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Unit 4 Change Topic: Making changes in your life; plans and dreams

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1 Unit 4 Change Topic: Making changes in your life; plans and dreams Function: Making and responding to requests Vocabulary: Changing for the better; plans after graduation Lessons: Lesson A—I need a change Lesson B—Plans and dreams

2 Lesson A Part 1 vocabulary
Ex.A & B on p (pay attention to the verbs) More collocations: Make:bed / one’s will / films = direct films / trouble / noise / a fortune Get:a bullet / a shock / some sleep / some exercise / a cold, flu, fat, tired, angry, married Join:union / the army, police, navy Quit:the army / one’s job Lose (lost lost):confidence / interest / a battle, game

3 Get a new house / apartment Buy a car
more changes: Have a baby Change hairstyle Get a promotion at work Learn to speak Chinese Get a new house / apartment Buy a car

4 A: I want to have more friends. I always feel lonely.
Sentence stems: --I want to … --You should… Model: A: I want to have more friends. I always feel lonely. B: You should join more clubs and make yourself more sociable. Using the above-mentioned info. To tell your partner the change you want to make, and your partner makes some suggestions to you.

5 Part 2 Listening: New Year’s Resolution
Vocabulary: Resolution Positive Make money Listen to the dialogue and do the exercises on P41-42 Imitate the conversation

6 Key sentences for listening
Another year is over. I make good money now, but the hours are long. Like what? I’d like to study modern dance.

7 Part 3 Function-- Making and responding to requests
Making requests: Can/Could I borrow your cell phone? I need to call my parents. Can/Could you lend me…? Would you spare me a few minutes? Could you tell me the time, please? How do I open this bottle, please? I wonder if you could help me movie this piano. Positive responses Certainly. /Of course. Sure, no problem. Yeah. /Ok. Negative responses I’m afraid that… I’m sorry, but… I wish I could, but you see…

8 Speaking: Can I borrow $20?
Listen to Ex.B, answer teacher’s questions and imitate the conversation. Use the “information for practice” on P43 and learn how to borrow things: Could/can/may I borrow .... Could you lend me ... --Why? / What for?

9 A: Maria, could I borrow your reference book for a moment?
Sample dialogue: A: Maria, could I borrow your reference book for a moment? B: My reference book? Why? A: I have to write an essay tonight and the other day I saw some related information in your reference book.

10 Part 4 Communication: Bad Habits
Check out the list of bad habits and qualities in Ex.A on p.44, and then describe the two pictures in Ex.B Interview your partner and try to add new ideas to the list. More bad habits: play too much computer games smoking / drinking too much driving too fast oversleeping very often stay up late often More bad qualities: forgetful picky

11 Communication: Bad Habits
Listen to the dialogues in ex.c and learn how to ask for and give advice: Role play: ex.d on P45.

12 He’s messy. – Maybe you can hire an hourly cleaner to give you a hand.
key to ex.B and D pic 1: He spends too much money. – You should save some money in the bank, and don’t use your credit card so much. He watches too much TV. He talks on the phone too much. – Why don’t you get yourself a hobby, or do some sports? That’s more fun. He’s messy. – Maybe you can hire an hourly cleaner to give you a hand.

13 key to ex.B and D Pic2 She’s late all the time. – Have you tried using 2 or 3 alarm clocks? I find this really helps. She bites her nails. – This might be a psychological problem. You should consult a psychologist. She eats too much junk food. – Don’t bring any junk food home or to your office. Bring sth. more healthier.

14 Tell your partner your bad habit or habits, and see what his / her suggestion is.
Example: A: I have a lot of homework! I’d like to finish it once teachers give me, but I can’t! I am always lazy. What can I do? B: Well, don’t complain so much. Maybe you should find a partner to study together with.

15 Lesson B Plans and dreams
Part I: Global viewpoints—making changes, goals, plans and dreams Part II: City living—Mike needs a change

16 Vocabulary in Part I work out Education Engineering Journalism
rock star Ph.D. dissertation Career President Honeymoon picky

17 Part I Watch the video and do Ex.A & B on P.47
Check out the structures and key sentences and imitate the video Structures: 1) My friend would like to change her life. 2) I think she should go back to college. 3) My goal right now is to finish my Ph. D. dissertation. 4) My short term goal is to find a new job. 5) I’m going to move to Atlanta and start a new job. 6) My biggest dream is to own my own business. 7) My main goal is to help poor people in developing countries.

18 Key sentences in Part I Once she stops smoking she’d like to start going to the gym and working out. I have a friend who works with computers. In the next few years I’d like to start a career in New York. I’m actually getting married in about three month to a great guy named Paul.

19 Vocabulary for Part II Style Haircut Quit junk food terrific

20 Part II Preview on P.48 Watch the video once and do Ex.A on P.49 Check out the sentences in Ex.B and do Ex.C on P.50

21 Everyday English I’m not kidding. – means you are not joking about what you are saying. I mean – is used to clarify sth that you have just said. No way!—means you’ll definitely not do sth. It’s going to snow in July.– is a way to say you don’t believe sth will happen.

22 Check out the structures of expressing goals and dreams in ex.a on P51
After you watch… Check out the structures of expressing goals and dreams in ex.a on P51 Discussion: drams of life after college (ex.b on P51)

23 What do you want to do next week/next year/after graduation?
topic: What do you want to do next week/next year/after graduation? (You may talk about the changes or resolutions you’re going to make, or your short-term / long-term goals or your dreams. )

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