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Utopia OR Armageddon?. ? What is the personal and professional experience of the self- employed, public relations consultant in regional Australia?

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Presentation on theme: "Utopia OR Armageddon?. ? What is the personal and professional experience of the self- employed, public relations consultant in regional Australia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utopia OR Armageddon?



4 ? What is the personal and professional experience of the self- employed, public relations consultant in regional Australia?

5 25,700 PR professionals

6 35% work outside capital cities

7 The new mobile worker

8 Top 3 Stress Factors for Employed PR professionals Poor management Office politics Long hours

9 Why choose freelancing? Freedom Flexibility More control over work Variety of work Escape office politics

10 Benefits of freelancing? More positive Feel healthy Less stress Better concentration More energy


12 It’s not all roses

13 What do I need to know? Demographics Personal qualities Professional skills Sources of stress & satisfaction

14 Finding #1 85% female Most aged 35-44 years

15 Finding #2 90% had tertiary quals 1. Journalism 2. Public Relations 3. Business 4. Marketing

16 Finding #3 66% had more than 16 years PR experience

17 Finding #4 60% chose to work in a regional location WHY? Flexibility, Freedom, Variety of work More control over work, New challenges, Work/Life balance QUOTE “Having the ability to choose when I will work and the kind of work I will do is empowering and satisfying”

18 Finding #5 Length of time self-employed? 3-5 years

19 Finding #6 1. Advertising, Arts & Media 2. Marketing & Communication 3. Government & Defence 4. Administration & Office Support 5. Education & Training 6. Hospitality & Tourism

20 Finding #7 Main business structure Sole trader with NO staff

21 Finding #8 80% worked from their home office

22 Finding #9 Typical work week 41 – 50 hours Everyone worked on weekends, just not all the time

23 Finding #10 Most time spent on operational tasks rather than strategic matters [A real hands-on job]

24 Finding #11 Administration 15% Travel 10% Bookwork 5% More time spent in the business, rather than on it

25 Finding #12 Communication facilitators Publicity & media relations 45% often managed social media

26 Finding #13 60% had 5 – 10 clients SMEs Government Not for profit

27 Finding #14 How to find work? Repeat business & referrals Marketing & advertising worked for only 20%

28 Finding #15 Most important personal quality 1.Experienced 2.Trustworthy 3.Honest 4.Approachable

29 Finding #16 Most important professional skills 1.Written & oral communication 2.Good contacts 3.Strategic thinking 4.Project management

30 Finding #17 Main sources of stress 1.Time pressures 2.Managing multiple projects/clients at the same time 3.High workload 4.Irregular income Only 10% were stressed by amount of income – the regularity of income was more important

31 Finding #18 Main sources of satisfaction 1.Variety of work 2.Being my own boss 3.Flexible work hours 4.Control over type of work 5.Control over type of client 53.5% said they were very satisfied

32 Finding #19 The impacts? Quality of life & work/life balance had improved for nearly everyone Due to heightened feelings of personal and professional autonomy QUOTE “Being my own boss, working the hours that suit my family and choosing the work that I enjoy has allowed me to get the work balance I was looking for”

33 Finding #20 Their advice? Think hard Plan carefully Get prepared Before you leave your ‘day job’

34 The future 80% will still be a regional PR consultant in 5 years

35 Utopia OR Armageddon?

36 Utopia, mostly

37 Thank you Heather Smith Director, Wishbone Communication E:

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