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A foundation for improving student learning Panhandle P-16 Council Texas College Readiness Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "A foundation for improving student learning Panhandle P-16 Council Texas College Readiness Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 A foundation for improving student learning Panhandle P-16 Council Texas College Readiness Standards

2 Importance of Making All Students College Ready Now + Certificates, and two- and four-year degrees are the gateway to careers + Even if some students choose not to attend postsecondary education directly out of high school. They need skill sets that allow them to resume their education at some later point, if they desire or need to do so

3 College Going Culture Panhandle P-16 Region

4 A New Definition of College Readiness + The level of preparation a student needs in order to enroll and succeed – without remediation – in credit-bearing general education courses + “Succeed” is defined as completing entry-level courses with ability to: + Succeed in a sequent course in the subject area + Apply course knowledge to another subject area

5 Required Development Education Panhandle P-16 Region 62% of Region 16 students are under prepared for college

6 Texas College Readiness Standards Panhandle P-16 Council Improving English Readiness

7 Measuring Student Success in Writing TAKS Scores

8 Measuring Student Success in Reading TAKS Scores

9 Measuring Student Success in Developmental English

10 Texas College Readiness Standards Panhandle P-16 Council Improving Math Readiness

11 Measuring Student Success in Math TAKS Scores

12 Measuring Student Success in Developmental Math

13 Measuring Student Success in Science Failure and Drop Rates


15 Texas College Readiness Standards Panhandle P-16 Council Improving Social Studies Readiness

16 Measuring Student Success in Social Studies TAKS Scores

17 Measuring Student Success in Social Studies Failure and Drop Rates

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