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Chief Instructional Leader’s Website

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Presentation on theme: "Chief Instructional Leader’s Website"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chief Instructional Leader’s Website
Welcome Back! Chief Instructional Leader’s Website

2 Professional Learning

3 Using Data to Make Decisions Regarding Professional and Personalized Learning: WV Summative Assessment Vaughn Rhudy, Executive Director Timothy Butcher, Coordinator WVDE Office of Assessment

4 Break 10:15-10:30 AM

5 Please Tweet your thoughts to: #WVCIL
Give us your thoughts… Please Tweet your thoughts to: #WVCIL

6 Using Data to Make Decisions Regarding Professional and Personalized Learning: WV Diagnostic Assessments, Interim Assessments, and Formative Assessment Resources in the Digital Library Stacey Murrell and Terri Sappington, Coordinators, WVDE Office of Assessment

7 Welcome to the Interim and Diagnostic Assessments Training
Office of Assessment

8 West Virginia Interim and Diagnostic Assessments
Dr. Stacey Murrell

9 Agenda Interim Assessments What interims are NOT
Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) What interims are NOT Purpose of interim assessments Hand scoring Reports Enhancements WV Diagnostics What diagnostics are NOT

10 Interims are NOT The tests are NOT required or mandated by WVDE.
The interims are NOT benchmarks. There is NOT a WVDE-set or mandated schedule for administering interims. There is NOT a WVDE-mandated plan for aligning curriculum to interims.

11 Purpose The purpose of the WV Interim Assessments is to support teaching and learning throughout the year. Experience a clone of the summative test Focus on targets/skills, fewer questions Receive reports that provide feedback on assessment claims and targets Available for ELA and math, grades 3-11

12 Question Development Developed using the same conditions (like bias and sensitivity), protocols, and review procedures as the West Virginia General Summative Assessment items. In , 40+ WV teachers wrote 800 questions for the summative and interim item banks. This means the interim items assess the WV NxG standards, were designed using principles of Universal Design, and provide evidence to support ELA/literacy and math claims.

13 Non-public Tests Not Secure
The interim assessments are not released to the public. WVDE purchased interim tests. The tests are not secure, but they should be kept offline (consider social media).

14 Types of Interims There are two types of interim assessments.
The Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) use the same test blueprints as the WV General Summative Assessment and assess the same standards. The Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of targets and are more flexible to better support instruction.

15 Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs)
Have the same testing blueprint as the general summative assessment and mirrors the summative testing experience Have the same item types and formats, including performance tasks Give students an overall scale score, an overall performance level designation, and claim-level information- same as summative student report Claim Performance Results are reported as “Below Standard,” At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.”

16 Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)
Smaller assessments that focus on sets of targets and can be used to support instruction (approx questions). Contain the same item types and formats, including performance tasks, as the general summative assessments. Students receive an overall score for the IAB. The results for the IABs are reported as “Below Standard,” “At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.”

17 Administration Both interim assessment types are assigned by teachers and taken by students online. They will use the same delivery software as the general summative assessments. Teachers use the WV Assessment Portal. Students use the WV Student Secure Browser.

18 Scoring Automatic Scoring Teacher Hand Scoring
Items that are able to be automatically scored will be scored by the computer. Teacher Hand Scoring Constructed response items and performance task ELA essay/ math performance task response items are not able to be automatically scored; therefore, these items will be scored by teachers using a scoring rubric. Teachers will need to complete their hand scoring of the constructed response items and performance task ELA essay/math extended response items before any reports can be generated for both the ICAs and IABs. NOTE: The WV General Summative items/essays are hand scored by individuals contracted by the test vendor, not the teachers of the students.

19 Interim Reports

20 Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs)

21 Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs)

22 Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs)

23 Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

24 Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

25 Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

26 Interim Enhancements for 2015-2016
The test names are being changed to be more concise, consistent, and clear. Students will have unlimited opportunities to practice interim tests. Selecting an interim test will “look” different than when selecting a summative test. Less confusing.

27 WV Diagnostic Assessments

28 Diagnostics are NOT The tests are NOT required or mandated by WVDE.
They are NOT benchmarks. There is NOT a WVDE-set or mandated schedule for administering diagnostics. There is NOT a WVDE-mandated plan for aligning curriculum to diagnostics.

29 Purpose The purpose of diagnostic assessments is to provide feedback on students’ performance. Reports will have the content standard (WV NxG) that each test question is aligned to and how the class/student answered the question.

30 WV Diagnostics Available for grades 3-11 ELA Diagnostics
Reading Literary Texts Reading Informational Texts Research Math Diagnostics Concepts and Procedures Problem Solving and Modeling & Data Analysis Communicating Reasoning Performance Task

31 Questions Development
Written by WV teachers using the same item writing specs as the general summative test and interim tests. There are 600 diagnostic questions, but that is not as robust as interims. We hope to add more diagnostics as we see that teachers and students find them helpful.

32 WV Diagnostic Reports Mock Up Drafts

33 WV Diagnostics

34 WV Diagnostics

35 Next Steps: Using Interims and Diagnostics
September 15, 2015 is the “opening” of both. All embedded designated supports and accommodations for students, such as text-to-speech will be available to students taking interims. Diagnostics only have embedded text-to-speech (P01). Remember, teachers will have to hand score any constructed response (ELA and math PTs) and essays (ELA) before reports will appear. Principals will have to associate teachers to students for the year by creating/managing rosters for the Online Reporting System. Must wait until your county has sent WVEIS promotional file and TIDE has uploaded the file.

36 Questions Handouts available on Stacey’s OneDrive
This PowerPoint Interim Quick Guide for Teachers IABs Table of Hand Scored and Total Items ICAs Table of Hand Scored and Total Items Principals Creating and Managing Rosters Quick Guide

37 Smarter Balanced Digital Library: A Part of a Balanced
Assessment System CIL Meeting July 24, 2015 Terri Sappington, NBCT Assessment Coordinator West Virginia Department of Education Office of Assessment State Lead, State Leadership Team, Smarter Balanced Digital Library WV Teacher Involvement Coordinator, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

38 Balanced Assessment System
Digital Library

39 Smarter Balanced Definition
Formative Assessment Smarter Balanced Definition Formative assessment: a deliberate process utilized by teachers and students during instruction to provide actionable feedback, used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals.

40 Four Attributes Formative Assessment
The Digital Library resources are connected to these four formative assessment attributes.

41 Digital Library Resources
Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Resources for educators, students and families Frame Formative Assessment within a Balanced Assessment System Articulate the Formative Assessment Process Highlight Formative Assessment Practices and Tools Exemplar Instructional Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Instructional coaching for educators Instructional materials for students Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative assessment process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Education Resources High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative assessment process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities

42 How can educators use resources in the Digital Library?
Digital Library Resources How can educators use resources in the Digital Library? Advance their use of formative assessment practices. Better understand where students are in their learning. Identify any misconceptions. Make quick adjustments to instruction.

43 Touring the Digital Library

44 Go to the Digital Library
Enter username and password

45 Getting a Login If you are a new user or you do not remember your Digital Library password, Terri Sappington at If you are a new user or you do not remember your Digital Library password, please Terri Sappington at

46 Digital Library Resources

47 Digital Library Resources
Landing Page

48 Digital Library Resources
This is the Digital Library Resources page. It displays all the resources that have been posted to the Digital Library.

49 Resource Cards Resources are displayed as cards that include the following information: Resource Title Image of primary material The first 140 characters of the resource summary Selected tags Number of views Number of downloads Star rating A check mark in the top right corner of a resource card indicates that a resource has been posted with distinction. This means that it received the highest recommendation from all three reviewers of the resource.

50 View Options There are two ways to view resources:
Grid View displays resources as cards. This is the default view, as seen in the previous slides. List View displays resources in a list, shown here. List view provides a less detailed display than Grid View. You can change the view option by choosing Grid View or List View on the right side of the window above the resource cards. Click Grid View to return to Grid View.

51 Using Filtering There are three ways you can search for resources in the Digital Library. First, you can filter using as many as eleven categories that are displayed above the resource cards. These include: Subject, Grade, Attribute of the Formative Assessment Process, Common Core State Standards, etc. If you do not want to use the filters, you can hide the categories by clicking Hide Categories in the top right of the filter section.

52 Using Filtering When you click on a filter category, a separate drop-down menu appears. This example shows the drop-down box for Resource Type. Check the boxes you want to customize your search.

53 Using Filtering Once you have selected your filters, they will appear below the filter options. Click Apply Filters to begin your search.

54 Using Filtering After applying your selected filters, you may choose to edit those filters by clicking Edit Filters. You can clear the filters by clicking Reset Filters.

55 Using the Search Option
A second way to search for resources is to use the search bar in the upper right corner of the screen. Type key words in the oval next to the magnifying glass. Press the enter or return key on your computer to begin your search. Resources containing these words will be displayed.

56 Sorting Resources The third way to search for resources is to use the Sort feature. You can change the way resources are listed using the sort box on the left side of the screen under the filter categories. By default, resources are listed with the newest showing first. When you click on Sort by: Newest, a drop-down menu appears that allows you to sort by Most Viewed or Highest Rated.

57 Interactive Modules Interactive modules are of 4 types: Assessment Literacy, ELA Exemplary Instructional, Math Exemplar Instructional, and Score Reports. They provide opportunities for Digital Library users to learn more about a balanced assessment system and how to implement the intent of the Common Core State Standards using the Formative Assessment Process. All of them include interactive learning events and most include an animated or live action vignette. When the project is complete, there will be 102 modules – look for more of them to become available throughout the Preview Period. To find these interactive modules, filter using the Module Types dropdown menu.

58 Interactive Modules Choose one of the four Module types (not all will be available in the initial Preview Period): Assessment Literacy Modules, ELA Exemplar Instructional Modules, Math Exemplar Instructional Modules Interim and Summative Score Report Modules Select the module type you are interested in by checking the box. Click Apply Filters.

59 Interactive Modules All available modules for the type you chose will appear. Click on the title of the module to access them.

60 Favorites The first step in favoriting a resource is to open it up.
Recall that you find resources when you are in the Digital Library Resource tab. Open a resource by clicking on the title in the card or list view.

61 Favorites After clicking on a resource, you are taken to the resource page. At the top of this page you will find the resource title, resource type, author, and owner. To the right of this information is a heart followed by Add to Favorites. Click this to add the resource to your favorites list.

62 Favorites Once clicked, the Heart turns from gray to red. Click it again to un-favorite the resource, or remove it from your favorites list. Check to confirm that your resource was added to your favorite list in the top right corner of the Digital Library. If successful, the number on the Favorites bar will increase and the words “Added to Favorites” will appear briefly beside the Search box.

63 Favorites Clicking on the Favorites bar in the upper right corner will take you to the Favorites tab on your Personal Profile page. Here, you will find all of the resources you have marked as Favorite. The list includes the Resource Type and the Date Added to your Favorites list.

64 Forums

65 Forums

66 More Information Available under “Digital Library” at the state’s Smarter Balanced website:

67 Support & Professional Learning
Available at the state’s Smarter Balanced website:


69 Part 3: Using the Digital Library and WVDE TREE After Analyzing Interim and Diagnostic Report Results

70 IAB Block Achievement Class Report
Above Standard Your test results clearly show that you understand and are able to apply your knowledge to the standards in this content area of your grade. At/Near Standard Your test results may be just above or just below the standard, but due to the error band, the result is too close to call. Below Standard Your test results clearly show that you have not yet met the standard in this content area for your grade.

71 Terri Go Live to Digital Library

72 Diagnostic Class Item Performance

73 Diagnostic Item #1 Stacey Go Live to WVDE TREE
Officer Buckle and Gloria

74 Closing Office of Assessment

75 Smarter Balanced Digital Library: A Part of a Balanced
Assessment System CIL Meeting July 24, 2015 Terri Sappington, NBCT Assessment Coordinator West Virginia Department of Education Office of Assessment State Lead, State Leadership Team, Smarter Balanced Digital Library WV Teacher Involvement Coordinator, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

76 Balanced Assessment System
Digital Library

77 Smarter Balanced Definition
Formative Assessment Smarter Balanced Definition Formative assessment: a deliberate process utilized by teachers and students during instruction to provide actionable feedback, used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals.

78 Four Attributes Formative Assessment
The Digital Library resources are connected to these four formative assessment attributes.

79 Digital Library Resources
Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Resources for educators, students and families Frame Formative Assessment within a Balanced Assessment System Articulate the Formative Assessment Process Highlight Formative Assessment Practices and Tools Exemplar Instructional Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Instructional coaching for educators Instructional materials for students Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative assessment process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Education Resources High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative assessment process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities

80 How can educators use resources in the Digital Library?
Digital Library Resources How can educators use resources in the Digital Library? Advance their use of formative assessment practices. Better understand where students are in their learning. Identify any misconceptions. Make quick adjustments to instruction.

81 Touring the Digital Library

82 Go to the Digital Library
Enter username and password

83 Getting a Login If you are a new user or you do not remember your Digital Library password, Terri Sappington at If you are a new user or you do not remember your Digital Library password, please Terri Sappington at

84 Digital Library Resources

85 Digital Library Resources
Landing Page

86 Digital Library Resources
This is the Digital Library Resources page. It displays all the resources that have been posted to the Digital Library.

87 Resource Cards Resources are displayed as cards that include the following information: Resource Title Image of primary material The first 140 characters of the resource summary Selected tags Number of views Number of downloads Star rating A check mark in the top right corner of a resource card indicates that a resource has been posted with distinction. This means that it received the highest recommendation from all three reviewers of the resource.

88 View Options There are two ways to view resources:
Grid View displays resources as cards. This is the default view, as seen in the previous slides. List View displays resources in a list, shown here. List view provides a less detailed display than Grid View. You can change the view option by choosing Grid View or List View on the right side of the window above the resource cards. Click Grid View to return to Grid View.

89 Using Filtering There are three ways you can search for resources in the Digital Library. First, you can filter using as many as eleven categories that are displayed above the resource cards. These include: Subject, Grade, Attribute of the Formative Assessment Process, Common Core State Standards, etc. If you do not want to use the filters, you can hide the categories by clicking Hide Categories in the top right of the filter section.

90 Using Filtering When you click on a filter category, a separate drop-down menu appears. This example shows the drop-down box for Resource Type. Check the boxes you want to customize your search.

91 Using Filtering Once you have selected your filters, they will appear below the filter options. Click Apply Filters to begin your search.

92 Using Filtering After applying your selected filters, you may choose to edit those filters by clicking Edit Filters. You can clear the filters by clicking Reset Filters.

93 Using the Search Option
A second way to search for resources is to use the search bar in the upper right corner of the screen. Type key words in the oval next to the magnifying glass. Press the enter or return key on your computer to begin your search. Resources containing these words will be displayed.

94 Sorting Resources The third way to search for resources is to use the Sort feature. You can change the way resources are listed using the sort box on the left side of the screen under the filter categories. By default, resources are listed with the newest showing first. When you click on Sort by: Newest, a drop-down menu appears that allows you to sort by Most Viewed or Highest Rated.

95 Interactive Modules Interactive modules are of 4 types: Assessment Literacy, ELA Exemplary Instructional, Math Exemplar Instructional, and Score Reports. They provide opportunities for Digital Library users to learn more about a balanced assessment system and how to implement the intent of the Common Core State Standards using the Formative Assessment Process. All of them include interactive learning events and most include an animated or live action vignette. When the project is complete, there will be 102 modules – look for more of them to become available throughout the Preview Period. To find these interactive modules, filter using the Module Types dropdown menu.

96 Interactive Modules Choose one of the four Module types (not all will be available in the initial Preview Period): Assessment Literacy Modules, ELA Exemplar Instructional Modules, Math Exemplar Instructional Modules Interim and Summative Score Report Modules Select the module type you are interested in by checking the box. Click Apply Filters.

97 Interactive Modules All available modules for the type you chose will appear. Click on the title of the module to access them.

98 Favorites The first step in favoriting a resource is to open it up.
Recall that you find resources when you are in the Digital Library Resource tab. Open a resource by clicking on the title in the card or list view.

99 Favorites After clicking on a resource, you are taken to the resource page. At the top of this page you will find the resource title, resource type, author, and owner. To the right of this information is a heart followed by Add to Favorites. Click this to add the resource to your favorites list.

100 Favorites Once clicked, the Heart turns from gray to red. Click it again to un-favorite the resource, or remove it from your favorites list. Check to confirm that your resource was added to your favorite list in the top right corner of the Digital Library. If successful, the number on the Favorites bar will increase and the words “Added to Favorites” will appear briefly beside the Search box.

101 Favorites Clicking on the Favorites bar in the upper right corner will take you to the Favorites tab on your Personal Profile page. Here, you will find all of the resources you have marked as Favorite. The list includes the Resource Type and the Date Added to your Favorites list.

102 Forums

103 Forums

104 More Information Available under “Digital Library” at the state’s Smarter Balanced website:

105 Support & Professional Learning
Available at the state’s Smarter Balanced website:


107 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

108 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

109 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

110 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

111 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

112 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

113 Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4
So, How Do We Use the DL? Finding a Resource Fractions – Grade 4

114 The Resource

115 The Resource

116 The Resource

117 The Resource

118 The Resource


120 Networking Lunch 11:30-12:30 PM

121 Please Tweet your thoughts to: #WVCIL
Give us your thoughts… Please Tweet your thoughts to: #WVCIL

122 Moving Toward the Learning School Concept
JoEllen Killion, Learning Forward

123 Zoom WV and Zoom WVe Georgia Hughes-Webb Data Governance Manager, WVDE Office of Research, Accountability, and Data Governance

124 ZoomWV: The single source for Pre-K through Grade 12 education information.
Slides 1-6 (10 min)

125 What is ZoomWV? Single source for PK-12 education information in West Virginia Reporting tools to support decision making Usable, timely, accurate information Support for student achievement Supplement to the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS)

126 One Voice, One Focus . . . Provide information to guide decisions that promote and support student achievement

127 ZoomWV & ZoomWV-e are powered by information from WOW, with FERPA as the ever-present sidekick.

128 ZoomWV Components Public Site Educator Portal

129 ZoomWV ZoomWV-e Public site Secure, private site Available for anyone
Available for educators by role No log-on/credentials required Requires secure, authenticated log-on Reports from certified, locked data collections Reports information from transactional student information system Updated annually/semi-annually Updated nightly No student-level information (aggregate only) Both aggregate and student-level information (available by role) Reports from WVEIS Easy-to-use displays and filters Launched in December 2014 Launched in June 2015 Comparison of the two sites…

ZoomWV Data Dashboard The site is also printed on the ZoomWV handout in your folder.

The site is also printed on the ZoomWV handout in your folder.

132 ZoomWV Dashboards Aggregate information only
Disaggregated by subgroups Reports for accountability and transparency School Designations Enrollment Graduation Dropout* Attendance State Assessment Results Educator Information

ZoomWV for Educators The site is also printed on the ZoomWV handout in your folder.

134 ZoomWV-e: Secure Firewall and DMZ Secure, authenticated log-on
Authenticated through WVDE Active Directory Limited access Role-based rights/permissions

135 ZoomWV-e: Customized Dashboards differ by role:
Teachers: Students they instruct Principals: Students and staff at their school Superintendents: Students and staff in their district Information available depends on access level

136 ZoomWV-e Role-Based Info
*District: Summary At Risk Enrollment Attendance Discipline Grades/Marks Courses Graduation Rate Programs Staff Post Secondary Special Ed. + Assessment + Student Search + Finance

137 ZoomWV-e Role-Based Info
School: At Risk School Monitor Enrollment Attendance Discipline Assessment School Processes Programs + Assessment + Student Search

138 ZoomWV-e Role-Based Info
Classroom: Overall Summary Course-Specific Progress Marks Student List Class Proficiency Course Work + Student Search

139 ZoomWV is Growing ZoomWV and ZoomWV-e are both live!
But still developing . . . Some data are being reformatted/reconfigured Dashboards are being tweaked We have much more we want to do! Help desk available Trouble tickets and ideas/needs

140 See ZoomWV in Action!

141 Let’s Talk Data! What is your current process for examining and interpreting data? How can staff use ZoomWV-e in data interpretation and decision-making? What information is going to be most helpful? What other information do you need? How can WVDE support you?

142 QUESTIONS? Slides (5 min)

143 Contact Us! Georgia Hughes-Webb Brian Nichols
Data Governance Specialist Brian Nichols SLDS Coordinator

144 Resources for Professional and Personalized Learning
WV TREE WV Teacher Resources for Educational Excellence Teresa Hammond, Assistant Director, Office of Early Learning

145 WV TREE a one stop, grade specific site highlighting WV Next Generation Content Standards and Objectives, resources, and links that are essential to the classroom teacher. The resources include grade specific lessons, professional learning, and guidance documents crafted to help enhance teaching practice and guide the classroom teacher in the art of teaching. WV TREE

146 The Importance of Building Capacity Within Schools

147 Please Tweet your final thoughts to: #WVCIL
Give us your thoughts… Please Tweet your final thoughts to: #WVCIL

148 Make your reservations
Next Meeting A Yearlong Journey for Professional Learning: From Aspiration to Implementation October 26-27, 2015 Embassy Suites Charleston, WV Be inspired! Make your reservations

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