Builders

5 R. Resourceful (1 to 3) Can cover the minimal cost of starting a Home Based Business Manages resources effectively Busy, but has time for things that are important Is in contact with lots of people Understands leveraging time and people to maximize results Able to invest in continuous learning education Profiling & Selecting Business Builders

6 Is well respected Has developed good people skills Has credibility Is a natural or active networker I. Influential (1 to 3)

7 L. Location (0 or 1) Your first three to five prospects should be within a 80 to 120 km radius of your home to minimize expenses and maximize the duplication process. Profiling & Selecting Business Builders

8 How to Invite 10 KEY POINTS

9 The Invitation Key Points 1I have something important I would like to talk to you about. 2Do you have a few minutes to talk now or would later be better? 3I’ve started my own home based business with ACN. Have you heard of them? If yes, what do you know about them?

10 The Invitation Key Points (cont.) 4ACN is the world’s largest direct seller of telecommunications services and the world’s largest marketer of videophones. They are a 15 year old company and are endorsed by multi- billionaire Donald Trump. 5The thing I like most about this business is I get to choose the people I want to work with.

11 6You were one of my first choices because ( give two reasons why you want to be associated with them) 7I thought of a few reasons why this might appeal to you (give two reasons why this might appeal to them) 8I would like you to evaluate some information and see if by combining our efforts you think it is possible to get … (two things as discussed previously that appeal to them) The Invitation Key Points (cont.)

12 9I’ll send you some information. Meanwhile, –I would like you to go to my website… –I would like you to watch a 3 minute video clip from one of the Founders… –I would like you to listen to a conference call I’m having tomorrow…

13 The Invitation Key Points (cont.) 10Would you evaluate this information in the next few days? I’ll get back to you on… You should now do a follow-up call (3-way call) with your upline.

14 Evaluation Tools

15 How to Present the ACN Business We have: PowerPoint Presentations Distributor Websites One-on-ones Three-way meetings Private Business Receptions Business Opportunity Meetings

16 How to Close

17 Closing Question Do you see any reason why you shouldn’t get involved?

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