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 Mission College Preparation of the Accreditation Self-Evaluation WVMCCD Board of Trustees November 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: " Mission College Preparation of the Accreditation Self-Evaluation WVMCCD Board of Trustees November 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mission College Preparation of the Accreditation Self-Evaluation WVMCCD Board of Trustees November 19, 2013

2 Overview and Purpose  What is the purpose of Accreditation?  An effective institution ensures that its resources and processes support student learning, continuously assesses that learning, and pursues institutional excellence and improvement.  Why do we do a “Self-Evaluation?”  How often?  6 Year Cycle

3 Accreditation Standards  Standards in Brief  I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness  II: Student Learning Programs and Services  III: Resources (Human, Physical, Fiscal, Technology)  IV: Leadership and Governance

4 Self Evaluation Document Preparation Structure Accreditation Oversight Committee GAP serves as the oversight committee Accreditation Steering Committee Includes Faculty Liaison, Accreditation Officer, Document Editor, and Researcher 4 Standards Writing Teams Focused teams for collecting evidence and writing; Teams Include Faculty, Classified Staff, & Administrators

5 Timeline of Preparation  Fall 2012 –Standards Teams completion of templates and initial identification of evidence  Spring 2013 — Initial review, additional evidence gathering, begin pulling into one comprehensive draft  Summer 2013 —Identification of gaps; continue editing  Fall 2013 —Fill in gaps; targeted groups review for accuracy and thoroughness

6 Process Kickoff  Standards Teams identified Spring/Summer 2012  Full Teams Kickoff event August, 2012  Training on standards and rubrics  Process of discovery and gathering evidence  Collaboration on ANGEL learning management  Resource binders  Reference materials  Sample templates  Potential locations for evidence

7 Team Chairs Recognition I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness: Kathy Henderson & Zita Melton with Daniel Peck II: Student Learning Programs and Services: Sarah Sullivan & Sarah Randle; Theresa Lawhead & Lucia Moreno; Carol Brockmeier & John Spencer with Tim Karas, Penny Johnson, Rita Grogan III: Resources (Human, Physical, Fiscal, Technology): Cathy Cox & Kena Rogers; Pat Hudak & Greg Shaw; Clement Lam & My Loi with Rick Bennett, Mina Jahan IV: Leadership and Governance: Dianne Dorian &Susan Monahan with Laurel Jones, Penny Johnson

8 Participatory Involvement  Structure of the Standards Teams  Co-chairs of Faculty and Classified Staff  Members include faculty, classified staff, administrators, & students  Draft made available online in late Spring  Ability to post feedback  Recurring updates and reminders for feedback to college  Targeted visits to participatory and operational groups  Academic Senate, Classified Senate, GAP, Division Council, Student Services Council, Counseling Department meeting, Curriculum Cmt, Institutional Effectiveness Cmt, Technology Cmt, and more

9 Online Document 

10 Addressing Action Items  Through this Self Evaluation, the College has identified “Actionable Improvement Plans”  The college is already working to address identified areas for improvement  Goal to address areas prior to March Site Visit  Two primary areas of emphasis  Distance Learning (infrastructure, training, monitoring)  Student Learning Outcomes (documentation of assessment, linkage to program and institutional outcomes)

11 Final Steps  Remaining Stages of Preparing Document  Final formatting and editing  Insertion of final pieces of evidence  Final Draft review by primary participatory groups  Already given to GAP, Academic Senate, and Classified Senate  Final formatted version available by start of December  Mailed to ACCJC in January

12 Site Visit Preparation  Preparing Access to Evidence  Posting all evidence online and creating thumb drives for visiting team  Messaging to College Campus  Creating document summaries and brief mini-videos to raise awareness prior to the visit  Preparation of team room and meeting schedule  Site Visit in March 2014

13 Post Site Visit  ACCJC likely will take action in June  The college will continue to address identified areas for action

14 Discussion

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