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Adult Social Care - Remodelling Operational Services Sally Slade/ Senior Leadership Team June 2016.

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1 Adult Social Care - Remodelling Operational Services Sally Slade/ Senior Leadership Team June 2016

2 Background Current model largely in place since 2007/8. Integrated, co-located health and social care teams, supported by 3 Care Direct Plus centres. Centrally based safeguarding team. Separately managed in-house provision. Separate arrangements for adult mental health…

3 Adult Mental Health Long standing partnership agreement between DCC and Devon Partnership Trust (DPT) Social Care staff “assigned” to DPT, including AMHP’s, to form integrated front-line teams. Active partnership working eg. Quarterly partnership meetings, SLT engagements, specific programme involvement, workforce issues Performance and finance monitored monthly

4 Reasons for Change Care Act – new responsibilities and need to do some things differently. Reducing role of in-house provision. DCC Review of Safeguarding arrangements. Increasing complexity of need/risk for people to work with and more complex legal framework. Operational pressures and lack of resilience in some areas. National policy drivers re: further integration for benefit of users and system efficiency. Range of workforce issues (e.g. recruitment, retention). Remaining inconsistencies in working practices/processes. Need for more robust approach to quality assure and improve practice.

5 Core Principles The model of delivery to be further shaped by consideration of user/carer experience. Processes and practice need to be efficient and effective, making best use of available resources. Our approach needs to be equitable and fair. Developments will build onto the existing delivery model and ensure safe services through change. Model to be developed through engagement with staff and based on evidenced best practice. Evolutionary, not “revolutionary” change which builds on existing strengths.

6 Proposed Areas for Change - by October 2015 Increased workforce and revised care pathway to meet Care Act requirements. The transition of safeguarding staff to operational teams and streamlining of processes. Enhancement of professional leadership to support operational service delivery. Revised arrangements for the management of retained in-house services and further development of community enabling and social care reablement as key interventions to support independence. Integration of learning disability, physical and sensory and older people’s care management models (affecting CDP/CCTs/LD teams). Further integration of health and social care functions in CDPs – single points of co-ordination.

7 Proposed Areas for Change - by October 2015 Revised Approved Mental Health Practioners service working across DPT/DCC. 7 day working in place to support hospital discharge and admissions avoidance co- ordinated with NHS. Personal Brokerage and Direct Payments staff to move to operations. Strengthened focus for young adults in transition and for people with Autistic Spectrum conditions. New working arrangements for newly qualified social work staff.

8 Devon County Council area Integrated Health and Social Care Community Services

9 What’s happened to date? Project approach– overlapping with Care Act project and with shared governance. Changes underway e.g. safeguarding, principal social worker role, recruitment plans. Management preference exercise being completed. Critical dependencies on accommodation, IT, etc. Transition to new team / teams commenced. Ongoing discussions with NHS partners. General consensus in service that sum of these changes will result in overall benefit for users, carers and staff and promote service coherence, productivity and quality.

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