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The Korean War Debbie Whitlock DRMS 2010. Korea Had been a Japanese colony since 1910 End of WWII – Japan loses colonies Korea now wanted its independence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Korean War Debbie Whitlock DRMS 2010. Korea Had been a Japanese colony since 1910 End of WWII – Japan loses colonies Korea now wanted its independence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Korean War Debbie Whitlock DRMS 2010

2 Korea Had been a Japanese colony since 1910 End of WWII – Japan loses colonies Korea now wanted its independence … ▫but communist or republic? Solution?

3 Divide! At the 38 th parallel … Dean Rusk helped devise this plan. Soviet Russia occupied the north DPRK – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea aka … North Korea US occupied the south ROK – Republic of Korea aka … South Korea

4  However, N. wanted to control ALL of Korea and have only ONE communist nation  Lots of skirmishes at the 38 th parallel between the two  June 1950 – N. invades S.  Beginning of Korean War  China – in order to “defend their territories” – launched its armies in Nov.  Eventually fighting … S. Korea, US, and allies v. N. Korea, USSR, and China

5  Eventually armies ended up back at 38 th parallel where fighting remained for the next 2 years  July 1953 –  finally, an armistice agreed upon …  but a treaty was never signed  A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) established  UN commission set up to supervise the armistice UNTIL a peace treaty was signed … but that peace treaty never came

6  The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is an area that separates North and South Korea  It’s purpose is to be the boundary that splits the two countries  Approximately 155 miles long and 2.5 miles wide.  Because of its size and the constant tension between the two countries, it is considered the most heavily militarized border in the world.

7 The DMZ

8 Patrolling the DMZ

9 Guard stations along the DMZ

10 North Korean side South Korean side

11 The dividing line – where the sand meets the gravel “The DMZ is probably the most fortified border on Earth, with more than a million soldiers facing each other with enough artillery to obliterate each other in a matter of hours. Tension constantly runs high here -- The DMZ is dotted with land mines and razor wire and concrete tank bunkers and Communist soldiers dug into mountainsides behind cast-iron "blast doors" to protect them against bombs dropped from American B-52s.” … The Washington Post Company 1998

12 DMZ line not only line drawn! The NLL line was drawn as well! Northern Limit Line

13 Maritime border in the Yellow Sea The NLL NLL – Northern Limit Line UN “draws” line to indicate limit of range of S. Korean vessels ▫Line respected by US and S. Korea ▫NOT by N. Korea – N. Korea has always disputed line – drawing a very different line of its own

14 Maritime border in the Yellow Sea Importance of this line ▫Economics ▫Military strategy

15 Maritime border in the Yellow Sea Importance of this line ▫Economics  site of rich crab fishing grounds – N. Korea, S. Korea, and China all wanting its share of the catch  Sanction-struck N. Korea, marine product exports are one of its last few sources of money Take 5 … what is a sanction?

16 Sanction Restrictions imposed on trade with a country with the aim of persuading that country's government to make an important policy change. Sanctions can include a trade embargo - the banning of all commercial shipments in and out of a particular country.

17 Maritime border in the Yellow Sea Importance of this line ▫Military strategy  S. Korea gained 5 islands that lie just off N. Korean coastline  Provide S. Korea a spot to spy on N. Korea  Today – heavily occupied by S. Korean marines  Therefore, could prove to be staging base for amphibious attacks on N. Korea

18 Constant skirmishes between the 2 ever since the armistice signed in 1953! For example … ▫Bombed S. Korea’s cabinet in Rangoon – 1983 ▫S. Korean airliner in 1987 ▫1999 – fired on gunboat in NLL ▫2002 – naval gunfight broke out along the NLL – precisely timed to coincide with football match between S. Korea and Japan World Cup (on S. Korean ground) ▫Attacks again in 2004 and 2009 ▫March 2010 – N. Korean torpedo attacked S. Korean corvette ▫Nov. 2010 – N. Korea attacks a S. Korean village

19 Kim Jung Un North Korea today … Kim Jung Un – current dictator testing long-range missiles – all have been unsuccessful! Conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009, and 2013. Possible evidence that they may have started nuclear testing again!

20 Back to the war … In closing … because the Korean War only lasted three years (1950 - 1953) it is not thought of as significant, and often not even mentioned. Korean War Memorial

21 However, if one compares the statistics of the Korean War (54,246) to those of Vietnam (58,226) which lasted over sixteen years, by ratio the Korean War was far more devastating than the Vietnam War. Korean War Memorial

22 Results of Korean War … Nothing gained … many died! North and South Korea still divided. North Korea still communist. South Korea still a republic. Still the two are bitter enemies. However … the US did stop the advancement of communism … well, in South Korea anyway! Vietnam is another story for another day!

23 Words, people, and places to know … Sanction DMZ 38 th parallel Yellow Sea

24 Words, people, and places to know … Sanction - Restrictions imposed on trade with a country with the aim of persuading that country's government to make an important policy change. DMZ – demilitarization zone … a buffer between North and South Korea 38 th parallel – line of latitude where North and South Korea divided Yellow Sea – body of water that lies between China and the Korean Peninsula

25 The Korean War Background History _______ colony since 1910 Japan loses colonies after _________ Independence for Korea …BUT one problem … what type of government? _______________________ OR _______________________ Solution? _______________ At ______ parallel North Korea Official name ___________________ Occupied by ___________________ South Korea Official name ___________________ Occupied by ___________________ Now we have a problem … __________ wanted all of Korean Peninsula as 1 ____________ country! Therefore … June _______ invades __________ Korea Thus begins the Korean War The War _________ joins South Korea __________ joins North Korea Fighting consisted of … South Korea & ________ v. North Korea, _________, & __________ Fighting ends up back at the ___________ parallel Continues for _______ more years The Fighting Stops Armistice (cease fire) July ______________ _________ established Peace treaty ___________ signed

26 The Korean War DMZ Separates __________ & __________ Korea Purpose - __________ b/t the 2 _____ miles long & ______ miles wide Constant tension – therefore … most heavily militarized border in the world today! NLL Northern Limit __________ Through the ____________ Importance of line Economics ____ fishing Last resource for _________ for N. Korea Military strategy ________ Korea spies on the North Results of Korean War __________ gained! North & South still ____________ North still ___________________ South still ___________________ Both still bitter enemies! Words to know … Sanction DMZ 38 th parallel Yellow Sea

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