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1 Lessons Learned in Leading and Managing Virtual Teams ETM5110/MSIS5600 Managing Virtual Project Teams Nicholas C. Romano, Jr., Ph.D.

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1 1 Lessons Learned in Leading and Managing Virtual Teams ETM5110/MSIS5600 Managing Virtual Project Teams Nicholas C. Romano, Jr., Ph.D. Paul E. Rossler, Ph.D., P.E.

2 2 Overview What has the collective knowledge to date uncovered about leading and managing virtual teams?What has the collective knowledge to date uncovered about leading and managing virtual teams?

3 3 “A meeting is a gathering where people speak up, say nothing, and then all disagree.” (Source: T.A. Kayser, Mining Group Gold. El Sequendo, CA: Serif, 1990)

4 4 The new converging conference room walls helped make meetings short and to the point.

5 5 Why people meet Surface Perspectives Review Share Work Share the Vision Socialize Build Consensus Solve Problems Avoid Decisions Make Decisions Synergy Share Information Build Trust Allocate Resources Develop Project Plans Monitor Project Progress Prioritize Tasks (Source: Romano)

6 6 Collaboration is difficult Collaboration Waiting to speak Domination Fear of speaking MisunderstandingInattention Lack of focus Inadequate criteria Premature decisions Missing information DistractionsDigressions Wrong people Groupthink Poor grasp of problem Ignored alternatives Lack of consensus Poor planning Hidden agendas Conflict Inadequate resources Poorly defined goals Source: Nunamaker, J.F., R.O. Briggs, and D.D. Mittleman, Electronic meeting systems: Ten years of lessons learned, in Groupware: Technology and applications, D. Coleman and R. Khanna, Editors. 1995, Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. p. 149-193.

7 7 Meeting purposes: Almost 2/3 involve complex group processes (Monge, P. R., McSween, C., & Wyer, J. 1989)

8 8 Key lessons for outstanding participation Anonymity increases the amount of key comments contributedAnonymity increases the amount of key comments contributed Parallel nature of interaction increases participationParallel nature of interaction increases participation With good process, adding participants (almost) always improves the outcomesWith good process, adding participants (almost) always improves the outcomes –Good ideas are a function of the quantity of ideas generated (Source: Nunamaker, J.F., R.O. Briggs, and D.D. Mittleman)

9 9 When participants anonymously criticize ideas, performance improvesWhen participants anonymously criticize ideas, performance improves –It keeps the group searching for better answers Any idea may inspire a completely new idea which would not have otherwise occurredAny idea may inspire a completely new idea which would not have otherwise occurred –Develop activities that encourage frequent generation of new ideas

10 10 Provide feedback to groups to let them know how each activity they take maps to the entire agendaProvide feedback to groups to let them know how each activity they take maps to the entire agenda –Groups stay better focused if they understand how what they are doing ties into the big picture In face-to-face groups, peer pressure keeps people moving.In face-to-face groups, peer pressure keeps people moving. –Distributed groups tend to lose momentum

11 11 Key lessons about leadership in “virtual” teaming Technology does not replace leadershipTechnology does not replace leadership Technology can support any leadership styleTechnology can support any leadership style Some people resist electronic meeting systemsSome people resist electronic meeting systems –The game has changed, oral/verbal skills and ramming an agenda through are not as important (Source: Nunamaker, J.F., R.O. Briggs, and D.D. Mittleman)

12 12 Loss of engagement for distributed teamsLoss of engagement for distributed teams –Lack of visual and nonverbal cues and low accountability appears to reduce involvement Change of emotional engagement for face- to-face teamsChange of emotional engagement for face- to-face teams –More exciting for some, mundane for others

13 Lo Hi Idea Generation Prioritizing Policy Development Idea Organization SatisfactionSatisfaction 11 1/21/21 - 2 Time Satisfaction as a Function of Task

14 14 Need to develop group incentivesNeed to develop group incentives Willingness to accept criticism of you and organizationWillingness to accept criticism of you and organization Make sure there is an individual incentive to contribute to the group effortMake sure there is an individual incentive to contribute to the group effort

15 15 Some of you may be having trouble with the concept of “Groupware.”

16 16 Lessons about electronic voting Voting clarifies communication, focuses discussion, reveals patterns of consensus, and stimulates thinkingVoting clarifies communication, focuses discussion, reveals patterns of consensus, and stimulates thinking Anonymous polling can surface issues that remain buried during direct conversationAnonymous polling can surface issues that remain buried during direct conversation (Source: Nunamaker, J.F., R.O. Briggs, and D.D. Mittleman)

17 17 Voting can demonstrate areas of agreementVoting can demonstrate areas of agreement –Allowing the group to close off discussion in those areas and focus only on areas of disagreement Electronic polling can facilitate decisions that are too painful to face using traditional methodsElectronic polling can facilitate decisions that are too painful to face using traditional methods Care must be taken to ensure that voting criteria are clearly established and definedCare must be taken to ensure that voting criteria are clearly established and defined

18 We don’t vote here, we arrive at a natural consensus

19 19 Key lessons from facilitators and session leaders Preplanning is criticalPreplanning is critical Find a fast, clean way to do idea organization – people hate it, and you lose them if you take to longFind a fast, clean way to do idea organization – people hate it, and you lose them if you take to long The group must always see where they are headed and how each activity advances them toward the goalThe group must always see where they are headed and how each activity advances them toward the goal (Source: Nunamaker, J.F., R.O. Briggs, and D.D. Mittleman)

20 20 Be cognizant of nonverbal interactions; Even small nonverbal cues can tell a facilitator a lotBe cognizant of nonverbal interactions; Even small nonverbal cues can tell a facilitator a lot Expect that ideas generated will change the plan and the agendaExpect that ideas generated will change the plan and the agenda Group dynamics can be affected by the selection of technology interfacesGroup dynamics can be affected by the selection of technology interfaces

21 21 Summary Collaboration in virtual team meetings is more likely if process losses are addressedCollaboration in virtual team meetings is more likely if process losses are addressed Technology doesn’t replace leadership or the need for facilitation in virtual teamsTechnology doesn’t replace leadership or the need for facilitation in virtual teams Anonymity eliminates power intimidationAnonymity eliminates power intimidation Virtual teams, like face-to-face teams, must always see where they are headedVirtual teams, like face-to-face teams, must always see where they are headed

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